
Winter Days *7*

Ok so either people are going to think I'm a literary genius and SUPER original after they read this OR OR OR they are going to hate me....

Let's hope for the first one.



Namine and the two men in white suits went past the club you were just in and continued to walk. You curiously glanced back at the club but continued to follow the three of them. Finally they reached the city's main street and that's when it started to get hard to follow them. With all crowds and pushing people you were considering just giving up and going back to the club. Then one of the men grabbed Namine by the forearm making her cry out in pain. He whispered something harshly and she nodded her head. Your eyes widened and you picked up your pace. You followed them past the hotel and all the way to the end of main street where a tall building sat. It was monstrous in size. When you looked up you couldn't even see the top of it. There was a large jumbo screen sitting on the outside of the building. The size of this screen made the one in New York look like a home TV. The men and Namine walked in and you stepped in as well. Fear crept into your body as you stepped in and realized you could no longer see the three of them. You scanned the crowds around the room quickly when a pair of rough hands covered your face from behind. They kept your mouth shut so you couldn't speak and dragged you backwards into a door.

You were now in a white hallway. The door shut with a click. The man let go of your face and you let out a scream.

"Sound proof walls", He chuckled in a deep voice, "Scream all you want."

You stopped screaming and turned to look at your captor. He had on a full white suit with white tie and white shoes. His eyes were a dark brown, and his hair was actually normal looking compared to hairstyles you've seen here. It was a simple short brown hair cut.

"Where's Namine?!" You cried glancing down the white hallway. You couldn't even see any doors.

"Your friend? She's fine...for now. If you want to see her unharmed you'll follow me and keep quiet." He began to walk down the hallway away from you. You looked back at the door he dragged you in through. This was your last chance. You could run out that door and there was no way he could stop you, but if you did you could lose Namine forever. Without another pause you began to run down the hall to catch up with the man. You thought you heard him chuckle, but he said nothing else.

The man led you to the end of the hallway where he pressed a button in the wall. The wall opened up to reveal a glass elevator. You stepped in behind him as the doors shut. He pressed a button and it began to move up. You watched the city of lights grow smaller and smaller as you rose higher and higher. Before you knew it the elevator had stopped and everything on the ground below seemed minuscule. He grabbed your arm and dragged you out. As you were pulled out you noticed the floor number glowing. '188'. You were on the top floor.

"[N-Name]?" Namine cried.

You spun around to see her sitting on a plush red love seat. There were two men in white suits, just like the one with you, who stood at attention in either side of the red seat. "Namine!" You ran forward and hugged her. She pulled you down beside her. Namine's eyes were red and her face was tear stricken.

"What happened? Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they?" You asked rapidly glancing over her to check that she wasn't hurt. Namine shook her head and wiped her face.

"I-I'm fine but [Name] they hurt Gabe!" She couldn't hold back the sob that erupted, "We were- We were walking back from the park and they snuck up behind us. Gabe fought off the first one but the other guy had some sort of- of gun thing. They shot him and- and there was so much blood [Name]-"

Namine's voice trailed off as she started to cry again. You wrapped your arms around her and let her cry into your shoulder.

'Gabe...' You thought. If Namine's story was accurate, which you had no doubt it was, then Gabe was still out in the cold bleeding badly.

The three men left the room to walk into an adjoining room leaving you and Namine alone.

"What do they want from you Namine?" You whispered.

She remained quiet for a moment. Slowly she wiped her face again. You noticed the blood spots on the edge of her dress but you weren't sure if it was hers or Gabe's. She looked up at you sadly. "They want me to marry the Prince."

Your mouth fell open. They had kidnapped Namine from her boyfriend to force her to marry some prince. For a moment you sat in stunned silence. Was it possible you heard her wrong?

"But- We- I...[Name] it was an accident we weren't thinking- I wasn't thinking! We-", Namine's tears returned, "[Name] I'm pregnant."

At that moment your heart stopped and your blood ran cold. This couldn't be right. None of this. Namine couldn't have been kidnapped for forced marriage. She couldn't be pregnant with Gabe's child. This had to be a nightmare. You closed your eyes and willed yourself to wake up, but nothing changed. You still sat on the too soft love seat beside a crying Namine.

"When did you- When did you find out?" You asked.

"Before we left. We wanted to keep it a secret until after the holidays. He gave me a ring [Name], he loves me...I don't want to marry some prince [Name]! I don't want Gabe to die!" Namine began to sob hysterically. For the first time you noticed the silver diamond ring around her finger. Never before had you seen Namine this hysterical and quite frankly you didn't know what to do.

The doors opened and the men came back. They grabbed the two of you and dragged you both into the room. The room was decorated with red, gold, and silver colors. The room's two side walls were just plain windows to see out of. Across the room was a large mahogany desk. Behind it was an entire wall of TV screens. Sitting in the desk's maroon desk chair was an older man. He had tanned skin that stretched across his face and eyes were a bright green. His hair was a thick chestnut color that went down to the base of his neck. It was slicked back and he had a goatee that was the same color. All in all he looked almost fake. He gave the two of you a warm dazzling white smile and stood up with arms wide open. He was wearing a fine black suit, with a black under shirt and black tie.

"Hello! My you've found two gorgeous girls. Good job men!" He said. His voice was wasn't to deep and held a tone of authority. He had the same accent as many people from around here. It sounded almost British like but mixed with something else.

"She's the one we grabbed for your son", One of the men said mooning towards Namine, "The other just followed us."

Your eyes widened, "Wait you're the King of Passim?!"

The moment the words left your mouth one if the men hit you making you fall to the ground. "[Name]!" Namine cried.

"Don't speak to his majesty in such a manner!"

You slowly got back up. "Tsk tsk Tsk." The King sighed, "I apologize about my men. They take it to the extreme when it comes to protecting my respect. What's your name again dear?"

"[Name]." You replied.

He nodded, "Well take Miss [Name] here back to where you found her. I only need one."

They grabbed you and began to drag you back, but you fought and stuccoed against them. "Wait!" You yelled, but they kept pulling you back, "Wait! Namine!" You continued to struggle but as they began to pull you through the door you blurted out, "She's pregnant!"

The men stopped and let you go. Your momentum almost made you crash into the ground but you caught yourself at last minute. Namine was your friend and you wanted her to be happy. That was only going to happen if she was with Gabe though. You threw yourself between her and the king.

"She's pregnant and engaged." You said between ragged breaths, "If you force her to marry your son she'll fight it forever, but...If you let me take her place and let her go unharmed, then I'll do whatever you want me to."

"[Name] no!" Namine cried. The King studied you for a moment. You shuddered involuntarily as you watched his eyes trace your body's figure. He roughly grabbed your face and turned it in each direction studying you closer. Finally he let you go and nodded. "Fine. Take this one away." The King motioned towards Namine.

The men came and grabbed Namine. "No! [Name] no! I can't let you do this!" She cried as they dragged her out. They shut the door behind them leaving you in the room alone with him. He ignored you for a moment and walked over to his desk. He pressed a few buttons and a video camera came down out if the ceiling.

"I have to make the announcement of my son and your engagement. You will smile and be happy and if you can't convince me of that I'll bring your friend back here. Understood?" He asked. You nodded and he pushed you to the side. "What's your full name?"

"[Name] [Middle Name] [Surname]." You mumbled.

He nodded and fixed his suit and hair. After a moment a little red light began to blink. "Smile now." He growled. You forced a bright smile on your face despite all the pain you felt.

The red light stopped blinking and instead became a steady light.

"Greetings Passim. This is your King, Cullen Bryant, speaking. I have absolutely wonderful news! My son has finally decided on who his bride will be. I'm here with the lovely young lady right now and I must say that I am impressed with my son's choice. She's gorgeous and has a personality to match. May I introduce the next queen of Passim..."

The video camera panned away from you to him. You gave a big smile and waved to the camera. It took all your strength to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

"[Name] [Middle Name] [Surname]! Isn't she lovely?" The King asked. The camera panned back to him. He continued talking but you tuned him out. Your thoughts were on your friends. Were they watching this right now? Was [BOC]? After a moment you began to listen to what he was saying. "Unfortunately that's all the time we have. I must get his soon to be bride back to him before he has a throws a fit. Have a wonderful evening."

The light turned off and the camera rose back into the ceiling. He fixed his tie and motioned for you to follow him out the door. The three men were waiting for you but this time there was no Namine.

"Take her to the castle." The King ordered.

The men grabbed you and began to drag you away again. "Wait! What about my friends? Can't I tell them goodbye?" You asked the King.

He smiled a sickly sweet smile and shook his head, "No."


I would first like to say this:

Ok so I honestly am not for teen pregnancy. I personally plan to wait until after I'm married. So by all means do not think I am pushing for all my readers to run out and have a baby.

Sorry to all anti Gabe/Namine fans, but for this story to go where I plan for it to go THIS HAD TO HAPPEN. Remember,

(hopefully my inbox doesnt overflow with hate mail...)