
Winter Days *2*

Ok so we got some new characters in this one and some more are gonna show up in the next few chapters too! :D By the way any new guy character you see is NOT a result. I just wouldnt feel comfortable trying to fit them into my plot :/ So sorry, but two of the new characters (they are KH/FF not OCs) are gonna end up sticking around ;)

Im gonna try and finish uploading all of Summer Days before I get serious about this one. It's just I want to expand my readers on Wattpad a little more and I wouldnt feel comfortable asking them to read my story on Quizilla AND THEN come here ya know?

Anyways sorry for the long A/N. If you havent heard the song I posted in the very first thing of WD (not the chapter but the disclaimer) it's there now. The story part of the disclaimer also explains what that song stands for in this series. Enjoy the chapter! :D



"Are we there yet?"

You could basically see Cid silently fuming in his pilot seat from where you sat. Sora had decided to sit up there with Cid and ask every few minutes if they were there yet. Surprisingly though, Cid hadn't killed Sora yet.

"Are we there-", Sora began to ask again when Cid angrily slammed his hand down on a button. Sora flinched at the noise. Without a single word Cid rose from his seat, grabbed Sora by his jacket collar, and literally shoved him out of the cockpit. Cid slammed the door shut and you could hear him switch the lock. You laughed silently to yourself at Sora's innocent expression.

"You're lucky he didn't kill you Sora." Leon, his older brother, explained. He was leaning his head back, and until now you thought he had been fast asleep.

"I would've." Angeal grumbled. He had his legs stretched out and his hands behind his head.

"Excuse me dear friend." Zack said trying to pass Angeal. Before Angeal could move, Zack grabbed his legs and threw them to the side making Angeal fall sideways in his seat.

"Fair!" He growled, but Zack paid him no mind. He just continued to make his way over towards you, Axel, Ven, Yuffie, and Xion.

"Is it too late to deal me in?" He grinned. You were surprised he had come all the way from across the room just to play BS with your group. Zack pushed Ven roughly to the side and squeezed into the spot beside you at the table. Ven grumbled under his breath.

"Of course not. Deal him in so I can destroy him." Axel smirked. Zack rolled his eyes and you chuckled.

"But we've already started this round!" Yuffie complained. Zack's smile faltered and you handed him your hand.

"I'm tired of playing", You gave him a smile, "You can play for me."

Zack's smile came back, "Thanks [Name]!"

You stayed at the table to watch though. This morning at 3 AM everyone met at Cid's garage to load onto the Gummi ship heading for Passim. So far you've been on the ship for nearly three hours and according to what Cid had said, before you all took off, it was a five hour trip to Passim. Which meant you still had two hours to go. After watching them play a few rounds of BS, where Axel and Zack got super competitive, you stood up and went to lay down somewhere. You passed Namine and Gabe who were watching movie through a small portable device. They were still dating and still looked as cute together as they were before. Leon, Cloud, Angeal, Sora, Riku, and Auron were all still sitting near the front of the ship by the cockpit. You weren't sure which of them were sleeping if any were sleeping at all. Zexion was reading a book outside of the small cabins you were heading to. You gave him a smile as you passed, and then entered the room. The lights were off and there were three bunk beds lined up nicely. In the room sleeping was basically everyone else. Tifa was sleeping on the bottom of the first bunk while Kairi was on the top of that one. The next bunk had Terra at the top and Demyx on the bottom. The last bunk had Roxas on the top and Reno on the bottom. You frowned at the lack of room. Considering how tired you were you actually considered just lying on the ground and going to sleep. As you considered it Reno slowly woke up. The light from the door was hitting him in the face. You noticed it and shut the door behind you.

"Sorry Reno." You whispered quietly hoping not to wake anyone else up.

"Nah it's fine. Is everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just gonna take a nap." You nodded and slowly laid down on the floor between Demyx's bunk and Reno's.

"Well don't be silly come here." Reno scooted to the far side of his bed so he was pressed up against the wall. You sat up and glanced at him skeptically.

"Are you sure it won't be a problem? I mean you were here first." You said quietly. Reno chuckled and reached over to lightly grab the crook of your arm. He pulled you up on the bed so your head was on the pillow.

"Have a nice nap [Name]." Reno yawned. You smiled as your eyes already began to shut.

"Thanks Reno." You murmured before drifting off into a deep slumber.

"I say we get the bucket of water."

"You've been around Cloud to much Venny my boy."

"No. I've had cold water dumped on me to many times. It'd be nice to do it to someone else for a change."

You lifted your head up and squinted at the bright light that was hitting your face.

"Good you're awake." Axel said. You could hear the smirk in his voice. As your eyes began to adjust to the light you saw Ven offer his hand to help you up. You took his hand, but as you tried to slide forward you realized Reno had his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. Axel rolled his eyes, grabbed his brother's hand, and threw it off you. You chuckled as they helped you up.

"What's going on?" You asked as you stretched your arms over your head with a big yawn. Ven led you out of the room as Axel began to wake the others in a rude manner.

"We're here [Name]." Ven smiled. His words brought a grin to your face. All the slight fatigue you still felt from waking up was now gone. You pushed past Ven and ran through the empty cabin towards the ship's doors.

Everybody was standing outside the door talking in excited tones. They all had their bags of clothing and other items with them. You turned around to go back for your bag when Leon lifted his hand. Hanging from his hand was your duffel bag filled with clothes. You smiled and thanked him before taking it.

Cid had parked the ship in a Gummi ship parking lot of sorts. All around the ship was other large and small ships ranging in various colors. It wasn't snowing but you could tell by the thin layer of snow on some of the ships and the ground that it just had. You could also tell by the thick layer of grey clouds in the sky that it was going to snow again soon.

"[Name] isn't this so exciting!" Sora cheered from between Kairi and Riku. Axel came up behind you with Reno, Demyx, and Terra. They were the only three that had still been asleep besides you.

"Well we're parked on the hotel rooftop right now...We still have to go check in front though...Don't be a moron... Alright bye." Cid hung up his phone with a shake of his head. "Snow is coming for a visit."

Your eyebrows perked up at the mention of the name. Yuffie noticed and grinned.

"Do you know Snow from the games?! He's Cid's nephew here! Is he in the games too?!" Yuffie asked loudly. You shot her a glare to lower her voice. They all knew that you used to play video games with them as the main characters. Most of the time the topic was never brought up unless one of them got curious. You didn't know that Cid and Snow would be related though.

"Yeah I do, but i didn't know they were related." You nodded. You shifted your weight from foot to foot as everyone's eyes were on you.

"Oh leave her be. I want to check into our rooms and get freshened up before we go exploring." Tifa broke the awkward silence that had risen up. Everyone nodded in agreement and began to walk to the elevator that would take them from the rooftop parking to the main lobby.