In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.
Hey everyone!
Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating! Hope your day's a blast, filled with all the good stuff – from laughter to delicious feasts.
Quick heads-up: I'll be taking a mini-vacay over the next few days to spend time with family and friends. Gotta soak in that holiday cheer, you know?
So, story time: I won't be dropping updates for a bit. But fear not! I'll be back before you know it with more chapters. Even writers need a quick break now and then to recharge!
This downtime's gonna help me unwind and gear up for the new story I've been itching to start. Yep, you already know a new story is coming, folks! Your (my paying customers lmao) input still matters, and the voting poll's sticking around until the New Year (on my p-word page). That's when I'll dive into the results and figure out what story I'll weave next.