
Winning At Life As The Primordial God In The Omniverse With A Harem

Waking in the some sort of void space was not something I had In mind for a Saturday. Nor was being told I'm a Primordial God, now. Oh, did I also tell you I can travel to any reality I could think of? OP I know. But not OP enough. So let's get some power ups why don't We~? And possible a Harem, who knows~? ~~~~~~ [ Disclaimer: This is a side project I will be writing whenever I feel like it or in the mood to write this. Furthermore, this could count as a kind of wish-fulfillment Fanfic and a crack Fanfic as I will write anything that comes to my mind and see what happens...*PS: I was high as hell when I wrote this so let's see how it goes.*] ~~~~~~ Extra Tags: Planeswalker MC | ~~~~~~ Update Schedule: Whenever I feel like it. Probably 1-to-2 chapters a week. ~~~~~~ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. PS: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. If you so happened to see sometimes you know or seem before, then I probably copied some ideas from them. PSS: Support: [The Dark Wolf Shiro]... My high self copied some of his ideas(chapters, only 2 and half of them). He's an amazing Author who got me into Fanfics, so show him some love from the Webnovel Family... PSSS: Logic doesn't apply here, so please leave it in a safe place where you can get it back after reading this fanfic~! Have Fun~!:)

PrimordialFate · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2: Planeswalker! Overlord!



" *Yawn~* You're a great place to sleep on," Quinella yawned out rubbing her eyes a few times. Blinking them, she found Shiro is still caressing her head and hair affectionately as he hums a pleasant tune with his eyes closed.

" I will take that as a compliment," Shiro said opening his eyes that sparkled bright golden in color, before returning to their original color - a deep abyss black.

" Good, because this is my new sleeping place. You don't mind, Right~?" Quinella said smiling with puppy dog eyes asking for a treat.

" Sure, I don't mind," Shiro said nonchalantly with a carefree smile still caressing Quinella's head and hair.

" Mmm~ About We go get some subordinates?" Quinella asked changing the subject and not minding Shiro fingers playing with her hair, which she found oddly relaxing.

" Subordinates? Can't I just make some?" Shiro inquired in confusion.

" You could. But where's the fun doing that? Moreover, if We go to a new world you could get some more worshipers." Quinella nodded, then explained," Plus, I'm bored," She added basking in Shiro's affectionate caring hands closing her eyes with a smile.

" That's what it all comes down to right? Boredom." Shiro let out as he smiled seeing Quinella's beautiful smile.

" Yup~ Boredom is a Bitch with a capital B," Quinella admitted popping the B getting even more comfortable on Shiro's lap.

" Mmm~ I guess. Only because you asked and I don't want to be bored out of my mind also." Shiro confessed as his eyes shivered, thinking about it.

" Oh yes. I forgot to tell you. As a Primordial God, you are technically a Planeswalker." Quinella said as her eyes opened.

" Planeswalker..." Shiro mumbled the name thinking about it. Well, as a Planeswalkers he can travel to other planes of existence, myriads of different realities all simultaneously coexisting within the same expanded cosmology. These Planes are often multi-layered and likely endless in number, though they are usually organized into local cosmologies centered on a prime nexus plane.

While higher and more experience Planeswalkers can create pathways of their very own that links to any specific place within any plane of existence that could go beyond their own cosmology, opening and closing doors to travel in and out to new worlds beyond their universe, even create crossroads to different dimensions regardless of their nature within said existence to travel into new realities, time streams and even metaphysical realms.

While traveling through Planes the Planeswalkers will find out the inhabitants exist in an infinite diversity of forms and natures, meaning Planeswalkers are bound to meet untold wonders and dangers during their travels, as well as find exotic artifacts, arcane knowledge, and unique power sources.

" Do I just think about traveling somewhere and it happens?" Shiro inquired with a calm expression.

" Yup you got it~ You can even pick an AU where the main character doesn't exist. Or even take the role of the main character with your own body." Quinella exampled In her bored manner.

" So for example, let's say the anime Overlord: I can take the role of the Supreme Being of the Great Tomb of Nazarick?" Shiro asked as his eyes sparkled sinisterly.

" Affirmative," Quinella said nodding lazily, now playing with Shiro's long raven beautiful hair as she thought with a twitching lip seeing and feeling his hair,' His hair and skin are better than mine. Me a girl. This should be a crime. It really should.'

" Then I guess We have our first destination~" Shiro smiled as he said in a sing-song voice that sounded oddly pleasant to Quinella.

" We do? The Overlord anime world?" Quinella questioned then answered it right after.

" Yup~!" Saying this his mind and brain worked together and found a world fit for his taste. Following this, he and Quinella disappeared through a void black portal that has demonic teeth surrounding it.


Overlord. Is definitely the most 'interesting' anime he could think of with the right amount of badassness and beautiful woman In it. In the canon Overlord Momonga is a God amongst mortals, the strongest that the world has to offer can barely handle the weakest Nazarick has.

When Shiro read the light novels, his biggest problem was how wimpy Momonga usually acted. Even when Nazarick started to take it's rightful place, ruling over the weaker kingdoms it was only because Demiurge misunderstood a single sentence from Momonga. If Shiro can take his place, and his powers he'd be in a far more secure position.

Plus gaining Nazarick and its inhabitants for himself would be perfect, he'd never need to fight his own battles again with Albedo as a follower. The more he thought about the more appealing it seems. Albedo, Shalltear, Aura, the Battle Maids, he wants them all. With a Harem of super-powered waifus he'd be unstoppable. It definitely seems like the obvious choice.




Opening his eyes, Shiro felt a his head is on fire as countless Spells are forced into his mind. Momonga might have been a bit wimpy personality-wise but you can't deny that he's clearly a genius when it comes to magic. Hundreds of Skill pop-ups filled Shiro's vision as he suddenly remembers a small bit of trivia about Momonga, he had a special ability called Dark Wisdom, allowing him to learn up to 718 spells. 718 spells which were currently being forced into his head. This is a great thing, truly it is. At least him being a Primordial God he doesn't feel any pain from it.

After what seemed like an eternity the notifications disappeared leaving only 1 single pop-up.

Blinking his eyes a few times, In front of him, floats a blue hologram screen with white letters.

[ Connecting to Yggdrasil... Done! System Installed!]

[ Skill Set Added [Momonga the Overlord]!...]

Convenient. It would have taken entirely too long to close them all one by one, checking his skills list there are now 2 categories Shiro the Primordial God and Momonga the Overlord. Clicking Momonga the list expands massively, Shiro doubts he'll ever use even a quarter of these spells, quickly scanning the list for his favourite Overlord spell it doesn't take long to find it.

[ Grasp Heart - (Active) LVL: MAX.

500 MP to use.

Grasp Heart is a 9th tier spell, that crushes the targets heart causing instant death.]

' It's beautiful,' Shiro thought seeing the spell.

Now that all the notifications disappeared, Shiro notices that a new door has opened showing a dark purple void behind it. Stepping carefreely through the door a new pop-up appears.

[ Please Select Form: [Human]---[Skeleton]...]

As much as Shiro loves Momonga's badass skeleton appearance there are some things that he's just not willing to lose...

Especially if he wants to have a Harem, then he's going to require that particular body part, so he quickly selects human.

Once again Shiro's vision is filled with notifications, only this time they are far more welcome. The sight of so many Level pop-up ups is a glorious and unexpected thing.

' I knew Momonga was level 100, but I did not expect this. This game is broken, completely broken, what kind of poorly designed game lets you skip 100 levels just by starting the first world. It's completely nonsensical and broken. I love it.' Shiro thought as his eyes flickered a couple of times before coming down.

With these thoughts, Shiro disappeared once more through a void door/portal.


[***Overlord Anime***]


Opening his eyes once more, Shiro was greeted by a conference room, with a large white round table that he sat at.

' I recognise this, it's the first scene just after the slime leaves. So I must be in Nazarick just before it gets teleported to the new world.' Shiro thought looking around with a smirk.

Upon further inspection shows that he's wearing Momonga's robes open at the chest revealing his muscled yet slim chest and his smooth and milky skin that is far better than most women's.

' Now, normally I'd never wear something that showed off my chest, but then again normally I don't look like an Olympic athlete, so I'll roll with it. If you've got it, flaunt it I guess.' Shiro thought looking at his chest and his new robes.

Grabbing the golden staff floating on a pedestal, Shiro headed out towards the throne room,  he has some vague knowledge of the layout from Momonga so finding his way around isn't going to be complicated. As he travels, Shiro tries to recall what happens in season 1 so he can work out some kind of plan. Not much happens in episode 1, he doesn't think, Momonga meets Hero Hero, Nazarick gets transported, Momonga gropes Albedo (can't blame the guy) and then there's the oath of loyalty scene. So nothing he needs to worry about.

As he reachs the throne room Shiro can see Sebas and the Combat Maids of Pleiades standing guard outside it, Sebas looks seriously cool, butlers usually do for some reason, still, if he hadn't read some

of the LN and watched the anime he would have no idea he was so powerful. The maids are beautiful, even Entoma even though he knows her face is just a bug mask, still he needs to make sure she doesn't lose to Evileye when that arc happens, it'd be a black mark on Nazarick to have one of his Maids lose to some vampire loli. He'll make sure she has some additional support when that event happens, If that event happens. Guess he should have them follow him so he can quickly send out Sebas to scout after they get transported.

" Follow." There's no point saying anything more now, they're just emotionless NPC's right now, it'd be a waste of words.

With them following him, Shiro headed through the giant metal doors into the throne room. Right besides the throne, His Throne, is Albedo. She's even more beautiful than he expected and he is suddenly glad Momonga's robes are so loose, she was always his favourite. Shiro always has loved the crazy Yandere types. Why? well, he doesn't know why, It's probably his inner psychopath/sociopath talking to him.

" Stand By." Sending the maids and Sebas off to the side Shiro takes a seat on his glorious throne, which is a power trip all by itself. It makes the fact that this is all his feel so much more real. Even though he doesn't know his own past, he thinks the old him would be proud for both of them. Looking over, Shiro can see Albedo is smiling at him. He's not some stuttering virgin...he thinks? But Albedo is a work of art, from her long black silky hair with those cute horns on either side of her head to her entrancing yellow eyes, not to mention the sinfully sexy body wrapped in a tight white dress. 

Suddenly Shiro remembers what else Momonga did in episode 1, quickly opening her settings and skipping through the ridiculously long log to the end he found what he's looking for. ' By the way, on the inside, she's a bitch.'

' There's something wrong with her creator, oh well I have the staff so I can change it however I want.' Shiro thought seeing some odd add on's to her.

' She is deeply in love with Shiro, but doesn't mind sharing him.' Why worry about her being going psycho when he can just change her very settings to suit his needs. Is it scummy? Yes, but can you eat it? No, so get your panties out of a bunch and go put your big boy/girl pants on.

" Kneel." With a single word, everyone in the room drops to their knees, again a complete power trip, the sight of these monstrously strong beings are kneeling before him is sending his ego up to entirely new heights. This feels right like he was born to do this. Looking around Shiro can see the flags of each former guild member, Momonga would have seen this as nostalgic and sad, he do not. If he didn't think the guardians (their creations) would object he'd rip them down and burn them. 

They are relics of the past, he's Nazarick's future. At the very least he can be thankful they made this mighty tomb for him to rule over, and that they left all their powerful gear in the treasury.

Only seconds left till teleportation time, Shiro closed his eyes and wait for this world to truly begin. Suddenly he can feel a wave of powerful magic pass over him and smile, it has begun...