
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



As the years passed, Elminster's understanding of the winds of magic deepened, and he gradually overcame the fear that initially gripped his heart. These two years were a tumultuous journey of exploration, filled with the constant apprehension of what might lie hidden within the currents of magic that surrounded him.

His turning point came during their travels, a practice that had become an integral part of his life. While exploring the world with his mother, Elmi began to notice peculiar patterns. The winds of magic seemed to converge and diverge at specific locations, forming a complex network of mystical currents. This revelation struck him like a bolt of lightning during their visit to the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. There, he observed that all the winds of magic around Egypt seemed to flow to or from these ancient monuments.

This experience was far from unique; as they journeyed, he would always convince her mother to visit sites that winds of magic converced upon. He visited many other sites of mystical significance like Machu Picchu, Carnac, and Uluru, the winds of magic consistently exhibited the same behavior. These points of convergence were scattered across the globe, forming an intricate web that interconnected the magical energies of the world.

These ley line points were not isolated phenomena but part of a vast network of magic that crisscrossed the Earth. Knowledge about the existence of numerous ley line points all over the world was a piece of general knowledge among the wizards and witches. Even within Great Britain alone, there were eight such locations. His journeys had taken him to approximately 50 points in 10 different countries, and this allowed him to come to a realization.

The realization that the winds of magic weren't connected to a different dimension but were an integral part of the world itself brought Elminster a profound sense of comfort and relief. It alleviated his fears that the winds of magic could serve as a gateway for the Chaos Gods to invade their world.

This newfound knowledge provided so much relief to Elminster that words are inadequate to describe it. With the reassurance that the winds of magic were not linked to the Chaos Gods, Elminster felt a newfound sense of security. He understood that the arcane power he possessed was not tainted by dark forces. This realization emboldened him to begin practicing the five unique spells he had gained as part of his boon.

Unlike traditional wizards who relied on wands as their arcane conduits, Elminster's very body was the source of his magical power when he used those spells.

Elminster continued to explore the enigmatic Lore of Stealth, perfecting his understanding of these spells and their applications. This private practice became a daily routine. The magical woodland behind their estate had always held a special place in his heart, especially since his father's passing. When his father was alive, they would go camping in the woods every weekend when he was at home. This woodland was not home to dangerous creatures, except for the presence of centaurs who had never shown any inclination to harm a child. On the contrary, they would make sure to keep a child safe.

The woodland was a cherished part of their estate, and the Fawley family had a long-standing agreement with the centaurs who called it home. Elminster's father, Corvious, had gone a step further and welcomed more centaurs to live freely within the woods. The bonds between the family and these majestic beings were strong, and the peaceful coexistence was evident in the harmony that prevailed.

After the notorious Dark Forest near Hogwarts, this woodland was home to the second-largest centaur colony. It was a haven of safety and tranquility for Elminster, and his mother held no reservations about him spending entire weeks exploring its depths. The enchanting woodlands provided a sanctuary where Elminster could practice his spells, surrounded by the natural beauty and the mystical presence of centaur kin. It was his refuge, a place of growth, wonder, and magical exploration.

Elminster's curiosity about his newfound powers and their potential depths was unquenchable. The Lore of Stealth, while being the weakest lore of magic in the vast Warhammer Universe, had ignited his fascination. He couldn't help but wonder if there were other Lores of magic that might become accessible to him. The Lores of Fire, Nature, and Shadow intrigued him, offering a world of possibilities beyond the Lore of Stealth since they were among the strongest, in his opinion.

However, what piqued his curiosity even more was the existence of dark, demonic, and undead spells within these Lores. Elminster wondered if he would be capable of wielding such dark and sinister forces and if he would be able to harness their power. These mysteries of his newfound abilities were a source of both intrigue and caution, and he knew that he had only begun to scratch the surface of its potential.


Elmi's woodland adventures continued as he ventured deeper into the magical forest, captivated by its mysteries. At just seven years old, he had already become a regular explorer of this enchanted realm.

One day, while walking through the woods, he heard the unmistakable sound of rustling bushes, and before his very eyes, something jumped out of the underbrush. However, all he saw was a fleeting footprint left in the mud. Elmi's extensive knowledge of magical creatures led him to believe it might be a Demiguise, known for their invisibility, as no Thestrals resided in these woods and the footprint was simian.

The Demiguise followed around him for a while, its behavior both curious and elusive, before darting away into the depths of the forest. Demiguises were not native to England, and this one, along with its family, had been rescued by Elmi's father from poachers who sought to harm them. Due to unforeseen circumstances, his father had been unable to return them to their native habitat in the Far East before his passing.

The forest was teeming with a variety of magical creatures; his father brought some, and some were native to here: Bowtruckles, Fwoopers, Nifflers, Knarls, Diricawls, Gnomes, fairies, and jarveys were just a few of the magical denizens that called these woods their home.

Elmi was well aware of the boundary that separated the more dangerous creatures on the other side of the forest, with the centaur colony nestled in between, acting as a protective barrier. It was possible for him to train and spend time here safely. Elmi started casting his spells until he was tired like always.

"Toxicus Nebula"

When cast, it conjured a small cloud of magical mist that gently rained down a faint and non-lethal toxin. This toxin had a mild corrosive effect on the surface of the targeted objects, making them appear weathered and aged. Additionally, it caused subtle drowsiness in any affected individuals.

This spell was derived from the toxic rain spell from the lore of stealth. At this stage, he could only perform the weakest version of the spell, which conjured a minor cloud of toxic mist for harmless pranks and minor inconveniences. However, Elminster was aware that there were two more advanced versions of the spell within the Lore of Stealth, each more potent than the last. He may not have been able to cast them yet, but he knew of their existence thanks to his knowledge of the lore of stealth. The dead tree he cast on became a bit more rotten, but it wasn't enough to topple it.