
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · สมัยใหม่
71 Chs

Civil Wedding

Chapter Fifty

"That Mr. George, dad, and Julienne were already planning for the wedding, which will take place on Tuesday in a hotel garden."

When Hyun-Ki arrived, he found Rielle cooking a meal and was amused when Rielle smiled so sweetly at him, setting aside his bad and ugly experience back then. He came behind Rielle and held her close with his warm embrace, and all the ill-feeling he had in his system changed to calmness and joy.

"You better change to fresh clothes first, Love, then we eat before I go back home," Rielle said in her gentle voice.

"But I need you here, Rielle; please stay with me," implored Hyun-Ki. Then a sliver of a moment, the doorbell rang, and Hwan Chul was at the door, facing worried.

"What brought you here this instance, Chul; you look so upset," Hyun-Ki remarked.

"That Mr. George, dad, and Julienne were already planning for the wedding, which will take place on Tuesday in a hotel garden. You know, dad, Hyeong never takes no for an answer. Even if you have not decided yet, he was in a hurry and determined to have this merger and your wedding with Julienne. He was thinking of bringing you to that wedding venue where you will sign the merger contract right after the wedding." Hwan Chul was worried.

Hyun-Ki turned on Rielle, standing and listening by his side, almost in tears, fearing losing him completely this time. Hyun-Ki hugged Rielle assuring her things would be okay. Hyun-Ki took something out of his suit's side pocket, and then holding Rielle's left hand, he knelt and said,

"Will you marry me now, Rielle?" Hyun-Ki was nervous again, fearing another rejection. But Rielle smiled joyfully in tears and replied, "yes, Hyun, I will marry you." So Hyun-Ki put the ring on her fourth finger on her left hand, and both embraced, filled with blissful emotions.

Hwan Chul was taken aback and then led his face down, in tears, feeling hurt, realizing he had now lost Rielle completely. Hyun-Ki hung his arm around Hwan Chul's shoulder and hugged him tightly, saying, "I believe that you love Rielle so much, Chul but let's face it, Rielle and I are in love and just be a sweet and loving brother-in-law, how about that?" Hyun-Ki uttered.

The two brothers shook hands and talked a little more, discussing how to outwit their dad. "I am thinking of having a Civil Wedding with Rielle so that dad and the Simons cannot do anything then." Hyun-Ki determined in his decision.

"I need you, Chul, to make this pull through. I am also thinking of getting Nancy and Wilson to witness our wedding, so by the time Dad puts me in that burning coal; I am done with him." Said Hyun-Ki, while holding Rielle close to his side.

"In that case, you have to act soon. How about your wedding clothes? You have to shop soon so that by Monday, you're off to your civil wedding," suggested Hwan Chul.

After a few more discussions about Hyun-Ki's plan, Hwan left for home.

"Rielle, I will bring you home tomorrow, and let me talk to your mom to ask for your hand to marry me. Spend time with your family because Monday is our wedding day, a start of a new life together, and you will move in with me after our wedding ceremony. You will soon be Mrs. Han Gabrielle Mari, my wife." Rielle's happy feelings cannot be measured at that moment, for, at last, she will marry her only love. Then Hyun-Ki thought of calling Nancy, a witness to their civil wedding.

"Hello, Nancy, Hyun-Ki here. Can I have you and Wilson present at our civil wedding on Monday? Maybe he knew a judge who could marry Rielle and me at the city hall?" Hyun-Ki was hoping for a positive reply.

"Is this real, Hyun? You and Rielle are getting married?" Nancy was so excited and was shouting Wilson's name to come to her and made the two men talk together over the phone.

"Yes, I can ask the mayor to marry you, so be there early because Mr. Mayor starts his official function at 8 am, and I am sure he will be happy to marry you off." Assured Wilson.

After the call, Hyun-Ki made another one, this time to his fashion designer-friend who once made Rielle's cocktail dress for the Business Group gathering.

"Hey, Vivica, I again need you because I am getting married. Can you rush a white dress for my fiancée for our civil wedding? And I need that for a very early time on Monday. Can you provide us again with your expertise?" asked Hyun.

"Why, of course, my dear Hyun, I had Rielle's fitting size so I can make a wedding dress for her and you. You can get it in the early morning of Monday." Hyun-Ki was now pleased and satisfied, for everything seemed to work in their favor.

Rielle and Hyun-Ki spent their time together that night, their last night as an engaged couple, and both talked about their life after their wedding. Hyun-Ki promised Rielle that he would make her life a good one.

"I know I have to start all over again, but having you around, I can make things work. Will you be by my side all the way through because it will not be easy, starting from scratch?" asked Hyun-Ki, determined to get it back and fight for his right to that business he patiently worked for its success.

"I will always be here to support you, Hyun; no matter the difficulties we might endure, I will always be behind you," Rielle promised Hyun-Ki.

Sunday morning, Hyun-Ki and Rielle were talking to Mrs. Calma.

"Ma'am, I apologize for not having Rielle brought home last night. I want to tell you that I want to marry your daughter, so I am asking for her hand. Mrs. Calma had mixed feeling about the news Hyun-Ki told her. She was weeping; she did not expect that her baby girl would marry so soon. Rielle's sister became dramatic at that moment; their hearts were filled with so much joy because, at last, she would be Mrs. Han as they had always expected at last.

"We will get married for a civil wedding tomorrow, and the church wedding will follow soon when things work in our favor."

"So, tomorrow is a civil wedding; promise me you will wed my daughter in church, Hyun. That was every girl's dream, and I believe Rielle would want that too." Mrs. Calma was in all tears, hugging and kissing her daughter for, at last, her daughter was getting married, and deep in her heart, she believed that Rielle would be in good hands.

Monday morning was the most eventful day in Hyun-Ki and Rielle's life.

Wilson and Nancy were already at the City Hall and arranged with the mayor. Hwan Chul came in second, excited and enthusiastic about his brother's wedding to Rielle. Wilson was preparing his camera to have a good shot beginning from the couple's descent from the car to the Office of the Mayor.

Junie parked the car in front of the waiting Hwan Chul and the Castro couple. Hwan Chul moved down the stoned stairs of the City Hall and opened the car, where Hyun drove out of the vehicle. He was wearing a white suit with an inner blue long-sleeved polo shirt and silver tie. He stood by the car door to assist his attractive wife, wearing a ballooned knee-length white backless dress and a white headdress with a refined silvered net partially covering her face except for her colored pink lips. Rielle looked so alluring, adorable, and beautiful that all eyes of people coming in and out of the City Hall were focused on her, appearing like a celebrity who succeeded in getting much attention.

The mayor was waiting for them in his Office and was awed by Rielle's sexiness and beauty. The mayor began his speech for the Wedding Vows:

To the Bride: "Will you please repeat this vow to Han Hyun-Ki, saying after me: I, Gabrielle Mari Calma, take you, Hyun-Ki, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you. And the same vow was expressed by Hyun-Ki, and both placed their rings on each left hand. They signed their marriage contract, followed by Hwan Chul and Nancy as their civil wedding witnesses, and the mayor shook hands with both, congratulating them.

Nancy was full of emotions that day after seeing her best friend, now married to the love of her life. She had known Rielle, her best friend, for so many years, from her beautiful young love affair with Hwan Chul to her more serious relationship with Hyun-Ki. She can never forget Rielle's news that day on her vacation when she thought that Hyun-Ki was forever gone and that Hyun-Ki also happened to be there, that she realized that fate destined them to be together.

The newly-married couple, with their friends and brother, celebrated their occasion with an early meal before returning to the Office.

"Were you not going for a honeymoon, Hyun-Ki?" Nancy asked with a curious look.

"We want to, but a pressing problem in my Office needs resolution. But after this, I will take Rielle to a place she had never been yet." Hyun-Ki promised.

They all had their separate ways. Hwan Chul drove directly to his Office at KOR H&H while the couple went back to the condo to change their attire.

Hyun-Ki swooped Rielle into his arms and carried her inside their place as a practice by newly-wed couples. Hyun-Ki uncontrollably embraced and kissed his wife passionately, not wanting to lose her in his arms. They both freely gave way to their passion, becoming on fire, erotic, and aroused with their burning and intensely sensual, steamy, and loving feelings for each other.

: Hyun-Ki cannot wait to have Rielle in his life; he lost once, and this time he’s determined to marry Rielle against all odds.

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