
Chapter II WKA-002 (Person Shadow)

On a routine expedition to a restricted area, the Windah-KRITERA research team discovered an anomaly that had never been recorded before. This anomaly was found hidden in a remote cave, in a location rarely explored by humans.

After examining the anomaly, the researchers classified it as Anomaly WKA-002, which they named "Person Shadow". This anomaly is an entity that has the ability to mimic and follow a person's shadow.

The researchers were very impressed with Person Shadow's adaptive abilities. They recorded every change that occurred in the entity's shadow as it interacted with various individuals. From size, shape, to movement, everything looked so realistic and amazing.

Dr. ████, the head of the research team, immediately devised a plan to understand more about the nature and potential of Person Shadow Anomalies. He wanted to find out if this entity had any other abilities yet to be revealed, or if there were any risks associated with human interaction with this anomaly.

The researchers began a series of careful experiments to test the limits of Person Shadow's abilities. They invited volunteers to participate in the experiments, hoping to discover more detailed information about this entity.

First, they tested Person Shadow's ability to accurately mimic an individual's shadow. A number of volunteers with different body shapes and sizes were invited to stand in front of the entity, while the researchers checked how well Person Shadow could mimic their shadows. The results were amazing; the entity was able to adjust its shadow in great detail, even capturing the unique nuances and movements of each individual.

Next, the researchers wanted to see if Person Shadow had the ability to communicate with humans. They tried using sign language and body movements to interact with the entity. Although no verbal response was received, the researchers felt confident that Person Shadow could understand and respond to their non-verbal communication in a coordinated way.

However, the deeper they studied the Shadow Person, the more complex the mystery became. There were aspects of this entity that could not be explained easily, raising questions about its origins and true purpose.

Dr. ████ and his team realized that they had only scratched the surface of the potential that the Person Shadow Anomaly held. To fully understand the nature and purpose of this entity, they needed to conduct further research and more in-depth experiments.

In an effort to gain a better understanding, Dr. ████ and his team continue to conduct research and experiments, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the Person Shadow. They realize that this discovery may have far-reaching consequences, both in terms of potential benefits and potential risks.

In the hidden darkness of the cave, Person Shadow continues to hold secrets that have yet to be fully revealed. However, with determination and perseverance, Dr. ████ and his team are determined to uncover the truth behind this anomaly, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.