
Willful Ignorance

"I'm clearly, not caring, about what you've done. We're all, so flawed, does it really matter?"

Shipperandfanficer · สมจริง
1 Chs

Willful Ignorance

Feeling obsessive,


and way too overbearing.

I'm clearly,

not caring,

about what you've done.

We're all,

so flawed,

does it really matter?

If you've solicited,


or something WORSE than the latter.



you tear yourself down.

You've become your own worst enemy,

I don't know how.

I've become this infatuated,

with your,


All this old drama,

is really,


I'm sad you had to go,

but your sentence,

was so BELATED.

I never got the chance to know you,

and it's eating me up inside.

Your crimes are so attractive,

to this easily influenced mind.

The wrongness of it all,

draws me in,

like a moth to a flame.

There must be something wrong with me,

I'm certifiably insane.

It's natural to always yearn,

for what you can't have.

Yet yearning for,

someone like you,

is just like asking to be stabbed.

Straight through the heart,

with the cold harsh reality.

Of the fact that your warped mind,

might never,

like someone like me.

Someone who's just as broken,

in a,

different way.

Someone who's destroyed themselves,

because they,

secretly love the pain.

Maybe that's why I,

find myself,

seeking you out.

They say misery loves company,

so what do you say,

how about it?

Is there extra room at your table,

just for,

one more?

I promise I'll behave myself,

while everyone's,

still watching.

I'll be the model visitor,

that everyone is so trusting,


When we're alone my toxic thoughts,

are oh,

so consuming.

They'll eat you up and spit you out,

I know this,

sounds confusing.

It's just a little warning,

so you'll,

be more cautious.

Scorn me,

and I'll show you,

what it truly means to be callous.

Are you,

feeling lonely?


your old home in,

that cold concrete palace?

In need,

of a friend,

that you can find solace within?

I'd like to apply,

for that,

lovely position.

You won't regret employing me,

just trust your,


We can be pen pals,

writing buddies,

making sure to stay in touch.

It's not like there's really too much,

you can do while trapped..

Oh no,

was that offensive?

Uncalled for,

and insensitive.

I didn't mean to bring up,

such a,

sore subject.

This lack of sleep is getting to me,

and the fear that you'll reject.

The letter,

I'm writing to you.

After all it's the start to,

a new,


An unlikely one that shouldn't be,

that much,

is common sense.

The building blocks for friendship,

to soon,

bloom and grow.

I realize I'm getting ahead myself,

believe me,

I know.

I just can't help but dream,

for something more than,

what seems.

Like a far fetched,


That's centered around you and me.

Forming a bond,


surely last.

You can plan out our future,

while I,

forget both of our pasts.

Not that your past,


bothers me.

Your actions,

have helped you,

to learn and grow as a person.

At least that's what I believe.

I swear I'm,

not making excuses,

I just wanna see the good in you.

Not someone who just uses other people,

for your own selfish needs.

I know I can't be the ONLY one who sees,

the potential,

that lies inside.

Crying to crawl out,

to spread it's wings and thrive.

I KNOW you're not the villain,

that everyone claims you are.

No matter how long it takes,

I'll be cheering you on from afar.