
Will you love me.

Two Person who are completely different from each other are fated to be together.

deadman_alive · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

1 An unexpected Morning

It's 8 am in the morning but Alis still in his bed, His alarm clock rings at 7 30 but he didn't notice it at all, It is not new it happens in a daily basis. "Alis, Are you still sleeping?" shouted Alis's mom from 1st floor, There's no response from him, "I can't believe this boy is still sleeping today is his first day after the summer holiday" Alis's mom thought to herself while walking toward his room. She was halfway through when suddenly the doorbell rings. She doesn't think much and started to go toward the door. She opens the door and sees Efrain, She was standing next to the door "Hello Aunty, Good morning, I am here for Alis, Where is he?" said Efrain. "He is still sleeping, Honey could you do me favor and wake him up? while i prepared the breakfast for him, I don't want that boy to be late for the first day of his new grade" says Alis's mom. "Yep sure" replies Efrain and started walking toward Alis's room. This isn't the first time Efrain have been in here, Efrain and Alis know each other from childhood, Both of their mother knew each other before they even got born and they also knew each other from childhood and are bestfriends, So you could say Alis and Efrain were kind of fated to know each other. And also coincidently Alis and Efrain are neighbors. Efrain opens the door of Alis's room, It's dark even in the daytime, All the curtains are closed, The room is freezing cold the ac might have been on for all night. There's a bed in middle of the room Alis is sleeping on it with blanket covering his whole body only leaving his face out. Efrain starts shivering the moment she enters the room because off the cold. She turns the ac off and opens up the curtains and windows. Then she goes near Alis and grabs his blanket away from him. Alis gets up and says in a sleeping voice "what the hell". "It's time for you to wake up prince charming" says Efrain sarcasticly, "What the hell are you doing in my room?" says Alis, "That doesn't matter right now, What matter is we are both getting late for school, So you better get ready fast and come downstairs your mom is preparing your breakfast" said Efrain and left the room. "Mom must've told her to wake me up" Alis thought to himself as he yawns and goes to the toilet. A few minutes pass by "Alis are you ready" says Efrain as she opens the door of Alis's room. She looks around but couldn't find Alis in the room, "He might be in the restroom" she thought to herself as she looks at the restroom door and notices that the restroom door is slightly open. She immediately thinks "Should i look inside, No that's creepy, But what if he have fallen asleep in the restroom i don't want him to be late because if he gets i will also be late, Agh i don't know what to do", She thinks for a moment then sigh's "Fine whatever i'll just have a sneak peek to make sure he's not asleep" Efrain goes to the door and slowy take a look inside. She sees Alis standing in front of a mirror, His face is covered in water,

He was using his left hand to hold his hair up from falling down and he was touching the scar on his right eyebrows using his right hand. After Watching it Efrain slowy moves away from the restroom door and goes out of Alis's room and leans on the front door.When Alis and Efrain were kids they used to go to children's park often in the afternoon, One day they were playing at the park when suddenly another kid a boy came toward Efrain and took her teddy bear, Efrain started crying, Alis saw that goes to the kid who took Efrain's teddy bear and snatch Efrain's teddy bear form the kid who took it that kid was trying to take it from him as well so he pushed him away surprisingly the other kid didn't fight back and just ran away, Then he goes to her and give her the teddy bear, Efrain got impressed by him but then suddenly she saws something hitting Alis's face, He immediately fell to the ground, It was the kid who took her teddy bear he threw a rock at Alis and ran away, Alis was on the ground and he was bleeding, His whole right eye was covered in blood seeing it Efrain was really concerned and scared, The park was near their house so Efrain goes to both their house and bring their parent , They took him to the hospital Alis got 14 stitches on his Right eyebrows and it left a scar, It was the scar she saw today. Alis have been growing his hair out for a while now it covers up the scar, She haven't seen his scar for quite a while so she almost forgot about it. Efrain was leaning on the front door of Alis's room. When suddenly the door opens

"What are you doing here?"said Alis. Efrain hides the fact that she was there and acted like she just arrived and said "Your mom told me tell you that breakfast is on the dining table and she is going out for some work". "Ok" said Alis and goes toward the dining table, Alis starts to eat his breakfast. Efrain is sitting next to him she is stareing at his face, she is trying to look for his scar but she can't see it it's covered with his hair. Alis notices Efrain is stareing at him so he looks at her and asks "Are you hungry?", she replies "No", "Then why are you stareing at me eating breakfast" asks Alis, "I was just wondering what happened to your scar" said Efrain in a soft voice. "It's still here it's just covered by the hair" says Alis And then he moves his hair from his right eyebrows and says to her "look here it is". "If you dont mind can i touch the scar?" Efrain Asks with an intense expression, "I guess, I don't mind" Alis replied and continue eating his breakfast. Efrain gets up from the chair and gets close to Alis's face, She moves the hair from his rught eyebrows and starts gently touching the scar. "Does is hurt?" she softly whispers, "No" replies Alis calmly. Both of them doesn't exchange any other words for a few minutes.

Finally Alis finishses his breakfast and says "Let me get my backpack then we can go, Okay?" , Efrain nod's.

I am not very good at English, I have use the basic,barebone words to make The Novel,Hope you enjoy it.

deadman_alivecreators' thoughts