
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


Scar was terrified of his masters power,but he also trusted his master so he calmed himself.

"Im ready master" he said with confidence.

Jack and the ogre had no idea what was happening inside the void space,but Jack could feel scar's fear but said nothing.

Sil released her dragon fire skill for it to immediately disappear she was stunned for a Second but quickly asked,"scar what happened are you ok?" She asked in a excited manner.

Scar began to laugh,A long maniacal laugh that he did not hide making Jack and the ogre stop to look at him."master your wisdom is greater then the gods!! I have learned a new skill! Called (mana Collector) it allows me to store mana and send it back to the attacker." Scar explained with clear excitement and satisfaction.

Sil was smiling ear to ear after hearing scars new skill."your void space has a millions ways to evolve it's up to you it make it a strong skill." She said while floating around in the void flipping and turning.

"Of course master, thank you for your guidance" scar said as he waved for the ogre to keep moving.

"Wake me when we get out the forests I'm going to sleep for a bit,your in charge don't bully Jack to much." Sil said as she put her hands behind her head leaning on them shutting her eyes falling asleep.

Scar bragged about how sil helped him unlock a new skill. Jack didn't mind his bragging he new how good it felt to get a new skill.

After 8 hours of running , they finally made it through both the cherry tree forest and the redwood forest entering a grassland.

"Alright scar let me out of here,I want to see what's going on." Sil said while stretching. Scar immediately let sil out without saying a word.

Exiting the void space to see grass as far as the eye could see she just stood there for a second.

"How far is the human settlement ogre?" She asked looking in the ogres direction to see him sitting waiting for the next command.

"We still have to go a great distance in this direction." He answered while pointing in front of them.Sil sighed,"alright we don't have all day, run until you run out of steam then we rest, after that we finish the run." She ordered following the ogre into the chest high grass.

Sil was easily keeping pace with the ogre running right next to him. The ogre looked over at sil noticing that even though she was running faster then a race horse on steroids her steps were silent.

"Lady sil do you mind answering a question?" The ogre asked while looking forward.

"Drop the lady it's just sil. What do you want to ask?" She said while looking around the grassland.

"How are your steps so quite? are you a assassin type?" He asked sounding uninterested.

"Nope! I just thought it was a handy skill to have." She said with a amused smile.

The ogre stayed quiet after that, not having anymore questions. Jack on the other hand did,

"Hay master how did you help scar get a new skill? He was bragging about your wisdom helping him get the skill."he asked running behind sil.

"Thinking outside the box is how I helped scar.

Experimenting in different ways is how you make a skill better, remember that." She said basically lecturing Jack. But Jack listen to every world not taking his masters wisdom for granted.

The group was running 55mph through the grass land. To most humans running so fast through grass would feel like thousands of wipes hitting them at once. but they weren't human,the grass might as well be the same as the wind,nonexistent.

After running for 30 minutes the ogre stopped.

"What's up ogre? why'd you stop?" Jack asked looking around."this is we're I stop. the town is only a short distance out of that forest" he pointed ahead to the forest in the distance."The humans have a spell on me if I get to close they will hunt me." The ogre explained hoping not to get punished.

"Alright ogre your free to go after you swear you're undying loyalty to me." She said with a smile as the ogre.

The ogre didn't think twice kneeling saying "I will obey you're words… master" he felt as if a small sword was pressed against his heart.

Sil got a notification she got a Ogre added to her slave category making her smile. "You're free to go but don't do any harm on any humans or bears." The ogre stood nodded and ran back in the opposite direction.

Sil started walking forward not looking back at the ogre running through the grass." Is it ok to let him go master?" Jack asked with worry in his voice.

"Yes it's fine he's not that strong anyways." She said while waving her hand, running forward.

"What do you plan to do with the humans master?"

Scar asked running keeping pace with sil.

"I'm looking for humans that are good with magic, and I need information from the humans." She explained while looking around for anything with mana to see nothing.

"Jack do you have the mana sense?" Sil asked out of nowhere catching Jack off guard.

"Y..Yes I do master why?" He asked confused.

"I do to,master" scar chimed in.

"No reason in particular, I was mainly curious.

since you guys have that skill you two try and get my skill silent steps." She said sounding almost intimidating looking back at Jack.

"How do you get said skill master?" Jack asked nervously. "It's really simple actually,all you have to do is walk silently without making noise for about 8 hours or so.easy." She explained with a shrug as they arrived at the forest.

Entering the forest the grassland disappeared turning into trees as far as the eye could see.

"I'm guessing there's illusion around the grassland?" Sil asked not slowing down dodging through the trees.

"Yes that's right, what you seen was sacred land that's why there's mana rivers and the water is so rich." Scar explained almost sounding nostalgic.

The rest of the run was silent besides sil giving tips on how to get the silent steps skill.

Exiting the forest there was a massive clearing with a small town with a massive clock tower with a big bell ringing on top.

"They must need help…save all the humans don't kill any. if they cause you trouble bring them to me.

Spread out and hunt!" She ordered as she started running faster, out running scar and Jack making it to the town in minutes.

Entering the town square there was a group of 30 or so men and women fighting 17 over sized gorillas 10ft with 6 arms.

Sil charged in at 80mph slamming her fist into a gorilla that was about to kill a female human,sending the gorilla flying through the air with a hole in his chest.

"It seem like you need a hand"she said putting a hand out to the female on the ground.

The girl grabbed her hand"t..thanks?" She said letting go of her hand to witness sil pull out her bone diggers running over to the gorillas killing them one by one, looking like a dancing through the battlefield cutting vital spots killing 15 gorillas out of the 17.

The group of 30 men and women stood there stunned by how tall and how beautiful sil was.

"Was that all of them? I have ahh… companions running around town killing anything not human regardless."sil asked looking down on the group.

A man with golden trim armor holding a giant axe walked forward with his back straight saluting.

"We have 5 beast lures spread around town to minimize casualties mam." Sil looked at him confused "if you think I'm your reinforcements your wrong. I'm just a wondering adventurer" she stated hoping to let the man to relax but it was the opposite the man started bowing.

"Thank you wondering adventurer we would have a lot more casualties without your help." He said as he stood back up looking at his soldiers checking to see if there wounded.

"casualties? Do you need a medic?" She asked inspecting the soldiers, they were panting out of breath and sweating. But that's not the only thing she noticed, there armor was silver and they also had giant axes.

"Yes we do adventurer!! Are you a medic we have a lot of injured people inside the town hall." He said with eagerness leading the way into the town hall with Sil following.

Entering the town hall it was a giant open room with long tables on both sides making a path right down the middle. On the tables was injured soldiers and civilians crying from the pain.

"I'm not going lie to you we need help bad. if your the one to do it I'll reward you with anything at my disposal." The man said looking at sil for hope she could save everyone.

"I'll do my best,but I have my comrades out there, ones a giant black bear and the other his name is Jack." She said walking toward the closest soldier.

"Understood mam I'll let everyone know not to attack them." The soldiers said with a quick salute walking out the town hall.

Sil didn't have any experience healing yet but better now then never. So she examined the soldier he had a internal injuries, she could tell how the body was bruised and swollen instead of being cut and slashed.

Sil concentrated her mana moving small amounts of mana into the soldier condensing and circling it on and around his body and the injuries. After 2 minutes of flowing mana through the body he was fully heals.

[New skill gained (mana healing) by giving your mana to the injured amplifies the patients regeneration properties making this skill very useful because it can counter poisons and other diseases]

Sil was excited about her new skill but didn't have time to waist, so she began using her healing skill on two people at once,one with each hand.

Everyone watched sil go to soldier to soldier healing them without a mark left behind. They thought she was a saint sent from god, but when a 14ft ape with silver fur busted through the wall, sil charged up her king level mana punching the ape in the head at full power turning his head into mist sending the body flying out the hole he came through. This made everyone think she was a god of war.

After 25 minutes of healing she finally healed everyone just in time to see a bloody scar and Jack interning the building. "It looks like you guys had fun with out me" sil said with spreading her arms wide.

"Yes! yes master these gorillas put up a good fight it was the most fun I had in a while." Scar answered back sitting on the ground clearly satisfied with all the killing he's done.

"I got a new skill called [mana manipulator] since we have so much mana I can maintain mana spears to skewer my opponents." Jack said as he demonstrated his mana spears circling him pointing at the sky.

"excellent! you two get some rest I have to discuss some things with the human here. Scar let Jack rest in the void. Another thing scar I'm going to need to talk with one of the soldiers in the void." She said while walking past the two out the building walking up to the man in gold trim armor.

Scar walked over to a corner in the room laying there on his stomach curled up in a ball." All you have to do is walk into the void known as my fur." Scar said as he closed his eyes.

"You don't have to make it sound so dramatic." Jack said walking into the void,everyone spectating couldn't believe that Jack just disappeared.

Sil walked up to the soldier wearing gold taking to a couple soldiers. "All your people are healed, are there anymore beasts?" She asked making the soldier turn to her. "No your… companions cleared out all the beast and cleaned up the body's." The soldier and back with a solute.

"Excellent!! We have matters to discuss." She said with a smile,glad the day was going smoothly.

"Of course mam,but I have one more soldier for you to heal." he said pulling a soldier closer to him pushing him toward sil."this one needs to be healed but doesn't know how to sit still." He said pointing to the soldier.

Sil touched the boys shoulder healing all his wounds in seconds shocking the soldiers present.

"How did you heal a broken rib by touching his shoulder? If you don't mind me asking?" The soldier in gold asked.

"I'm sending my mana into his body making his body regenerate faster so I don't need to touch the injured area." She explained while looking around at the destination that the apes done to the town.

"This town bounces back quickly don't worry about the buildings." The soldier in gold said noticing sil looking at the houses.

"Sorry I didn't ask your name soldier, my name is sil." She said holding her hand out. The soldier smiled before grabbing her hand." The name is Brick I'm the commanding officer of these soldiers.

"Alright Brick I'll like to ask you some questions in private if you don't mind?" Sil asked pointing at the town hall."I'm sorry but I have to get the town back above ground first,then we can talk all day."brick explained walking past sil into the town hall.

Entering the building a man in black robes walked up to brick." Is the job done?" The man asked making brick nod confirming. The man turned around walking to the middle of the room casting a spell making the floor opening up downward staircase,Then people started walking up one after another.

After everyone was above ground the man in the robes casted another spell making the floor return.

Now the room was filled with a towns full of people.

"Everyone!! the beasts are dead there's no need to panic please go to your homes. to the people who don't have a home anymore come back here."

Brick announced into the crowd.

Everyone started talking to one another while they left the town hall after everyone left there was only people left was sil's group and the soldiers.

Brick walked over to sil who was cleaning her fingernails."I'm ready for that talk now if you are."

Sil looked up at him." Follow me" she said walking in scars direction. Brick followed not knowing why she was walking toward a giant bear.

"This right here" she said pointing at scar"is my friend scar he has a very handy skill follow me." She said disappearing into the void known as scars fur. The soldier was shocked but followed behind sil.

Now in a pitch black room with sil, brick was confused."what's this place?" He asked looking into the void." This is called a void space,it's a skill the bear has. but it's my turn to ask question and yours to answer." She said floating around.

Brick nodded confirming he understood.

"Fist don't argue with the question and answer them if you can, even if they sound simple."sil demanded sitting with one leg over the other.

The soldier crisscross his legs as he nodded. So sil continued," what kingdom are you from? And how far is it away from here?" The soldier reached behind him grabbing his axe putting it on his lap.

"The kingdom were i come from is called (forge theft) it's the 5th big kingdom it's 50 miles to the north."

"Forge theft? 5th kingdom? Mind explaining?" Sil asked leaning forward thinking,"this is getting interesting."

"Forge theft is a kingdom run by dwarfs and forges. if you don't forge well you get your spot stolen so I thinks that's why its called forge theft.

As for the number on the kingdom, it's because there's 5 big kingdoms on this side of the planet." He was going to continue but sil started waving at him signaling him to stop.

"5 kingdoms on this side of the planet? What's on the other side?" She asked sounding eager to know the answer.

"The other side of the planet is full of demons and forsaken, beasthumans also the demon lord. Back on topic 5 different kingdoms,first is the (Detree) kingdom it's ruled by vampires. In second place is (Alfheim) the kingdom ruled by elf's. In third place is (Never run) rules by a cait sith. In fourth place is (white run) the kingdom ruled by a human and lastly (forge theft)ruled by dwarfs."he explained counting the kingdoms on his fingers finishing with a sigh.

"Thank you very much this is more information then I thought I would get coming to this town.

Scar remove him from the void" she said waving brick away."Of course master"Scar immediately pushed brick out of the void making him land on his butt.

"Scar I have so many fun things planned I can't wait!!" She said stretching her arms in the air with a smile on her face.

(Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed)