
Chapter 4: Office Quickie

"Relax Ella! I only called to tell you to drop by as soon as you can, on your way back from work. Your mother kept asking about you, though she slept off before I left her ward." The Doctor said.

"Oh! I thought something happened. Damn! I was scared when I saw your call. I'll be there as soon as I can," Ella replied, as she dashed out of the house faster than a quickie.

"You're late," Adrian said to her on the office line, a few minutes after she settled in her seat, just when she resumed work for the day.

"I got a call from the doctor, which slowed me down a bit," Ella said without remorse.

"Ok! Hope no problem though?" Adrian asked casually.

"No Sir," Ella replied, as she wondered how Adrian knew exactly when she got to her seat.

"Is he stalking me?" She thought to herself, as she listened to his voice speaking on the office line.

"I'll be stepping out shortly, but I'll be back soon enough. Don't let me call you before you show up in my office when I return," Adrian said nonchalantly.

Ella kept quiet in response to Adrian's words.

Adrian stepped out of the office shortly after the call, but returned soon enough.

Ella felt a weight of responsibility on her soul at the sight of Adrian, when he stepped in from his short outing.

He looked at her briefly and walked right into his office, expecting her to yield to his demand without having to ask again.

"May I come in, Sir?" Ella asked, after knocking on Adrian's office door a few minutes later.

"Come in… I've told you not to ever keep me waiting. I certainly never made you wait before I fulfilled my side of the bargain. Did I?" Adrian said with a loud tone, as Ella walked into his intimidating presence.

"I waited for you to settle in first. I thought you would want me to do that, I'm sorry," Ella replied with a voice that lacked every element of confidence.

"Come over here and please me with your mouth. I've imagined you doing that to me, too many times already," Adrian commanded as he unzipped his trouser.

"Sir! I've never done that before. I don't even know what to do," Ella replied sharply.

" It's a simple thing Ella. Let your mouth sing on the microphone while you move your head to and fro. It's that simple," Adrian said, while his eyes lustfully caressed Ella's body with such perverted desires.

"Please give me time to watch videos on how to please you in that manner Sir," Ella begged, as she rolled her eyes with her face laced with irritation.

"Ok! Do that," Adrian replied casually.

"Thank you Sir," Ella said, as she turned to leave Adrian's office like a mouse hoping to escape from a mean cat.

"If you take a step outside this office without me dismissing you, I'll do things you'll hate me for," Adrian threatened with stern words.

Ella stopped and turned back to Adrian, before she regrets her day beyond how bad it's been so far.

"Come here," Adrian ordered her.

Ella had worn a trouser ahead to work, to make it difficult for Adrian to pull any stunt while they worked at the office, but Adrian cared less what she had on.

Adrian unzipped her trouser, pulled down every obstacle as he bent her over his desk, made his way into her, while standing behind.

Ella moaned as tears filled her eyes, while she bent helplessly on his desk, as he jammed himself against her bum like a swinging pendulum, without pity.

"Damn! Feels so good, Bet you love that," Adrian said sarcastically as he spilled on the floor.

"You'll have to clean that before leaving," He said, as he went ahead to clean up his body, while Ella rose from his desk to wear her underwear and trousers right away.

Ella cleaned the office floor soiled with Adrian's filth and left with so much hate and disgust against him.

"Hi! Is Adrian in?" Jones asked as he walked through the reception.

"He's in," Ella replied promptly with her voice laced with frustration, while her thought couldn't escape the irritation that clouds her mind about Adrian.

Jones went straight away into Adrian's office.

"Bad guy! Seems you are really making life unbearable for your secretary," Jones said jokingly as he sniffed through the smell in Adrian's office.

"Why did you say that? What time do I have to pay attention to making life unbearable for her?" Adrian replies, as he distracts his face away from Jones, by looking at his laptop with focus mixed with fake elements.

"What's that smell bro? Like I can even taste it in my mouth. Smells like sperm. Damn!!!" Jones said, as he squeezed his face while trying to figure it out with his brain.

Adrian immediately reached out for his phones as he stood tall in front of Jones.

" Let's eat something, I think I'm hungry," Adrian said, as he tactically played his move to pull Jones out of his office, before his intuition finally showed him a revelation of the event that took place prior to his arrival.

Meanwhile, Ella had called a few times to check on her mother in the hospital. She's her only priority and reason she's enduring a life of so much torture on her soul.

"Mom! make my sacrifice count by getting well soon please. I need you around like the air I breathe," She mumbled to herself, as she returned from the toilet where she had done all necessary things to ease her body, from the filthy irritation she felt after what happened in Adrian's office.

When it was time for Ella to leave the office, she notified Adrian about the need for her to get to the hospital to see her mother, with an intention of staying over there, in order to escape Adrian's possible demands of him requesting to have her come to his place later on.

"May I leave Sir, I'm going to the hospital to check on my mom," She said to him after she entered his office, while staying far away like someone avoiding a plague.

"Ok! Go ahead," Adrian replied after muting the sound of the zoom meeting he was in.

She stepped out of the office, went straight into the ride she booked to take her to her mother at the hospital.

"Good to see you awake mom, how are you feeling now," she said, as she stepped into the ward where her mother laid in pains from the surgery she just had.

"I'm alive, though I feel pain," Emma replied inaudibly.

"So sorry you had to go through that, please get well soon. I miss you so much already," Ella said to her mother with her eye balls soaked in tears, one that could drop if not controlled.

"I will, my love. Sorry for the scare, you must be really troubled already," Emma replied, as she felt the touch of her loving daughter on her cheek.

"I brought you some fruits on my way," Ella said as she dropped the fruits close to the bed she laid.

"How have you been coping? And how is work?" Emma asked as she gained more consciousness.

"It's been hell without you mom. But it's fine, doing anything for you is worth it regardless," Ella replied emotionally.

"I was going to ask you about how you were able to come up with the hospital bill so quickly. You were going to tell me something as well, the night I got admitted," Emma spoke with so much curiosity in her voice.

"There is something I need to confide in you about, but I'm not sure it's the best time to discuss it though," Ella replied in a vague tone that pointed at a "not telling" mood.

"You kept this for too long my child. Spill the beans already. I can handle whatever it is," Emma said instantly.

Ella confided in her mother about the nondisclosure contract she signed, in order to save her mother's life, while she wept she couldn't really go into details about what she's had to endure so far.

Tears dropped from Emma's eyes when she realized how much her daughter had sacrificed for her sake.

"I know there's more to what you just told me and I understand you can really say much too. I do have a piece of advice and a material that will help you turn things around if you listen and apply, my angel." Emma said to Ella while holding her right hand in hers.

"I'm willing to listen and apply what will help mom, I feel like I might eventually lose my mind, if I don't get help soon enough already," Ella replied with her ears wide open to hear from her mother.

"You can choose to be the victim in all this, or you can choose to turn things around by using the power you have right now to defeat your villain," Emma motivated her daughter towards a better perspective of things.

"What exactly do you mean?" Ella asked with a kind of curiosity that substituted the makeup she had on her beautiful face.

"Listen to me carefully. He keeps winning only if you keep giving him the power by appearing weak. Find a way to switch the pain you feel to pleasure first, then use the pleasure to defeat him, by using the information you'll get from a material I kept for long. That way, you'll checkmate him." Emma said to her daughter though she felt so sad life came so hard against her.

"Oh! I see what you mean. I never thought of it this way," Ella replied while nodding her head in acceptance of the words recalibrating her mindset.

"Your weapon is that honey pot you have between your legs, while your defense mechanism is the knowledge you're about to feed your mind with. The knowledge will prevent your mind from being tortured, while you stand firm in this battlefield you are already, my sweet child," Emma said, as she poured insight into her daughter on how to win regardless.

Does this imply that Adrian the bully, will get hunted?

Will the information from the material Emma mentioned help Ella for real?

Will Ella be able to hunt her hunter with her new mindset and the knowledge she's about to equip herself with?