
Chapter 3: Uncertain Times

Ella sat at the reception of the hospital weeping and praying that her mother should live.

"Please mom, don't let my sacrifice for you be a waste. Come back to your sweet baby girl," She mumbled and hoped for good news from the doctor, whenever she leaves her mother's ward.

" I don't have any other person who loves me the way you've loved and cater for me mom. Please don't die," She said again with fear worn heavily on her countenance, while her phone kept ringing with a call from Adrian.

"Ella! Let's talk in my office please," The doctor said, as she stepped out of her mother's ward.

"Just tell me she's still alive please," Ella enquired of the doctor with her trembling voice.

"Ease your mind Ella, let's talk in the office," The Doctor replied as she opened the door of her office and walked right in.

Ella sat down quickly to listen to the doctor.

"Your mother is still alive. We were able to stabilize her again, but I'm afraid we need to do the surgery on her right away. Delay is dangerous at this point," The Doctor said to Ella.

"Thank you for the good news. Please give me 5 minutes to put a call across to someone," Ella replied as she stepped out to call Adrian.

Adrian's phone rang but he didn't pick up, Ella called back immediately.

"Hey! I called you several times earlier. How is your mother?" Adrian asked.

"She's fine Sir. Please, the doctor said we need to go ahead with the surgery and that delay could lead to unpleasant outcomes," Ella replied to Adrian hoping he'll come through with payment for the surgery as expected.

"Ok, Put the doctor on the line and let me speak with her," Adrian requested as he adjusted his position on the bed he sat on.

Ella ran to the doctor's office to have Adrian speak with her right away.

"Hi Mr James," The Doctor said in anticipation of a response from Adrian.

"Hi, let's go ahead with the surgery. Kindly send your account details and the bill to me right away," Adrian replied, as he reached out for his second phone.

"I'll do just that Mr James," The Doctor replied and gave Ella's phone back to her.

The call dropped, as Adrian prepared to make the transfer for the surgery, as soon as the text containing the hospital account details and the specified amount on the bill hit his phone.

Ella smiled with relief embracing her face as she thought to herself, "Thank goodness my sacrifice has yielded results. My mother is going to live,"

"You'll have to sign these documents. Mr James has done the needful," The Doctor said to Ella.

"Where do I sign please?" Ella asked as she picked up the pen to append her signature without delay.

Finally she saw her mother sleeping as she walked right into her ward, after settling things with the doctor, just before the surgery.

She stayed up all through the night, though she fell asleep at intervals, she was so happy the surgery went well, and her mother's recovery phase had begun.

She needed to go to work because Adrian might get angry at her, if she stayed off work, though there's a genuine reason to do so.

"How was the surgery?" Adrian asked on the phone, when Ella stepped inside the house with the intention of preparing herself for work.

"It went well. Thank you so much for the help," She replied to Adrian though she felt the appreciation wasn't necessary.

"After all, he's getting appreciated in kind already," The exact words on her mind with an undermining look on her face.

"Where are you?" Adrian asked sharply.

"I just got home now with the intention to prepare for work," Ella replied as she yawned.

"Ok," Adrian said.

"I'll get to the office a bit late, Sir, kindly permit me," Ella requested hopefully.

"Don't joke with my work. You have 15 minutes grace," Adrian said with a firm voice.

"Ok Sir. I'll be on my way soon," Ella replied as the call dropped.

Ella jumped in the bathroom to have her bath quickly so she could get to work early enough.

"Who is that?" Ella asked, as she remembered she forgot to lock the door behind her when she came in earlier.

Footsteps kept approaching without a response.

Ella was so scared, she started looking for what to use to defend herself right away, but couldn't figure anything worthy enough to defend her.

Her mind is messed up with the overwhelming situation she's been confronted with lately.

"Who is that?" She asked again with no response to cure her of her curiosity.

"Identify yourself and stop playing games. I'm not in the mood for this," Ella said as she began calling the names of people she thought it could possibly be, hoping it's one of them.

She stepped out of the bathroom using her right hand to cover her nipples, while she used her left hand to cover her exposed vagina.

She was shocked to see Adrian right in front of her, while she stood with her hands positioned yet on the areas they covered.

" I..I thought you…you were at the office when you called earlier Sir," Ella said as she stammered.

" What are you covering?" Adrian asked in a rude manner.

"I don't want to exceed the 15 mins grace you gave me Sir," She replied, hoping Adrian would excuse her, while she goes ahead with preparations to get to work early enough, as she held her hands in position still.

"Take those hands off now!" Adrian ordered with a command tone.

She striped herself bare before his eyes, as she relieved her hands off the duty they assumed.

"This is my second day this week. I'm sure you know what that means," Adrian said while reaching for Ella's tired breasts without delay.

"Please Sir, I didn't get any rest throughout the night," Ella replied, begging Adrian.

"Are you telling me to fuck off? Is that how you appreciate someone who saved your beloved mother's life?" Adrian asked rhetorically as he pushed her against the wall, while he fondled her body with his erotic touch.

Ella moaned as Adrian toyed with her nipples and her clitoris without mercy. He seemed to know the right way to stir her emotions without having to think.

He turned and bent her over for a quickie to satisfy his intention of driving all the way down to her, as he slid his penis through her cleanly shaved vagina, slowly.

"This is my appetizer while I await more of you," He said to her after an electrifying vibration from him, resonated with Ella's body, with his sperm spilling on her thighs and the floor.

He cleaned up in the toilet and headed out to go about his day like nothing happened, while Ella struggled to help herself out of this helplessness that embraced her soul, like a leech as she sat on the floor.

"You have 30 minutes to meet me at the office," Adrian said as he left.

Ella dragged herself into the bathroom to clean up her defiled body. Though the tormenting stains that burdens her soul, seemed to be the only companion she could find around her.

A call from the doctor rang her phone. She reached for it while she wore her makeup.

"Is everything ok with my mother?" Ella asked immediately as she picked up the call.

What is it this time around?

Is her mother finally awake and longing to see her daughter?

Did something go wrong again?