

"If given the chance, I wish I could be reborn and live the rest of my life with him." Whether it's a miracle or not, Calista Kay who died at the hands of the person she trusted the most, finally got the chance to be reborn one year before she was murdered. In this life, the seductive man and woman will be made to beg for mercy under Calista's feet. Regret has left her husband, she will redeem at this second chance. Live forever with Keandre Niels.

Raeni_Dream · สมัยใหม่
153 Chs



It's been one month since Calista met her biological father Azura. After meeting that first meeting, it turned out that Azura had never contacted him or Keandre again.

Looking back, Calista didn't think that her parents were both not from this world.

Azura the Father was a general from an ancient kingdom. And her mother Elsa is a time traveler who leaves after completing an assignment.

There is one thing that has already found the answer. Since both parents were from another world, that was the reason why he and Arrayan were able to experience rebirth and be given a second chance.

All the magic comes from the real identities of Calista and Arrayan. This family may indeed be given a privilege by the heavens to experience a life that is different from the others.

Keandre also knew everything. Azura turned out to be reincarnated to change the destiny of Calista, his daughter in the past.