

The guards held me down as Joshua completed a thorough examination while Lettie and Anya watched.

A strong tranquilizer in my orange juice kept me from caring as much as I should. I had a feeling I would after Joshua removed the speculum, and I could count to ten without pausing.

"No indication of recent sexual intercourse," Josh announced. "No indication of pregnancy. I've drawn blood. I should have the test results in a couple of hours. Maybe sooner."

"Just do it already," Anya said.

"Anya, my medical ethics prevent me from doing a drug-induced abortion on someone who isn't pregnant. It can wait."

Anya said, "Then I'll do it. Give me the syringe. Better safe than sorry. I'd have her tubes tied too if King didn't want to use her as a broodmare."

"Anya, don't make me do this."

Lettie said, "Do it, Joshua."

Joshua said, "If anyone is going to inject her, it should be me."

And then the needle entered my body.