
Chapter 10: Cold welcome

Drystan sat comfortably in his chair sipping at his favourite beverage. Satisfaction was painted all over his expression and his body relaxed. To find the prince in a joyful splendour early morning was scarce. This morning called for all pleasure and fun because Drystan had done it again.

There was a knock on the door. Beamingly he hopped towards the entry, his hand wrapping around the handle and ever so cooly opened the entrance, welcoming the person with a smile. It was a grin much too bright for comfort. The poor messenger gulped at the sight, "I-I have a letter for you, your highness. I am to deliver it directly in your care."

"Of course you do!" laughed Drystan, pushing a treat into the boy's mouth. Drystan politely took the letter and nodded the boy off, who all too gladly turned away from the confusing sight.

Drystan still had his devious grin. "A letter from King Zegrous? How splendid indeed," he mused to himself reading the envelope. His fingers twirled to open the paper and there it was, the declaration of... Retreat?

The prince sat back flabbergasted. "This isn't right," he muttered, his eyes scanning through the paragraphs:

Prince Drystan

The Moths have decided to hold back. We do not want to cause destruction, for we favour peace. In order to obtain this peace, we have decided to spare the bloodshed and make amends for the last. The Shadow Academy has been of most gracious help and we shall leave them to you now. With one of the Shadows, we send the princess.

King Zagreus of The Moths

Drystan bit his bottom lip. This is not good, he panicked, not good at all. He turned to the balcony of his study where a nervous wreck of a knight stood gazing over the castle grounds.

"Vance," called Drystan, forcing a tone of calmness, "Why don't you go ask the maids to set up a table in the garden? We are expecting an unexpected guest. Be sure to welcome her with the brightest of smiles but keep your dagger close. Plans have taken a slight turn."

Vance frowned. "What do you mean? Is Riona back so soon?"

"Yes and I don't plan on keeping Death waiting. Make sure it is vanilla tea," ordered Drystan, standing elegantly straight. He raised his chin, yet his heart thumped rapidly — he was crumbling internally. The crucial part of his plan had been meddled with.

Unannounced he marched towards the infirmary. His expression palled as he pushed past the door. The bed was empty... His best friend wasn't there...

"You never did play fair..." he muttered venomously, heat rising up his neck. "You have taken your admiration too far..."


Riona had left the Moths with a warning. She told them to not step foot in her kingdom or she would raise a hellfire greater than any forest fire they would ever encounter. The princess was aware of how wrong it was but her mind was a mess. King Zagreus understood, so he backed down, agreeing to her demand as long as she would return to sign a peace treaty.

Secretly, Riona wanted to murder them one by one for what they did that horrid night but first, she needed a word with Drystan. There was this hint from Zagreus that didn't sit well with Riona.

As she mounted her horse, her mind was working overtime. Drystan is my brother... He will always be. We were born together... Was he part of this? Did he know about my true heritage? He couldn't have... How would he have known because my mother was a butterfly herself? Something isn't right, she rambled on in her mind, eager to come up with a reasonable solution, but none would make sense.

"You seem scared," said Enzo, his face worried as he rode beside her. Lance nodded coming up on the other side. Riona took in a deep breath, "Drystan is the one who has me on edge, but knowing him, that would be precisely what he would have wanted. I fear he might be behind this meetup with the Moths. I-I fear that he has played me..."

Lance reached to pat her shoulder as a friend would to soothe another. "We will be there, watching from the castle walls. Enzo, will you have your arrows?"

"No!" interjected Riona, "You will not ambush him under any circumstance."

Lance raised a hand: "Understood, your highness. May I ask though, who helped you to talk with them?"

"A Shadow," she replied, "He showed up and lead me to them. He knows them."

Enzo sent a look towards Lance, the both of them falling silent. An air of seriousness blew between the three with good reason for the castle entered their view.


"I appreciate your willingness to join but there is no need to be so concerned," argued the princess, pushing the two newly accumulated friends back towards the stables, "Drystan is just my brother."

But he wasn't... He was someone to fear but she refused to. They grew up together, surely he wouldn't forget that?

She walked away towards the courtyard gates, leaving the two guards behind. She dusted herself off, finding herself nervous suddenly. The gates opened, yet they felt cold somehow, even if she didn't touch them. She pressed on, her legs carrying her towards the entrance of the castle but her boots stopped on the gravel. Before her stood a familiar face. "Vance? You were waiting for me?" she asked, joyful to see her best friend. Vance grinned widely and bowed. He strutted down the stairs towards her, the gravel crunching beneath him. Right before her, his arms wrapped around her tightly. "You cannot believe how relieved I am to see you safe," mumbled the knight into her braids. Softly she hugged him back. Heat radiated from him and Riona found herself relaxing a bit. "Riona," said Vance pulling back, "Your brother is awaiting you in the garden for tea."

Riona's face twitched. "Tea?" she questioned a strange sensation running down her spine.

"Yes," he said, "Prince Drystan was the first to hear about your arrival and he is curious to know about your discoveries."

Riona took a subconscious step back. She raised a brow. "And he told you to come to retrieve me?"

"I am your best friend after all, why wouldn't he?"

She stared towards the knight for a good moment or two, then her feet started towards the gardens, leaving him a bit too hasty.

The light was fairly bright for a summer morning — she hated it. Similarly, she felt uncomfortable the moment her eyes met the grin on Drystan's face — far too bright.

At the sight of her entering the gardens, the prince smiled. "Riona, why don't you join me? Your favourite, vanilla tea," welcomed the prince, motioning to the neatly decorated table full of treats. Her eyes scanned them. They are all my favourites... My brother would never do anything for my pleasure, she pondered.

"Well, are you going to take a seat? I find it incredibly impolite to just stand there gawking," commented Drystan, his arms folding over his chest. Riona noticed... He had open body language, so why was he closed up? Nonetheless, she slowly sank into her seat. Her expression was pale and plain.

"Can Vance join too?" she asked, her voice low. Drystan blinked a couple of times, still, he unusually agreed with ease, "Why not."

A guard called for Vance and he arrived. The knight too seemed closed off too. His elbows were pressed close to his body and his hands balled in his lap. His legs were formally placed, facing Drystan on the other side of the cute round picnic table. Riona eyed both, very much wary.

Drystan reached for his teacup, at last, bringing it to his lips where they halted. He spoke, "I will cut to the point. I have received a letter from the Moth King. He wishes to obtain peace. Apparently, you have conversed. I wish to know what he said."

Riona turned her head to him but avoided eye contact. "I did talk to him and... I've made a discovery. I found myself heartbroken," she admired, now raising her eyes to Drystan.

Drystan leaned forward deathly slow, placing his palms on the surface of the table, his eyes darkening to a wicked shade. "I know," he said lowly, "And how does it feel to be torn?"

What happens next?

From_Another_Realmcreators' thoughts