
Wicked Dirty Games

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] You have been invited to participate in a scavenger hunt Beginning three days from now in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Enclosed you will find a plane ticket and five hundred dollars. When you land at the airport, a limousine will be waiting for you. If you choose not to honor this invitation, Someone will be by to retrieve it, intact as you received it.

Worm_bat · เกม
25 Chs

Task Number 10(1)

Nathan met them as they all gathered at the table for dinner. This time, no one groaned at his approach; his speech had adequately reminded them of the reality of their situation. They all sat together, much changed from the people they were days ago and much richer as a result. For some, the change had been financial but for all, the changes had been emotional and life-changing.

"Good evening."

"Evening, Nathan."

"Wow, you all very elegant tonight. Any special occasion?"

"No." James spoke for the group. "We just thought it would be fun."

"Ah, well, I have some good news for you. Tonight, one of you will receive the tenth scavenger hunt task and my benefactor felt that that would be a milestone for you. So, provided that the tenth task is completed, you will be flown to the Bahamas for a few days of rest, relaxation and for all of you, hopefully some sex." The group cheered, smiling at each other. Nathan couldn't help but notice that Ashley seemed distracted. "And speaking about sex, you will be permitted to invite one person to go on the trip with you."

"Invite someone? I don't understand."

"Someone from home, Shane, such as a girlfriend or boyfriend. Maybe your sister or your mother. It's up to you."

Beverly heard Nathan's words and saw that he had looked at her when he said the word, mother. There was no way in hell that she wanted to invite her mother on this trip. In the last nearly two weeks, she had lost almost fifteen pounds. She was so looking forward to this Bahamas trip so that she could do some shopping. She had no one that she wanted to invite. She stole a glance at James and wondered whom he would invite. "What if we don't have anyone we want to invite?"

"Then you go alone. There's nothing that says that you have to invite someone, Beverly. The offer is just out there for anyone who wishes to take it."

Shane thought for a moment. Once again, he was the third wheel. Everyone else would be paired up, except him. He thought about whom he would like to invite and one name kept popping into his head. Jaime. Since he'd come to grips with his sexuality, he had given a lot of thought to his best friend and their relationship. He'd known Jaime since the first day of school and they'd been dorm mates ever since. Jaime's room was directly across the hall from his and they spent a lot of time in each other's company, either clubbing or studying. A couple of times, he had caught Jaime looking at him and wondered if he, too, was gay.

"I have someone I'd like to invite, Nathan."

"All right. Give me the information and I'll get to work on the details."

Shane went off with Nathan, leaving the group to study their menus. James looked at Beverly, feeling a nervousness that he hadn't felt in a long time. She hadn't waited for his escort to dinner and even though she'd smiled at him when they were seated, the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"How about you?"


James swallowed past the lump in his throat. "Are you going to invite anyone?"

"Don't have anyone I'd want to invite."

"Oh." He watched as she returned her attention to the menu. "Beverly."


"Why aren't you talking to me?"

Beverly released a deep sigh. "I don't know, James. Maybe I don't want to get hurt."

"Beverly, do you really think I'd hurt you?"

His eyes were so sincere but she'd heard of James Weathers before this hunt had started. She knew about his women and about his conquests and she had no wish to be another notch on his bedpost. "Not knowingly."

"Not at all, Bev."

"Is that what you said to all those other women?"

James saw the pain in her eyes and didn't look away. "No. I didn't say anything to those women." He cupped her cheek gently. "I never felt this way about any of them."

"But why me, James? An overweight puff of black woman."

"I can't really tell you why it's you. I can tell you that I don't see an overweight puff of black woman. I did when I first met you. But you're different, Beverly. You're different from any other woman I've ever met and it's not just one thing, it's a combination of things. It's your color, it's your laugh, it's your smarts … but most of all, it's what I see in your eyes."

"And what's that?" She asked softly.


Beverly's heart skipped a beat, especially when he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against hers. Her stomach flopped and a deep liquid warmth spread through her pussy. James broke the kiss and she just gazed at him for a long moment. "Thank you, James. I believe that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I'm not saying it to be nice."

"I know."

Shane returned, his usual enthusiasm waking everyone at the table. "Well, ladies and gents, are we ready to order?"


Jaime Scott had been listless all day. He wasn't sure why but he could trace its beginnings to the day that Shane had left on that scavenger hunt.Oh, fuck it! He went to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer. He knew exactly why he felt this way. He missed Shane. After all, Shane was his best friend.Best friend? No, Shane was more than that but he didn't know what to do about it.

He remembered the first time he'd seen Shane. Jaime had been on assignment for the school's newspaper, The Clarion, and had to take photos of the new football players. Most of the players were idiots, fresh from big-man-on-campus in their respective high schools, now low-man-on-the-totem-pole in college and resenting it immensely. All they seemed to want to talk about was where to find the easiest girls and which bars were the best.

Shane had entered the locker room, looking like a lost little boy among the beefier new candidates and offered him the warmest smile and most intelligent interview of the bunch. Jaime was instantly smitten. But Shane was the quarterback and very soon after, became the star quarterback, totally out of his league.

But much to Jaime's surprise, Shane had sought him out after noticing him taking pictures of the game and had invited him to the after party. From then on, they were almost inseparable. There was a month or two when Shane had dated Loriann Carswell but that was it. For nearly three years, they were close pals.

What Shane didn't know was that Jaime was in love with him. In love. He had discovered that just in these last two weeks. He had never had a relationship with a man, but he knew that he wanted to have one with Shane. His cock was hard just thinking about Shane's naked flesh against his. The only problem was … he didn't know if Shane was gay or not.

The phone rang, breaking his meditation and he grudgingly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Jaime! It's Shane!"

Jaime's heart leapt in his chest. "Hey, Shane, where are you?"

"Lake Tahoe but we're about to head to the Bahamas."


"That's a long story, Jai, and I don't have that much time."

"So what'd you call for?"

"We're allowed to bring someone to the Bahamas with us and I want you to come."

"You want me to come?"

"Yeah, Jaime. Frankly, I couldn't think of anyone else that I'd want here but you." Shane's voice softened. "I've really been missing you."

"I've missed you, too, Shane. It just hasn't been … "

"The same? Yeah, I agree. Listen, Jaime, when you get down here, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"About us?"


Jaime's throat dried up. "What is it? Just tell me."

"No, I want to wait until you get here. I want to see you face-to-face."

"You're making me very scared, Shane."

"Believe me, Jai, I'm petrified myself." Shane cleared his throat. "Pack enough stuff for three days. Nathan's gonna talk to you to get everything arranged and I'll see you when you get here."

"Okay, Shane."

"Don't be too worried about what I want to talk to you about. No matter what happens, we'll always be friends."

That statement scared Jaime even more. He swallowed and said, "I hope so."


"Oh, Megan! You look sick!" Carmela Donato's exclamation was heard by all the girls working front desk and she was right. Megan's skin was white and a sheen of perspiration had broken out on her forehead. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to make sure that everything was okay."

"Everything's fine, honey. You go back to bed."

"Okay." Megan turned to leave, then quickly returned. "Oh, Carmela, can you get me yesterday's customer report? I'd like to look it over while I recuperate."

"Sure. Can you watch the desk for a minute?"

"Yes, just please hurry."

While Carmela went to fetch the report, Megan pulled the card key drawer open, found the key for room 510 and tucked it into her pocket. A moment later, her friend returned with a sheaf of green bar papers. "Here you go."

"Thanks and tell Doris that I'll talk to her tomorrow."

"No problem. Get well!"

Megan nodded, holding the reports tightly as she fingered the stolen card key in her pocket, visions of her reward from Matthew dancing in her mind.