
Why Is My System In Hardcore Mode!?

[ System Activated ] [ Congratulation host, you have been blessed with the Mission Achiever System ] [ Finding New physical body for host ] [ New body has been found ] [ Host, the world you will be reincarnated into has spiritual energy rejuvenated 50 years ago ] [ Ding ] [ System Updated ] [ Difficulty of the missions has been set to Hardcore Mode ] [ Host, Good Luck ] Come, Watch Our Boy's journey to the top as he tries to complete it with ridiculous requirements.

StumblingtoSuccess · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Mission Complete

Nathen got stoned after seeing the missions. He stood and pointed at the screen in front of him.

"System, are you serious!? Why do I have to defeat someone who is basically superhuman? Also, why do I have to join the weakest company? I don't know what a company is, but from the looks of it, it is a team. So, are you saying I have to go on with the weakest team?" Nathen started to rant out.

He thought he would get a simple mission and level up effortlessly. But from the looks of things, he had to sacrifice blood and sweat.

[ Host, don't panic. You had set the system into Hardcore Mode. So, it is like this. ]

"Oi. Were you serious back then?"

[ The system doesn't joke around. ]

Nathan didn't have anything to say as he wanted from the bottom of his heart to have a challenge completing the story.

He stopped his bitching and asked."Is there a time limit?"

[ No. ]

[ But if you want to stay as how you are, you can try. ]

"You are not wrong, though." Nathen rubbed his chin as he thought about it.

He wouldn't do much on his own. He didn't feel he had luck against the sky like the protagonists in the story. He only had the system to rely on. Also, the rewards the system would be giving seem too good to miss.

The words 'SSS' 'SS' and 'A' seem to indicate the rank of the item. Those words mean only one thing, they were overpowered items that should not be missed by anyone.

[ You are smart, host. ]

"Hey, stop reading my mind." Nathen waved his hand in the air.

Then he sat before the computer again. "Let me check what this Company is."

After gathering information for ten minutes, he found what he needed.

He leaned back on his chair and mumbled to himself. "So, the company is actually a team. They were not called the company at the start but guild."

"However, the way they worked, how they used their power, and how the guild worked, it was almost like a company. So, the government decided to rename them into company."

"Interesting, so there seems to be politics mixed into it too, if I am not mistaken." He simplified what he found after searching for a while.

"There are rankings on every planet for its own company. You are telling me I have to pick the lowest." His eyes darkened at the thought of it. He knew how much hard work he had to do to make it emerge to the top.

"But how can I convince someone who is superhuman to fight an ordinary man?" He rubbed his forehead just by thinking that.

[ Ding, Daily Character Identifier Loaded x3 ]

"Huh? What is this now?" He said this without any enthusiasm in his voice.

[ Character Identifier: Let you see the combat strength and how they think about you of any character you choose. ]

His eyes widened as he looked at that. "Hmm, in my previous life, if I would complete a hard challenge in-game, then I would do it in an unconventional way. Or else I would be stuck like all the YouTubers."

"What If I use this and sneak attack on someone? The system didn't say how to defeat them." A smirk grew on his face slowly as he thought of his success plan.


"Huh?" Nathen shot out from his chair and came before a window. He saw a man in a mask running away with some woman's beg.

He used the Character Identifier on that guy.

[ A small-time thief (Rank-1 Elementary Battle Warrior) -- He is not worthy as a warrior, so he decided to use his little strength to earn money ]

"Haha, This is god's gift." Nathen laughed to himself as he was ready to jump on this guy.

He was coming from the right and would pass by his window. Luckily, his apartment was also on the second floor.

He readied himself by standing on the edge of the window.

Then the moment came, and the thief was about to pass by his window. So, he jumped earlier to match up with him.

"You thief!" Suddenly a shout came from across the streets.


A shadow streaked toward the thief and punched his face.

And in the mid-air, Nathen was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events. Which made him forget that he was falling.

However, when he came to sense he saw he was alright. In his sight, he saw a girl grab the thief and drag him toward the lady whose bag was stolen.

"Are you alright?" Suddenly a voice entered his ears, which made him look up.

He saw a boy with lipstick, eyeliner, and a pair of earrings who was giving him a wink.

Nathen gave an ear-piercing shriek. "KYAAA!"


He launched an uppercut at that guy's chin. That punch took that guy by surprise and knocked him unconscious.

Nathen stood up and dusted his clothes off. He took heavy breaths and said."Perverts."

He then walked away from that scene like he had done nothing wrong.

Making the people who witnessed all of this dumbfounded.


Back to his apartment.

Nathen cursed out loud as he flipped his fingers to the ceiling. "Fuck you, god!! I don't need your gift anymore!"

"I almost lost myself to some homophobic." Thinking of that made his body shiver, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

[ Ding ]

[ Main Mission: Defy Norms has been completed ]

[ Congratulation, you have received Combat Technique - Combat God's Wisdom(SSS) ]

[ Congratulation, you have received Equipment - Heart Seed(SS) ]

Nathan was dumbfounded by the information in front of him.
