
Don’t go...

Luis: said have to go Alice. Alice:But I want to talk to you more. Luis: I have to go he said in a soft voice. Luis asked his mother can I give your number to my friend? His mother said, okay luis sweetheart she said in a kindly voice and then wrote down her number. luis: here this is my number. Alice: said thank you. After that my brother: came over ooh Alice your with a boy in a annoying tone. Alice: so what, what's so wrong with talking to a boy grow up Lynn. Lynn: Hahaha and ooh it look like you got his Number to and pfff your such a loser. Alice: your so mean Lynn!! Lynn said let's go home, all my friend left and it's UgLy out here. Alice: okay in sad voice. After 5 minutes Alice and Lynn got home~. Mother: Lynn love your home!!! In a happy voice. And Alice go to some Dishes with maids!! In a angry voice and stay away for Lynn!!! Alice: okay mother in a sad voice. Mother: don't cell me mother when your in this house!! cell me miss Marie! Alice okay moth- I mean miss Marie.