
Why I hate Middle Class Women

"I endured this pain day after day, drowned in the ocean of tears that weren't allowed to leave my eyes. I held on for long, but they didn't love to see that, they stepped upon my head, content to watch me drown in the emotional mess they caused." Seven relationships and all were doomed from the start. The same issues and the same outcome, all the girls he loved left him, cheated on him, stabbed him in the back. Was he hexed? Was he really the problem? Why did they never last? Chang Wu didn't know. All he knew was that, they were breaking his heart to smaller pieces every time they walked out of his life because he couldn't 'afford' them. He'd tried everything to the extent everyone called him a simp for women who wouldn't even do half of what he'd done for them. 'Why were all middle class women the same?' Why hadn't he met one that wouldn't push the burden of financial responsibilities on his shoulders. The more he thought of it, the more he bore hate, until he decided to give up on them, and aim for something higher.  Dating a rich woman was his next step. As impossible as it sounded and difficult to achieve, he thought the woman on the magazine cover that caught his attention would actually love him, not because of money because she already had that. There were problems, he had to live falsely to catch her eye and watch out for potential threats to avoid the truth from getting exposed, but how long would he pretend to be the opposite of what he truly was? How long would he lie? How long would he continue to live in fear? And most importantly, how would he put an end to the facade without getting his dream woman hurt?

SofarLunar · สมัยใหม่
152 Chs

Chapter 1: Balance Unlimited

"Have you ever wanted to be so rich you can actually bathe in your money just like you see on tv? Have a large closet and barely wear half of what's inside? What about burn your hard earned money and not give a damn? Well, that's a hundred percent possible. Here on Lunar-Net show of the top ten rich and beautiful people in Beijing, we interview your favorite celebs, and because of popular demand, we've invited Mr Chang Wu to join us on the show."

The cameras flashed, and the man wearing a white suit, newly tailored by the best designer in the whole of Asia, smiled a billion dollar smile. He could already hear the screams of whoever was watching, and it made him feel more proud.

"Thanks for joining us on the show, Mr Chang Wu." 

"It's fine. I'm sure many people have waited for this episode" He grinned, flicking the hairs on his forehead stylishly. Even the hostess could feel the heat of his presence. 

"Would you mind sharing with us your success story?"

"Well," his face went stern as he separated his lips to share a piece of his heartbreaking story. "You see, not everyone has had things easy while growing up. It's simply been me, myself, and I. I had to struggle alone, and i fought my battles without any help. So, I express gratitude towards myself first before any person or thing that claims to be the motivator of my success. No supernatural being favoured me, not like it's even possible."

He was a mainstream atheist, yet he regarded everyone's different perspectives, as long as nobody attempted to drive their convictions in his face. 

"I would've loved to share my story in details, but it's something I prefer to keep hidden until I feel comfortable enough to share."

"Mr Chang a lot of fan messages just came in but I can only ask a few. Sana10 wants to know about your relationship status" 

The man burst into laughter and wiped the tears that formed at the corner of his eyes "I'm not ready to handle a woman in my life, but I have interest in Jennifer Kim of Whitepurple. You could call me a fanboy of her group's music. I stan those talented and stunning girls, but Jennifer Kim is still my bias." He diverted his gaze from the hostess's face to the cameras angled towards him "That doesn't mean I don't love my fans out there" He batted his eyelids, and he could already sense some girls swooning, and trembling at his brief gesture.

The hostess read the next email that she'd received "Ano hana asks about your work life. How are things behind the desk?"

He stroked his jawline then moved around in his seat "Well, sometimes it gets difficult sorting files, attending meetings, addressing the staff, moving here and there. It always gives me a headache, but apart from that, I love my job as the CEO of my firm."

"Next Question" The hostess couldn't help but laugh at the random text that popped up on her screen. She was similarly as inquisitive as the transmitter. To discover, obviously she needed to ask him. She didn't stop for a second to.

 "Unknownlover69 wants to know if you're a virgin"

The broadcast team attempted to hold in their laughs, so did Chang Wu who was at that point smiling "Do I need to answer this one?" 

The hostess nodded, and he bit his lip "Fine then. Yes, I am." 

A gasp swept the room, and a wide smile spread across his face "Just kidding." They were all relieved he had a proper sex life experience. 

Finally, the hostess read the next and last Question of the day.

"Mr Chang Wu This message is from Tenten, and it says, What's your advice to those that are battling monetarily, individuals that aren't so fortunate in this life. You aren't willing to share your success story in details, but do your fans and people who see you as a role model a favour. Tell us what you've learnt from your life journey to the top." 

"Out of all the questions you've asked so far, this is my favourite. TenTen, send your details with the same number. I'll very much want to see and converse with you one on one. For every other person that is anticipating my answer, I will leave a statement a wise lady once told me. She said to me when I was still a child, 'people give up when they're close to making a big difference.' I know how rough it is, I know how tough things can get, but you need three important things in your life, courage, hope, and the little support you can get. If you can't find support, then fine. No one supported me, but I made it in life with the determination I had no matter the circumstance that came my way. Even if things aren't getting better, please, never lose courage. I swear, someday you'll reap whatever seed you sowed. And if you're really lucky, you'll get ten folds of it just like I did. Just be patient. Good things come at the best time."

The broadcast team clapped, and he waved his hand at the cameras. 

"Thank you so much for joining us on this show Chang Wu…"

He cleared his throat "that's Mr Chang Wu to you…"

"Chang Wu! Chang Wu!! Chang Wu!!! Chang Wu!! Chang Wu! Chang Wu!! Chang Wu!!! Chang Wu!!"


"CHANG WU!!!" 

"YES!" He jerked awake to see the faces of furious customers that were arranged behind the counter, then his iris of rusty brown dashed to his rankled boss. 

'Shit' he silently cussed, scouring the remains of his beautiful sleep. He started to check out the things the customers purchased, and he got heaps of abuses and shouts from them before they stomped out of the store

"Thank you for your patronize! Please come again." He said every time the door with an exit sign closed.

"Chang Wu, were you dreaming about being rich again?" 

"I'm sorry sir, Grande Arian's song about money set me in the mood to daydream about lots of it," He bowed to show his remorse "I promise it will never happen again."

"Chang Wu, if this repeats I'll fire you. At whatever point you need to leave reality and visit your dreamland, remind yourself you're simply a low paid sales clerk in my grocery store." 

*'Do you always have to remind me of my unfortunate life? See why I constantly daydream?'* 

His mind said one thing...

"Thank you for the second chance, sir. I'll always remind myself" 

His mouth said another...

He sat back in his seat after his supervisor had gone to organize a few items in the racks, and in a flash… 

"CEO Chang Wu!" His personal assistant, the winner of miss world 2018 walked to his side, and he placed a kiss on her tender hands "If it's about the meeting, I'm fully aware of it. For now, let's take a ride around the city in my private jet." 

He kicked his feet back on the counter and sighed, plugging his wireless mp3 player then he chimed in to his play list "I wanna be a billionaire so fuckin' bad. Buy all of the things I never had.

I wanna be on the cover of Lunar-net magazine

Smiling next to Lijuan and the Queen.

Every time I close my eyes...

I see my name in shining lights,

A different city every night

Oh, I, I swear the world better prepare

For when I'm a billionaire!" 

hey, did you know that excessive daydreaming can be a symptom of depression and anxiety?

A friend of mine told me about this, and I used the information I got from my research and made the ML have excessive daydreaming (which further explains his depression and why it's hard for him to stay focused) 

It's important to set your mental health as a priority and surround yourself with positive energy.

You can add this book to your library for future updates and I'll see you next time

SofarLunarcreators' thoughts