
A Quiet Time

The mood in New York was somber, the entire country mourned the death of Maya Walker and Ralph Ashford. Two nobles of the younger generation, promising guardians and heirs to their families, were killed by Black Death.

The world was shaken!

There was anger in New York, the rage of the big four kept growing each day, so Lucius decided it was best to keep a low profile for now. He was certain, if Black Death were to appear in New York, he would be killed in moments. 

In their place, Bruce Ainsworth and Danny Briggs took over Lucius's troops and took back Ohio, slaughtering everything in their path. The civilian casualties in the war increased drastically, especially when they found out that there were deviants in human bodies, hiding amongst the slaves.

The American troops were brutal and didn't hesitate to unload their rage on whoever they could. In merely a week, The Beast Whisperer was forced to withdraw from Ohio and the entire state was recaptured.