
Why do we fall?

Ha-rin is a fairly normal girl She lives with her brother & parents Works at a corner store & self studies piano & art while getting good grades in school Life is pretty fair with her But what does she do when all of a sudden there's a statue in her picture? It wasn't there before. How does this change her life?

seivyn · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


After playing games with her brother at night

Ha-rin goes to study...she studies & goes to sleep

She wakes up and does her daily shower afterwards putting on her blue jeans & her white button down/up

The moment she comes back to her room she notices that the picture on her wall has a statue, a statue looking down while smiling

She confused a little scared

She ask herself has that always been there?

Moving closer to the picture

I would've never put it on the wall if so""

As she got closer to the picture she stops, bumping into her desk

And as she stares, the statue moves its eyes

Looking right at her

She's taken aback she stands still

Moving back Rubbing her eyes thinking her eyes were just messing with her

The statues expression changes to a confused but curious expression

She ask what are you?"" Scaredly

The statues face rest

Signing "I cannot speak but I can hear I am a statue".

"You can probably not understand me huh?"

She signs back "no I understand you"

"I know you are a statue but how are you alive?"

"The statue signs "I myself do not know I'm pretty sure you don't know either...why you exist?"

"But I do know why I am here in this picture"

"Why?" Says Ha-rin

"I am trapped, I need your help"

"What are you saying" says ha-rin

"That I need your help" signs statue

"I..dont understand how do you need my help & why are you here??"

"I myself don't know exactly why I'm here

I just know I need help"

*Ha-rins brother calls knocking*

"Hey! You up? I need help with my package, also I have something to tell you."

"C-come in" ha-rin says

Wide side eyeing the picture

~the statue has a very calm expression

*Her brother comes in*

"Hey why do you look so surprised? What are you looking at?" *He looks at the desk*

"Is there a bug?"

Ha-rin says "no..you don't see that"

"What?" He says

"The picture"

"What about it? Looks like it always has"

She looks down eyes opened "really? Never mind then"

"Any how I need your help so come on"

*She follows her brother down stairs to help him with the package*

"Wh-what is this anyway?"

"My chair" he says

"Ah I see..."

*they get finished putting it inside*

"But also ____ finally came out! I forgot all about it!"

"Really!?" Ha-rin says "Yeah and everybody's saying it's so good we gotta get it " Her brother says

"Yeah. We do" Ha-rin says "I'll be right back I gotta do something, tell me if you need help."

"Ok" her brother says as she goes back upstairs

*she goes back to her room walking up to the statue carefully and hesitantly sitting in her chair*

"I...i...how...idk What is happening but how can I help you ?"

"I need...we need to finda certain well

I believe it's the way for be free.."

"How Do you know?"

"I just feel it..behind a restaurant broken but still running.."

"Broken but still running..." ha-rin says

She's given a memory of her childhood

A stone well in the back she sits playing with a cat while a bird drinks from the well

"I think I may know where it is.." Ha-rin says

"Really!?" the statue says "that is great, we can go now!"

"No I remember of it vaguely I have to remember more.."  She says

"I see" the statue says

*Ha-rin becomes quiet trying to think*

*The statue waits*

"Maybe I call my parents" *she picks up her phone*

*hears a knocking sound on the wall, she looks up to see the statue moving, she states for a bit, eventually her mom picks up the phone*

"Hey mom.. Do you remember going to a restaurant in the past always eating _____?"

"Ah yes why do you ask?"

"Do you know where it is ?"

"I was just remembering how good it's was"

"it's in _____( somewhere a little far) but i don't know exactly"

"I see thank you bye"

"Bye love" her mom says hanging up

*Ha-rin looks up restaurants in ______*

This takes some time

Evetually she finds it

"I found it!" She says looking up

The statue is asleep

She knocks on the wall waking up the statue

The statue looks with a hm? And tired face

"I...i found the restaurant" she says

"An really!?" The statue says "we can get going right away then"

"Yes I guess we can...i don't have work today.."

"Great" the statue says

"Well do i..just take you like this" hari says moving the picture from the wall

"Yes I believe s- !"

"Ah it's a little- heavy!" "How...?"

"Ah I'm very offended" the statue says while laughing

"I..i don't understand I looks just like paper"

"I..hold on a second" ha-rin says while leaving

*She goes to get a picture frame passing her brother*

"Al-almost done huh?" She says

"Yup just a bit more, it's pretty easy!" He says

"That's good umm look i have to go somewhere ok so I'll be out for a while"

"hm? Ok tell me if you go to any restaurant"

"Ok" she says taking a picture frame

*She goes back up stairs going back to her room she opens the picture frame

Putting the picture in frame*

"Then I can put you in my bag"

"She goes to get her bag "you won't get hurt this way"

She puts the frame in her bag

Just then hearing a tapping sound from it

She picks the frame up

"Ah I just wanted to see if there was anyway to call you" he signs

"Ah i see I'll put you back now "

"Ok" the statue signs smiling

"I...i don't know what's happening" she thinks

"This is something else"

Ha-rin goes to take the bus

She eventually gets to stop & waits

Eventually getting on the bus

Once she gets on there's not too many people on it but she sees a child across from her sitting playing on a game looking for their mom

She sees a woman in the back sleeping with another child sitting quietly

Eventually she's coming toward her stop but before she gets there she goes to wake the lady

The lady wakes looking for the other kid saying thank you

She calls for the son the son goes to her

As ha-rin walks back to the from

The lady is heard saying

"ah we missed the stop!"

Ha-rin waits and eventually she's at her stop

She gets off

Looking around she looks at her GPS

Looking down at her bag

She takes the picture frame out

Putting her phone to her ear

"So what do I do once I get there?" ha rin ask

"I..i do not know" the statue says

"Really? Well we'll just see I guess" ha rin says

She walks passing many faces

Looking at her GPS through every corner

Eventually finding the restaurant


Hearing a child voice in a distance giggling she sees a child with her parents & a baby boy as they walk the image of them fades away

She smiles

Walking to the restaurant

Before she could get to the back her stomach growls

She looks at the door

Looking at her bag then to the back of the restaurant

She eventually goes inside

As she gets in she's met with a older lady remembering a younger face just like hers

She smiles and is greeted to a table

"Are you ready to order?" Ask the lady

"Yes I would like a _____ & a tea please"

The lady looks a bit surprised "ok I will get to it right away" She smiles

She takes the picture out of her bag

"Mmmm..im sorry but I got very hungry so I stopped to get food" she says

"Yes I heard" he says

"Feeling nostalgic?"

"Yes it feels very weird" she says

The statue stays silent

"So what is your nane? Mr.statue" she says

"My name is " he says

"That is a very nice name" she says

"Thank you " he says

Eventually her food comes, she puts the picture back in her bag

"Thank you" She says to waiter

"You're very welcome"

As she eats she's brought back memories

Such as making a mess to laughing with her mom & dad to her first time tasting the noodles as she takes a bite

Eventually all being gone while sipping her tea she smiles at the bowl

Eventually she is back outside to go behind the restaurant

She walk to the back feeling movement in her bag

She opens it and takes the picture frame

___ stares at her she begins walking again

She's met with a broken white fountain

She walks towards it feeling the water call to her she takes the picture out of it's frame

Slowly putting it into the water

It sinks slowly sinking

She tries to grab it felling no bottom of the fountain

As she rises up she's met with a new environment surrounded by beautiful planets she's never seen

She looks in front of her finding a stone with the shape of a window and blinds the shadow of flowers lying on top

As she looks around she sees ____ sitting body being shaped by sand steadily pouring from above him crouching down looking at the ground head in hand arm on lap

She walks toward him

"Where I live is slowly breaking apart...or slowly crumbling down..." He says

"Its being destroyed?" She ask

"Yes...i don't know why..or how.."

"Thank you for helping me I don't expect anything else from you the way to leave is through the door on the right"

"How will you save this place...or world?" She ask

"I..i don't know" he says "I'll have to find a way..."

"Is there anyway I can help?" She ask

"You want to help? I don't even know what I'm getting myself into its ok to leave I cannot guarantee safety"

"Yes I know but I also want to help in any way I can"

They both state at each other

"I see..." ____ says

"If that is so, then come with me."

He was toward the door behind her

Tthe sand follows him pouring above his head

She looks up to the ceiling

The ceiling is made of sand but it seems to only pour to when he is

They walk to the door

As Ha-rin walks behind him she goes to touch the back of, sand pouring on her hand

He stops

"I'm..im sorry.."

"Hm no problem this all new to you I understand"

He begins to walk again stopping at the door he begins opening as he walks out his body beigins to change into glass

But not clear parts of him (color)

Legs seeming as if plants are inside a sculpture seemingly foggy and a sheer blouse over him

Ha-rin just stares amazingly

Around this time is golden hour

The view is seen in a golden view

"A little walk from here & there is a building"

He says

"A building that is slowly crumbling"

Ha-rin stays silent

He begins walking Ha-rin follows

Eventually the come to a stop in front of a white glass building slowly but surely crumbling, the sound of a ding coming off and on. they get