
Why Can't I Be The Hero?!?!

Why Can't I be the Hero?!?! 17 Year old Mika Izuko was a game addicted teenager who decided to drop out of school because he thought it was pointless. With the support of his grandparents he kept up his gaming lifestyle. Mika was always into video games and manga as it was all he had to pass the time most days until one day he decides to run a video game marathon on a new game called "The Heroes of Mito Kingdom!" As he grinds every game he plays to the maximum, this was nothing new for him. But when he wakes up nothing is the same. Waking up in the middle of nowhere I slowly sat up and realized I was laying in a grass field. I must be dreaming because I don't remember wandering out into a random plain. This is one weird dream, it all feels so damn real. -------- ----- -------- I will try for updates at least four times a week until I get a proper schedule done for all my stories. Currently working on three stories on here, so please be patient, I'll try for daily updates but if not it'll be four times a week minimum. ------- ---- ------- 100 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter 250 Powerstones = 2 Bonus Chapters 500 Powerstones = 3 Bonus Chapters Feel free to reach me on discord! ^○^ Https://discord.gg/acqWwRpyZc Disclaimer: New Cover as of 9/03/2022 does not belong to me and if it is yours, please make sure to notify me and I'll take it down. Old Cover was done by Toky, Edit by Docaqui. (Cover is by a friend named TokyFlowManga) (Cover Editing Done By: Docaqui)

Kota_Sama · แฟนตาซี
159 Chs

Chapter 16: Two for Now

Upon reaching the top of the hill a village could be seen on the other side. Finally we had to be getting somewhere, this travel hasn't been the easiest but I'm getting better.

We've been on and off stopping for rest these last few days and I know it hasn't been the easiest on Azura but I know we'll make it to the others.

I feel like I'm learning more about myself as I travel this world and fight the heroes that exist here. Shin made me realize the extent of my power so far but I know I can be greater then that.

"How are you holding up Mika?" Asks Azura with a concerned tone.

"I'm alright, slowly getting back to my normal self." Responds Mika.

I've come to realize how strange it must be to everyone in this world that I've never truly shown my face. I know my thoughts can be random at times but it would make sense why a lot of people saw me as a monster too.

My hairs always covering my eyes so no one can see them and I've usually been covered in blood so I'd naturally assume that as well.

In my old world my hair was about the same, I never liked it short and always preferred it to cover my face. Occasionally tying it up while I game just to keep it from bothering me.

I guess I got accustomed to no one ever truly seeing my full face. It makes me wonder if the group would prefer to see my face or if they even care.

"That village might be able to tell us if they saw the others come through." Says Azura as she looks at the distant village.

"I was thinking the same thing, let's check it out." Responds Mika before beginning to walk.

I felt capable of walking on my own finally which was nice but deep down I knew I still needed time before another battle. It seems the old passive healing skill I had isn't here with me sadly but it'd be powerful.

"It is here idiot. You have me but haven't used my power to heal." Says Lazarus.

"What do you mean I have your power to heal?" Asks Mika with a confused tone.

"Activate Vessel Demonic Aura. That'll allow you to heal." Answers Lazarus.

Hmm. Activate Vessel Demonic Aura.

"Skill activated." Says a voice.

Within a few moments I felt my body start healing like something I'd never felt before. Suddenly the skill deactivated and my body was almost as good as new.

This was going to be a useful skill but I need to figure out the extent of its power.

Upon entering the village whispers could be heard all around.

"What happened to him?"

"Whose blood is that?"

"Must be some kind of monster."

As usual things tend to follow me where I go but that won't stop me from finding Ella and Hiroko.

Looking around the village it was quite small but had quite a feel significant buildings that we could check out. Most of these places could hold potential information to find the others.

"Hey I see a small guild building, maybe we could check it out." Says Azura.

"Yeah that seems like a smart idea." Replies Mika.

Walking into the guild building we were greeted by a nice woman with white hair and green eyes.

"Hello guild members I'm Mariz the Guild quest giver." Says Mariz as she gives a bow.

"Nice to meet you Mariz, I'm Azura and we're looking for our friends." Responds Azura as she introduces herself.

"I apologize we get a lot of people in and out, may I ask for a description and names?" Asks Mariz with a curious tone.

"Yes one is Ella and she had purple hair, blue eyes, wears knight armor, and is an elf." Answers Azura.

The woman seems to ponder in her thoughts for a moment before Azura could mention the other companion.

"I believe they did come through. Her and another who appeared to be one of the heroes." Responds Mariz.

"Did they happen to say anything about where they'd be going?" Asks Mika as he steps forward.

"The only thing I happened to hear was something about them checking out an elven village a bit further east." Answers Mariz.

"Thank you very much." Says Azura as she grabs Mika's arm.

"Time to go then." Says Mika as he walks out the building with Azura.

Finally getting something to go on we could look for the others. I know they can handle themselves but it just feels weird being separated now after that whole thing.

(Back in Mybourn) King Maziel's Throne room.

"Fort Livot fell my king. It seems a surprise attack bad happened after Mika and his party defeated the previous army." Says a knight.

"It's fine, we'll make up for our losses over time." Responds King Maziel.

Losing this fort wouldn't be the end of anything for Mybourn but it was an important place to have for the east. It showed Mybourn had reach pretty far out past their normal borders.

"We don't know the whereabouts of Mika and his party either." Says the knight.

"If they're alive we still got to help them if we find them." Responds King Maziel.

"Of course my King." Says the knight.

"A war is coming as well so prepare the others." Says King Maziel.

(Back somewhere in the East)

We're finally getting away from the desert which was nice, the heat was terrible not that I'd notice but sometimes I gotta play the part. Most of my resistances are pretty high.

It's only been a couple of hours since we left that small village, I forgot for awhile about guilds existing in the first place.

I never joined one and never will, they just waste your time and give you bullshit quests that always end up giving low quality items. I just didn't prefer to be a part of them but it could be different in this world.

A lot of things have seemed different here but it hasn't changed anything about my journey or at least least nothing I'd notice.

"You seem do be doing a lot better." Says Azura as she walks.

"Yeah I used one of my magic skills to heal." Responds Mika as he walks with Azura.

I don't know if she understands how my skills work or what skills are so I'll keep that to myself for now. Only the heroes understand that but I don't even think they possess something like that.

"As always you blow my mind. You're just so strong Mika, I wish I would've been as strong as you are." Says Azura.

"You are strong Azura. Those things can happen and I'm sorry about your past but you did what you had to." Replies Mika.

"I know but I just feel like I could've done more." Says Azura as a tear goes down her cheek.

"It's okay Azura everything is okay." Responds Mika as he hugs Azura.

Sometimes my focus is just on killing that damn King and the heroes. I forget that these are real people that travel with me and that the past they hold is brutal.

I've gotta get to the point where I can focus on both my mission and taking care of my companions. I think they really have been changing me since I've first gotten here.

I originally didn't wanna believe in having people to support or to support me but I didn't think this would get here.

"Thank you Mika I needed that. We can continue now." Says Azura as she gers ready to walk.

"You're welcome. Alright let's get going." Responds Mika while starting to walk.

Both Mika and Azura contiue their on and off travels. Resting, traveling, repeat until they could find this village.

It only took a day and a half to get to this village known as Evefiel which was one of the first villages established by the elves.

This is definitely the place but I don't think they'd still be here but we got to have some hope that they could be around here.


All around me I could see outlines of people but I don't see the outline of Ella or Hiroko so either they are hidden well or they aren't here. I'm thinking it's better go ask around some more to see what people know.

"Let's figure this place out and ask around." Says Mika while looking around.

"I was thinking the same thing." Responds Azura.

There was quite a bit of options for where to start asking first but I believed it could be smart to check the main shops of the village. It's actually a lot nicer compared to the village we came from.

The day is young and we'll have plenty of time to ask around.

"Let's split up and meet back in front of this tavern." Says Mika.

"Okay just be careful, this is unknown territory." Replies Azura with a worried tone.

Following that I went to a merchant shop to see if they had stopped for anything while Azura went to check the inn. As I entered the shop I could see a man with a long beard and a shaved head, wearing old blacksmith like clothing.

"Hey have you seen an elf woman wearing knight armor with purple hair?" Asks Mika after getting to the counter.

"Hello traveler, I can't say I exactly remember seeing the woman you seek." Answers the man.

Damn but there's still hope yet.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time sir." Says Mika before turning around.

"You could try The Blite Fly, it's a shop that they could've stopped at if they came through." Replies the man.

"Thank you Sir, I'll be on my way now." Says Mika as he reaches the door.

The Blite Fly is the place I need to go now, hopefully I'll find something out there about Ella and Hiroko. I also hope that Azura is having some sort of good luck figuring things out.

It's not easy to find people like I thought it would be though, where the hell are you guys?