
Why am I the hero!?

His life is slow and boring but it all changes when he checks out the house that he inherited years before, will this change be good? Will it be bad? You’ll have to find that out as you watch Morrigans life progress. WILL HAVE NSFW IN LATER CHAPTERS!!

R_A_E · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Who are you?

POV: Morrigan

The woman that walked into his room seemed… Odd. Unnatural even. To the point that it freaked him out. Instinctively moving back on his bed. She seemed to notice and gave him a bitter look. Rolling her eyes slightly. "How nice, I'm here to help you y'know." As he studied her, he realized nothing about her was natural. Half of her hair was a dark purple and the other was black. It was long enough to hit the ground if she slouched over.

She was the size he was when he was an actual kid. About eight inches shorter than he is now. For some reason she seemed only a few years older than he was.

"You're a kid! This makes no sense…" She analyzed him, confused about something. "Do you know where your parents are?" Baffled by her question he would struggle to answer. The only 'family' he's ever had were the Usirs. Myriad, Kairo etc. His head tilted to the side a little bit. "I'm 21." Somehow she didn't hear him, and continued talking.

"Fuck… Well this is awkward… I'm the manager of the inner afairs branch from the Tarasque guild. We have reason to suspect you of unlawfully hunting, mass property damages, and homicide. I'm here to take you in for questioning, I'll be representing you and all that if you get sent to court blah blah blah." Turns out she isn't a nurse. Her eyes would quickly shift to a camera in the upper left corner of the room and back to Morrigan. This is actually the first time he's seen heterochromia. She had one eye purple and the other black, but both were on opposing sides to her hair.

"I have new clothes for you by the way, so you don't need to walk around in that all day." She would whisper a spell and a fresh pair of folded up clothes would pop up out of thin air. "YES!! NO MORE HOSPITAL CLOTHES!" Jumping off the bed he would scoop up the clothes. Making a turn around motion at the guild lady. Once she obliged he quickly got dressed in a oversized collared black shirt, a thin jacket, a pair of ripped Jeans, and hightop vans. Which he had a mini heart attack over. "Your mother is letting-"

"She isn't my mother, and I'm not a kid. I'm 21 years old, the only reason I'm even in contact with that witch is because I have a contract with her." This didn't really faze the guild lady. "You're young in terms of dwarves, I'm half dwarf, I was around 80 when you were conceived. God this is weird, I'll explain more when we get there." Ushering him along she would walk out with him, past Kairo and some staff members.

As he left the hospital he would look around, the city smelt the same. But it was different in a way. This was his first time back in dome Eden after he went to live in some Ivy. Five years can really do things to a massive city like this. Everything felt so much bigger and there were tons more people. "Uh guild lady-" looking back at him she would give him a weird look. "It's Salem. Shorten it however you want." Giving her A double thumbs up he would resume his sentence. "Where exactly are we going? I wasn't exactly told."

The buildings were the epitome of human technology. They could literally move! Those who owned them could reconfigure them to look like a boring old skyscraper, but if they wanted it could also look like a piece of art. Many buildings had themes from old movies. It was a clever marketing trick. What would the world be like if we fought parasites with jeagers?

"We're going to the guild masters office. I strongly suggest you only speak when spoken to. I don't want to have to clean up a corpse if you piss someone off." The Tarasque guild seemed… Friendly. "Right. I'll keep quiet." He was absolutely itching to run off and try to escape. But he knew that if he tried the guild lady would catch him in a heartbeat.

𝟏𝟓 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

'How far away is this damn guild!? Why do we even need to walk there? Don't guilds as big as the Tarasque have a shit ton of money? They should at least have…' Wait why hasn't he cleared his mission yet? He escaped containment. 'This could be considered containment, I'm being-' Stopping in place he realized where the two were going. The area around them was rundown and multiple buildings looked like they were about to collapse at a whim. This was the slums, "Wait wait pause. Why are we in this part of town? Shouldn't the guild hall be someplace back there?"

"You're slower than I thought, some hero you are. I'm not part of that damned guild, but I am part of the Shinigami guild." Freezing in place he would watch as the guild lady slowly turned into black mist. A wicked laugh escaping her. "Don't worry I won't kill you! We need you for now~"

"FUCK THAT." Turning towards a alleyway he would bolt down it. Just dodging a stab of black mist. "We will find you eventually little hero!~ I hope you make this fun for me…." Thoughts rushed through his head, but his reaction time couldn't keep up with the guild ladies attacks so he was forced to run aimlessly.

Nearly tripping on trash yet another stab of mist was thrown at him. In order to dodge he was forced to dive behind a dumpster and against a brick wall. A audible pop could be heard. As he fell he would try to call out to the system for help. "Help me you damn- THING! Or anyone! I DONT CARE WHO."

[IMPALE is on cooldown, sending…]

A massive storm cloud would form over him. 'That's odd the weather inside domes are artific-' A bolt of black lightning would strike mere inches away from his hand. For a few moments he couldn't see due to the pulse of light. But once his vision and the smoke cleared up he would be left with… A rock? 'Wait this thing is familiar, it was the one I saw at the estate. Why did the system thingy give it to me?'