
Why am I holding on you

Him - "You took away my first kiss, you have to be responsible for it" Her - "That was my first kiss too Senior. Am I asking you to be responsible?" Him - "Ask me... I am waiting" Her - "Shut up, get away otherwise I will call my brother" Him - "I am sure he will support his friend, atleast for this" Her - "You- BROTHER" Bro - "Yes my lovely sister" Her - "Brother this friend of yours is asking me to be responsible for his first kiss" Bro - "Serene I taught you since we were young that we should be responsible for our deeds" Her - "But that was just an accident, you told me too, that I shouldn't be bother with it!" Bro - "Well I didn't knew it was him" Him - "Love can you stop getting angry" Her - "Who is your love!!" Him - "Except you, no one was, no one is, no one will and no one is allowed to be." Her - "Ahhh... Don't talk to me." (Not a part of story but how the character is designed and how story it would be.) A love story between two college students Serene and Soham. Serene's childhood was messed up because of her struggled childhood with her brothers in orphanage. And Soham's life was too peaceful that it irritates him. There first encounter was not good but the last will be sweetest. There story doesn't have those lots of up and down in relation or life but it do have some spice. This story isn't like FL settings up an empire from scratch or anything related to business or revenge or creating her identity to show to the world (because she already have everything) but a cute love story with some love hate relation initially and then about persuading someone to accept him. This is more or less all about love. How a egoistic man fell in love with her who don't even give a damn about his presence even though they both are each others first kiss. ML hated her for snatching away his first kiss but in span of time, he was the most grateful person in the world for having that moment with her. But he wants her to be around him only... But she didn't even recognized him as a acquaintance in her life, leave, not even a human being relate to her in her life... poor him.... Initially it was love hate and later it was love in the air. Initial chapters will be little fast to show her and her siblings love for each other. Later it will be cute little love story. Hope you will like it. If you can than just try 10 to 15 chapters. Might you like it #I am writing another book too... please check out... OPPOSITES ATTRACT MY LOVE... #English is not my first language. And I can't afford to say it as my second one either, so don't be pissed by it. It is at least bearable. #Cover photo doesn't belong to me.

P_A_S · สมัยใหม่
317 Chs

Head of orphanage

"Hey I heard that you are going to an orphanage next week." Roy said while having his toast in the canteen.

"Yes why?" Serene replied while having her share of breakfast. She planned to go to an orphanage by the end of next week. She does that every month.

Roy nodded and thought for a while before asking "Can I come?" He never did any social work. He was always around books and in his room. No one talked to him about this kind of stuff at home either. They always let him do what he was comfortable with.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. Of course she never thought of him as a social worker either. "Of course you can. Actually I was thinking of taking you because Harry and Henry both are busy. And I didn't want to meet kids alone. I want them to meet more people."

He was excited right after having affirmation. "Okay what time are you-" Before he could complete he was interrupted by a ringtone.

Roy picked up his call after knowing it was his dad "Hello dad ... Yess ... Can't be later ... Okay" He talked lastly for a while in a depressing note.

After hanging up the call he looked up to her with a pout "I am sorry Serene, I am going out of country next week with dad for company matter"

He badly wanted to come and join her, after hearing from Harry about her social work. He never did something exciting before Serene, now he always tries to explore more or more things with her.

"Ohh ... It's okay. You can come next time." She said in a low tone.

"I will." Roy immediately replied. Next time definitely. "So tell me about this orphanage."  He asked.

"Well this orphanage is mine." She nonchalantly. 

Roy's bewildered voice rang out "Orphanage is what."

Serene scrunched her eyebrows, not understanding what so shocking "Mine?"

Roy gaped and asked "How rich are you girl." Having her own orphanage with her own funding. Richie rich!

"I don't know the amount." She said.

Roy scoffed "Whatever continues." 

"Yeah... So, the orphanage is mine. I opened it two years ago. It's also got the social organisation and NGO awards. It is being funded by only 5 people. Me, Harry and his three friends."

She started planning about this orphanage right after one year of her success in business. She wanted to do something for orphans like her. When she was Orphan what she wanted the basic thing for her better future was books to study. Now she wants to help these kids with all she can.

"Harry's Friends? How come I never heard of that!" He never saw Harry talking about friends or even with his friends.

"Well yeah he doesn't talk a lot about them. Even I saw them only once in a bar for 5 seconds max" Serene replied with a nod. She understands this feeling. When she first heard about Harry having friends things. She was shocked too! Well he is an introvert when it comes to friends with no doubt. So it's a legitimate question by Roy.

Moreover she still remembers those 5 second where she saw their face for maximum 3 seconds and the rest seconds she was shocked by their cold vibes.

"Great mysterious people. So do you guys do this kind of meeting to decide how much money they need for children?" He asked excitedly. Serene at such a young age is already heading an organisation under her. So cool.

She shook her head in disagreement. "No they give money to Harry and Harry gave it to me. The amount they need to give is decided by me." She never met the other three ever. So it's a far fetched thought to have a meeting even.

"I will ask dad to donate too." Roy said.

"It's good if he does but it's okay too, you don't have to pressurize anyone, we are not in need of money right now." The orphanage is doing great with the five of them. Still if someone is interested in social work, and just wanted to do good deed it's acceptable. Even the rest three friends of Harry are doing this only because they know that there will be no corruption in this.

"So how does it feel to be a boss or of someplace?" Roy asked again. He wants to know the feeling of being head and center of attention.

Serene chuckled... "Boss/head? They don't even know who I am. I do work in the dark. Only the head knows about me! For kids I am just their friend." She never showed herself as boss in orphanage, she was always there as a well wisher only.