
Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

44 Chs

Mystery 3

(Ether's pov)

Eight figures sat around the round table, their figures blurry. If not looked carefully, one won't even be able to tell if they are here or not. It's like they have merged with the surroundings or rather the world itself.

' Eight strongest individuals in the whole Cosmos, gathered in one place.'

" Khum.. since everyone is here, may I assume that the mission is completed?"

All others nodded their head at my question.

' Hmm... if all of the 4 giant holes are closed then what caused the destruction of cosmos in my book? Or is it that I am just being paranoid?'


" Was there anything out of the ordinary?"

" No, we closed the giant hole as planned."

Hm? Their voice.... I can't recognize them.

I will ask another question.

" I presume at lest one of you have a theory or logic behind this?"

" Yes, I do have a hypothesis."

Again... I can't even differentiate them. Their voices are like inscriptions. When I understand what it means, I forget what it sounded like in the next second.

Do they use it all the time?

I can't see their faces, understand their figures, nor can I recognize their voice.

I am the one who created this world and I have no idea who these people are. Ugh.. I don't understand it anymore.

Why do I have to go and destroy the world to finish my novel without any particular explanation.

Haa.. whatever.

" Please speak Yggdrasil's Chosen, everyone here would like to hear your thoughts on the matter."

" In the current situation, we don't even know what are we fighting against. But I do suspect that, this might be one of their plans. We have been at each others throat for a long while, which made us at least understand one thing. Our enemy is not just a giant monster who knows how to fight but intelligent too. Although all of the monsters we have faced till now have showed no signs of intelligence, I suspect that there are those who are intelligent too. I think this is a part of their plan. They wanted to invade our cosmos through the giant holes rather than fighting us head on."

The room fell silent as Yggdrasil's Chosen put forth his hypothesis.

" But..."

" God of Angels, I get that you are very anxious about this whole situation but you are not our leader. So stop throwing questions at us."

" My apologies if it looked that way to you. I will refrain from doing so now, Hammer of Myths."

" Hff.. alright."

" God of Angels, you seem to be quite anxious about these things. Perhaps is there something that you know but we don't."

" Ancient Vampire, it's just a hunch. I think what Yggdrasil's Chosen said is true. These giant holes which we closed are the ones made by our enemies, and I also think that there is something which we overlooked. It can't be over with just the closing of the giant holes."

The room again fell silent as everyone immersed in their own deep thinking.

' The situation is grim, I did write about a common enemy of the entire cosmos. After all, if you want to unite everyone, a common enemy is necessary.'

' I wanted to create a group of overpowered characters, around hundred or more. I picked the strongest characters I could build, with every element. At first it was fun, but the characters strength got way out of hands and the power scales crumbled. Yeah a total shit show.'

' Since I created the most overpowered characters, I came up with the so called enemies they speak of. And they are crazily powerful and insane abilities, that even I have a hard time designing them. Though I did write a weakness, INTELLIGENCE.

But what now? They have intelligence? That's insane. Strength and intelligence are the worst combo for the enemy. Damn what will happen to the world now.'

I dug my own grave, for my second death of course.

Talk about future planning.

Maybe I should dig another, for my third life?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts