
Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint

saszeta · วิดีโอเกม
44 Chs

DA Band - start

The following days were boring, but not as boring as the previous ones. New Orks were spawning almost every day, and every single one of them had a stupid idea of wanting to become a boss. This however was fixed with quick talk and meeting with fists or clobba, depending on the mood. Sadly there was no news from grots that were sent to look for something to krump. They were coming and going but there was no fun in fighting what they reported. Albeit there was one some more fun when a grot came back riding a wild hog. At first, the hog was calm but when it saw large Orks it panicked and started to trash and ran around the settlement smashing grots and snotlings. Boss laughed at the sight of this. It was comical and funny to look at, but it stopped being nice when the hog in its blind panic charged at the throne.

Ork seeing this stood up and grappled the charging boar. It was hard and his muscles bulged under the strain but he lifted it and supplexed the hog, drilling its head into soft soil. The crowd cheered and screamed in joy WAAAAAAGHHH!!! One of the Orks saw that Boss walked away to seat on the throne picked up the pig and sat on it. Pig woke and run this time with Ork on its back. After the wild rodeo, it finally calmed down.

All greenskins looked in amazement, even Boss was pleased- Oy, ya git, kame ere. Ya got skills with da hog.

-Yyy, thanks, boss. - It cowered before his Boss

-Nuw, yu gunno go and find me more hogs for da boyz, and frum naw un ya ar Hogger.

-Yez boss - And rode away into the forest. Clouds of dust behind him and grethins flow to the side after pig hit them with its tusk.

Boss nodded and out out boredom punched nearest Ork in the face. - Why are ya all so useless. Look even Lob has more brainz than ya. - He hit another Ork for an extra measure.

Again few boring days passed until one came running. He was covered in blood.- Boss, Boss, Umies! Umies!

Boss stopped beating a random Ork and stood up from the ground. - Umies? Finally something to krump. Where are they!?

-In da woods. Thei er in da woods aaaaaaa.

Da Boss grabbed grot by his nape - Show me da way! - Grot fiercely nodded and started to point with his claw. Boss walked into the woods, and other Orks followed him. While walking behind Boss they picked up sticks and stones to have something to fight with. They also copied him and smeared mud on their faces to created some sort of camo.

Band of Orks walked through the forest not bothering with hiding. Boss started to sing. - Ere we go, ere we go! - Smaller gits picked up the song really fast also fast lose an interest in it and started to sneak copying their boss. The mary band of misfits searched the forest, but there were no umies. Grot was sweating bullets because singing quickly became boring, and the horde fell silent, and lack of fight/entertainment would get the boss angry, and the angry boss would either eat him or feed him to Lob, but luckily for him, beating eaten alive was not his fate as an arrow came flying and took his life away. A human archer was standing nearby with his bow still aiemd.

-Oi, ya wanna get krumped. This Grot waz to take me to umies to fight. WAAAAAAAAAAAGHH- Boss threw the goblin away and charged at the human who killed his guide to where the umies were.

When other Orks heard WAAAAAAGHHHHH, they magically all located the archer and started running towards him.

To explain what happened. Due to cammo, Ork became sneaky and hard to see. The only one not smeared with mud was a poor small grot. He was not expecting a horde of orks to appear out of nowhere, and furthermore, it was charging at him. He did the only available sane thing and run away screaming his lungs out.- Help! TROLLLS! TROLLS

Ork heard this and treaded it as an insult. They all started to run even faster. They run after the archer until they saw a large squad of armed humans. When tho horde saw them, they all stopped in their tracks and smiled. Boss had the biggest and widest small of them all.

-Alright boys! We gunna show dem umies what a proper fought! Ere we go boyz! WAAAAAAAGHHHH!

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH! - Whole horde responded and broke into run to be quicker in the fight.

Humans seeing this readied their shields and let loose a volley of arrows. Few Orks fell but not died. They were all ready to fight.