
Who would imagine

[Slow Burn] Beloved, Though these words may reach you beyond the veil of existence, know that my heart speaks to yours with every stroke of the pen. In this moment of reflection, I am filled with gratitude for the joy and warmth you have brought into my life. As a son, a friend, a rival, or a lover, each of you has left an indelible mark upon my soul. If the tapestry of fate should weave our paths anew in another life, let it be known that I eagerly await our reunion. May the threads of destiny guide you back to me, wherever I may be. With enduring love, Velor

DawnGT · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 12: A Pair of Red Eyes

The past few weeks had been a blur of confusion. Dominick's strange behaviour and his revelations had left him and Marcus reeling. Velor could feel the unease hanging in the air, as palpable as the morning fog that often clung to the castle walls.

His eyes darted between Marcus and Dominick, taking in every subtle shift in expression, every fleeting glance. The tension between them was unmistakable, and it caused a knot to form in Velor's stomach.

Marcus stood stiff and unyielding, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. Velor's heart ached for his friend. He knew Marcus to be a man of deep feeling, and Dominick's words must have wounded him deeply.

But why were they tiptoeing around each other like this? Velor's mind raced, searching for answers. He watched as Marcus flinched when Dominick drew near, his eyes darting away as if seeking escape.

Dominick wasn't himself either. His usual carefree demeanour had vanished, replaced by nervous energy and furtive glances. The air around him was thick with discomfort, a scent Velor knew all too well.

A wave of helplessness washed over Velor. He longed to ease their burdens, to mend the rift that had grown between them. But he knew that sometimes, the best course of action was to simply give them space, to allow them to find their own way back to each other.

"Odd," Velor murmured to himself, the word barely audible. But behind that simple utterance lay a torrent of concern and a silent prayer that his friends would find solace in one another's company

"What's odd?" Dominick inquired, settling into the chair beside Velor in the dining hall.

"You and Marcus," Velor replied, noting the slight flinch that crossed Dominick's face.

"I thought you two had talked things out?" Velor continued, watching as Dominick forced a smile.

"Well, we did," Dominick chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation in his tone. "But then, I may have ruined it."

Velor observed Dominick's reaction closely. "How so?" he inquired, his voice gentle but probing.

Dominick sighed, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of his coat. "I may have... overstepped. Said too much, perhaps." He paused, his eyes distant. "Marcus is... complicated. And I fear I've complicated things further."

"But don't you adore him?" Velor asked suddenly, a knowing glint in his eyes.

Dominick's hand froze mid-air as he reached for a piece of fruit, his eyes widening in surprise as he turned to Velor.

"You might be wondering how I know," Velor continued, leaning back in his chair with a knowing smile. "It's quite obvious to someone who's caught in the middle, I believe."

"You might be right," Dominick smiled at Velor with a sigh.

"Well, what happened?" Velor asked. "Did you say something that triggered him?"

"Yes, and it ended very badly," Dominick giggled nervously.

"I know that a man finding another man adorable is odd, but..." He paused and smiled to himself.

Velor leaned in, intrigued. "But...?" he prompted gently.

Dominick's smile turned wistful. "But with Marcus, it feels... different. Natural, even." He paused, searching for the right words. "I thought I could explain it to him, help him understand. Instead, I fear I've only confused and upset him."

"What exactly did you say?" Velor asked, his tone careful and non-judgmental.

Dominick sighed, his fingers tracing the rim of his glass. "I may have... flirted with him a bit. Used some suggestive words... it's not that scandalous," Dominick clarified, seeing Velor's slight frown.

"I also shared some of my past, my romantic past to be precise," Dominick continued. "We'd had a few glasses of wine. I wasn't drunk, and I don't think he was either."

"I was simply jesting, and then he became flustered, quite red in the face," Dominick explained. "He looked utterly bewildered... shocked even. And then he asked me to leave."

Velor absorbed this information, his brow furrowed in thought. "I see," he said slowly. "And since then, you've both been avoiding each other?"

Dominick nodded, his expression a mixture of regret and confusion. "I'm unsure how to approach him now. I fear I've ruined our friendship entirely."

"Have you considered that Marcus might need time to process all this?" Velor suggested gently. "All this may have overwhelmed him."

Dominick looked up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Do you truly believe that's all it is? That he simply needs time?"

"It's possible," Velor replied cautiously. "But Dominick, you must also prepare yourself for the possibility that Marcus may not reciprocate your feelings. How would you handle that?"

"I've lived for 127 years, Velor," Dominick replied, his attempt at humor with a self-deprecating chuckle failing to mask his true feelings. "I can handle disappointment. But at this rate with him... I swear I might just retreat to the forest and wrestle a bear for my supper."

"But as you can see, Marcus is quite reserved and doesn't readily show his feelings, other than annoyance and anger," Velor observed.

Velor stood, offering a reassuring smile. "Marcus may be reserved, but he's far from heartless. Give him time, Dominick. And remember, even if things don't work out romantically, your friendship is valuable in its own right."

Dominick looked up at Velor, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you, Velor. Your wisdom is appreciated, as always."

"Just promise me one thing," Velor added, his tone light but his eyes serious. "No bear wrestling, alright? I'd hate to have to explain that to Marcus."

This elicited a genuine laugh from Dominick. "Very well, I promise. Though I can't guarantee I won't be tempted if this tension persists much longer."

As Velor turned to leave, he paused, looking back at Dominick. "Give it time, my friend. And perhaps, when the moment is right, try talking to Marcus again. Clear the air. You might be surprised at what you find."

With that, Velor left Dominick to his thoughts, hoping that his friends would find a way to bridge the gap between them, whatever the outcome might be.

As twilight descended, Velor roamed the familiar castle corridors, his nightly routine in full swing. He paused briefly in his old room before making his way to his father's workroom. A light knock, and he entered to find his father and Marcus deep in hushed conversation.

"Ah, Velor," his father greeted warmly. "We were just discussing the upcoming night ball at Wave Village." He presented Velor with an ornate parchment envelope.

"Wave Village?" Velor echoed, surprised. "It's been a while since I've heard that name." He unfolded the invitation, eyes scanning its contents.

"You want me to attend?" Velor asked, eyebrows raised.

"Indeed," the Duke replied with a smile. "It would be beneficial for us to foster good relations with our neighbours, wouldn't you agree?"

"Some nighttime entertainment wouldn't hurt, I suppose," Velor conceded, placing the envelope on the table. His gaze shifted to Marcus, concern etched on his face. "Haven't you had enough for one day? You've been in the village since dawn."

Marcus sighed, the weight of the day evident in his posture. "Indeed, my lord. I shall take my leave. Have a wonderful night, Your Grace" He bowed respectfully before turning to leave the room. Velor seized the opportunity, following Marcus out.

"Why are you following me out here?" Marcus asked as soon as they were both outside, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth of the castle.

"Why can't I?" Velor chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"What do you want?" Marcus pressed, his tone wary.

"Nothing in particular," Velor replied with a disarming smile. "I simply wanted to chat with my friend."

"Can we do this another time?" Marcus asked, rubbing his eyes wearily. "I'm exhausted."

"Of course," Velor said with a gentle smile, understanding the unspoken plea in Marcus's voice. "We can talk another time."

He watched as Marcus walked away, his shoulders slumped with fatigue. Velor's concern for his friend deepened. He knew that whatever was troubling Marcus ran deeper than mere exhaustion.

Returning to his father's room, Velor retrieved the invitation and bid the Duke goodnight. As he stepped through the castle gates, a cool breeze brushed against his face, a welcome contrast to the warmth within. He exchanged greetings with the guards before descending into the village.

The village lacked the vibrant energy of the Azure Night ceremony, but a cheerful atmosphere still lingered. Villagers ambled about, and the tavern glowed invitingly, though its patrons were fewer than on that fateful night.

"Lord Velor!" A boisterous voice called out, its pitch revealing the speaker's inebriation. Velor recognized the man, Simon, a local farmer known for his love of strong drink.

"Good evening, Simon," Velor replied with a smile, accepting the glass of ale Simon offered. The aroma was a heady blend of wild berries and potent spirits

"How have you been, my lord? We haven't seen your face around much these days," Simon slurred, taking another swig from his own glass.

"Well, I've had some matters to attend to at the castle during the day," Velor replied with a polite smile, taking a cautious sip of the potent ale.

"We've only seen Sir Marcus about," Simon chuckled, ale sloshing in his glass. "Always so serious, that one. A good man, but perhaps too earnest at times."

"Marcus is a responsible man and a hard worker," Velor replied with a smile, his gaze lingering on Simon. "Perhaps a kind word or two would brighten his day."

"Always did, my lord," Simon replied with a smile, raising his glass in a toast.

"So, why are you out here at this hour?" Simon inquired, gesturing to a tavern worker for another round.

"I simply wanted a night walk to get some fresh air," Velor replied with a smile. "I thought I'd stop by for a moment."

Before they could continue their conversation, a group of men burst through the tavern doors. They were the village herdsmen, their faces etched with fear and urgency. One of them, his hands stained crimson, when he saw Velor, he rushed towards him.

"My lord, an urgent matter has arisen," he gasped, his breath coming in ragged bursts. "Please, follow us."

With a sense of foreboding, Velor followed the men out of the tavern and into the cold night air. They made their way to the village fields, where the townsfolk grazed their sheep and cattle. The air grew heavy with the metallic tang of blood, a scent that stirred a primal hunger within Velor. But as they neared the barn, the smell intensified, becoming sickeningly sweet.

The herdsmen flung open the barn door, revealing a scene of utter carnage. Animal carcasses lay strewn across the floor, their blood painting the walls and soaking the straw in a grotesque tableau. The sight was repulsive, yet it also stirred a strange, unsettling fascination within Velor.

"What exactly happened?" Velor asked, trying to avoid the coppery stench of blood that permeated the air.

"I don't know, my lord," the herdsman stammered. "I came to feed the sheep their evening meal..."

"And it was already like this?" Velor inquired, noticing the genuine bewilderment on the man's face.

"It was, my lord," the herdsman confirmed. 

"Could it have been wolves?" Velor mused, though a sense of unease gnawed at him. 

"But there's something else you should see." Velor followed the herdsman as he led the way to the back of the barn.

The door was stained with blood at its base, just like the interior. But what caught Velor's eye was a large, red handprint smeared across the wood. It was something, the fingers elongated and tipped with what appeared to be unusually long, sharp nails. A trail of blood snaked away from the print, leading into the darkness beyond the barn.

"Do you think it was a monster?" one of the herdsmen whispered, his voice trembling.

"There's no such thing as monsters," another retorted, shaking his head in denial.

"Then explain this!" the first man exclaimed, gesturing to the bloody handprint. "Why are there claws instead of fingers?"

"Alright, please settle down," Velor said, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "I'll discuss this matter with the guards and the duke. Please try to remain calm."

The herdsmen's panicked voices quieted, though their eyes still darted nervously around the barn.

"I will send Marcus in the morning to investigate further," Velor continued, his tone reassuring. "In the meantime, I advise you all to return to your homes and lock your doors tonight. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise."

As the men began to file out, still murmuring among themselves, Velor turned his attention back to the strange handprint. Something about it nagged at him, a sense of familiarity he couldn't quite place. He knew he'd have to approach this situation carefully – balancing the need for answers with the importance of keeping the villagers from panic.

With a final glance at the unsettling scene, Velor stepped out into the night, his mind already racing with theories and plans for the investigation ahead.

As Velor made his way back to the castle through the forest, a prickle of unease crept over him. His newly heightened senses buzzed with information, almost overwhelming in their intensity. The rustle of every leaf, the scurry of small nocturnal creatures, the faint whisper of wind – all assaulted his ears with crystal clarity.

Then, a familiar scent caught his attention. Coppery, metallic – like the overwhelming stench from the barn, but fainter. Blood. The realisation sent a jolt through Velor's body, his vampire instincts stirring.

He quickened his pace, struggling to control his supernatural speed. His nostrils flared, trying to pinpoint the source of the blood scent. Was it related to the barn incident? Or something new entirely?

A twig snapped somewhere behind him, the sound as sharp as a gunshot to his sensitive ears. The blood smell grew stronger, mingling with a musky, wild odour that was decidedly not human.

As Velor approached the edge of the forest, the castle's imposing silhouette grew larger. With each step closer to the gates, he noticed a change. The sounds of pursuit and the coppery scent that had been dogging him began to fade, as if whatever was following him was reluctant to approach the castle grounds.

Crossing the threshold onto castle property, Velor felt a palpable shift. The presence that had been so menacing in the forest seemed to retreat, the blood scent growing fainter until it was barely perceptible even to his heightened senses.

Curiosity momentarily overrode caution. Velor paused at the gates, turning back to peer into the darkness of the forest he'd just left. For a fleeting moment - so brief he might have missed it if he'd blinked - he saw something that made his heart pound.

A pair of reddish eyes, glowing in the darkness like embers. They seemed to float among the trees, fixed on him with an unsettling intensity. Then, in the blink of an eye, they vanished.

Velor stood frozen, staring into the now-empty forest. Had he really seen those eyes? Or was his mind, overwhelmed by his new senses, playing tricks on him? The footsteps he'd heard were undeniable, but those eyes... they hinted at something more, something that stirred a primal fear even in his vampire nature.

Shaking off his unease, Velor turned back to the castle. As he walked towards the entrance, his mind raced. He stopped abruptly as he saw Dominick approach, noticing how Dominick's eyes swept over him, as if sensing something amiss.

"Did you just see something that frightened you?" Dominick inquired, his voice laced with amusement.

"Yes, I may have," Velor admitted with a sigh of frustration.

"Well, it's written all over your face," Dominick chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

"Being a vampire is truly a challenge, I believe," Velor lamented, shaking his head.

"Everything is difficult at first," Dominick reassured him, patting Velor's back. "You'll get the hang of it."

"I hope so," Velor replied wearily as they entered the castle.

"So, what happened out there?" Dominick asked, falling into step beside him.

Velor recounted his experience in the village, the gruesome scene at the barn, and the unsettling encounter in the forest. Dominick listened intently, his expression growing increasingly grave.

"To be honest," Dominick confessed, running a hand down his face, "I've never experienced anything like what you described before."

"We should discuss this with my father and Marcus," Velor said, his brow furrowed in thought. He noticed Dominick's sudden fidgeting at the mention of Marcus and couldn't suppress a small smile. "Shall we go wake them?"

"You seem like you need my help," Dominick said with a sly grin. "But they may be asleep at this hour..."

Velor replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We'll see about that."

"Now you're talking my language," Dominick said, giving Velor a playful shove. "Let's go rouse the sleeping beauties, shall we?"

They made their way down the dark corridor, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the night. Velor can see Dominick's grinning face, he knows he could be imagining Marcus's annoyed face in his head.

As they approached the first door, "Maybe we should let him rest," he whispered, Velor hesitated, his hand raised to knock. 

Dominick rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh, for heaven's sake," he muttered, reaching past Velor to rap sharply on the wood. "Rise and shine!" he called out, loud enough to wake the dead - or at least, he hoped, Marcus.

After a moment of silence, they heard a muffled groan and shuffling footsteps.

The door creaked open, revealing a bleary-eyed Marcus. "Velor? Dominick? What in heaven's name...?"

"Sorry to disturb you," Velor said, trying to look apologetic despite his twitching lips. "But something's happened. It's urgent... and slightly terrifying."

Marcus rubbed his eyes, sighing deeply. "Can this not wait until morning?"

"I'm afraid not," Dominick chimed in, his tone a mix of concern and barely concealed excitement.

Marcus's gaze darted between them, noting their unusual expressions. Despite his exhaustion, curiosity seemed to win out. "Fine. Give me a moment."

As Marcus quickly made himself presentable, Velor couldn't help but notice the tension between him and Dominick. Marcus seemed to be deliberately avoiding Dominick's gaze, while Dominick's eyes kept finding their way back to Marcus, a mixture of longing and nervousness in his expression.

"Alright," Marcus said, stepping into the hallway. "What's this all about?"

Velor took a deep breath, his playful demeanour fading slightly. "Something strange is happening in the village. And I think... I think it might be connected to what I am now. Also, I may or may not have seen glowing eyes in the forest."

Marcus's eyebrows shot up, sleep forgotten. "We should inform your father immediately."

As they made their way to the Duke's chambers, Velor recounted the night's events, occasionally punctuated by Dominick's dramatic gasps and Marcus's sceptical but concerned questions.

This was going to be a long night, Velor realised. But as he looked at the faces of those he trusted most, he felt a glimmer of hope. Whatever was out there in the darkness, they would face it together - with a healthy dose of humour to keep their spirits up, even if Marcus might need an extra strong cup of tea in the morning

As they reached the Duke's door, Velor took a deep breath. The night's adventures were far from over. In fact, he suspected, they were only just beginning.