
Who said that teleportation magic is just for travelling?

Random_Stuff1 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

New Skill.

While traveling, I checked the description of my skills. I can only teleport living things using gate. Items attached to the person can also be teleported.

Gate Teleportation.

Marked Locations (2/2)

You can now travel back and forth. 

This is very convenient upgrade of the teleportation gate. At first, I can only enter, but now I can use the exit part to go back. Unlike when entering is only allowed, I will have to walk to the place again, this is why it took a week to successfully map and exit the god land.

New skill. Inanimate object teleportation.

You can now teleport small materials. Range is 1 meter. It is better to throw. Anything you touch can be teleported within one meter. Limited to small objects. Volume is the limitations.

This is one of my previous skills that I like. I saw a way to fully harnessed the skill. At first it looks useless, but it can be a defense. I just need to practice it.

The idea is that when something is thrown at me, I can touch it before hurting me and teleport it away from me. It is very hard to use. It is not like creating a gate and everything thrown is teleported, I need to touch it. Any target aimed at you will not be effective because you will teleport it when you touch it. Not easy to use. 

The main downside of this skill is that I can only use it on solid things. I can't use it when it comes to fire or water.

After a month of travel, we finally arrived at the royal capital. I was blown away. Massive stone walls surrounded the city, glistening in the afternoon sun, with guard towers looming above. As we passed through the huge iron gates, the bustling streets opened up before us. Merchants were shouting about their goods, kids were running and playing, and the sounds of city life filled the air. It was a whole different world compared to the wilds we had traveled through.

The streets were packed, and I couldn't stop staring at everything—the colorful market stalls, the grand buildings, and the sheer number of people. My companions seemed unfazed, used to the sights, but I was in awe. We made our way through the crowd, heading toward the royal palace. Its spires towered above everything else, looking both intimidating and magnificent. The journey had been tough, with bandits and monsters at every turn, but standing there, at the heart of the kingdom, I felt a surge of excitement. We had made it.

As we approached the palace gates, people started to notice us. Whispers spread through the crowd like wildfire. "Is that the princess?" "They've returned!" "Did they make it to the gods' land?" The excitement was palpable. Some people cheered, others looked anxious, unsure if our mission had been successful or not.

The palace gates swung open, and a royal guard escorted us inside. As we entered the grand courtyard, the crowd outside grew louder, their reactions a mix of hope and uncertainty. The return of the princess was a monumental event, and everyone wanted to know if we had succeeded in reaching the gods' land.
