
Who said that a God can't have a harem?

!! WARNING R-18 CONTENT !! After I became a God I watched countless heroes forming a harem and have their way with the girls. And I can't say that I wasn't jealous of that as I couldn't even enjoy that in my previous life. I died being a virgin. But now that I'm a God no one can stop me. I'll make the biggest harem in the universe and I'll do lot's of nasty things with my girls. I'm unstoppable and whoever dares to touch my girls will suffer the consequences. And that includes the Gods too. **Art work is not mine. If you want me to take it down please contact me**

Auzyko · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Dawn of the underworld #2

I closed my eyes and then reopened them only to find myself on the floor of Hades palace watching the giant trident coming towards me.

But this time I won't give up. This won't be the end of me.

I slowly raised my right hand and I saw five black lines forming on my hand. From my fingers to the back of my head.

As the trident moved closer to me with even more speed a black vortex started forming on my hand.

When the trident was centimeters from touching my hand it suddenly started moving faster and got devoured by the small vortex.

"What did you do?" Poseidon said in an angry tone.

"Nothing much. I'll just give you back what you sent me."

Another vortex opened above my head and the water-made trident got out of there started moving towards Poseidon with third fold speed than it had in the beginning.

He put his trident in front of him to stop the attack.

But it seems that it was more powerful than he thought because he took some steps back in order to completely stop it.

"What was that? What kind of sorcery did you use?"

"Have you heard of something called ultimate power?"

"That's something only gods have. Wait, don't tell me…"

"Yes, I'm a god. And now that I know the truth you won't get out of here alive."

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'll kill you right here "

"We will see who will die."

Hmm, it seems that unintentionally I activated my ultimate power. But it's different from what Hades said. I don't copy their moves by watching them. I have to devour the move in order to mimic it.

That means that I can also get the rest of Poseidon's moves from his dead body if I devour it?

Heh, that's just perfect.

With a swing of my hand one fifty vortexes appeared behind me and launched the same attack continuously.

"You think you're the only one who got tricks like that?" Poseidon said and behind him appeared countless tridents.

I guess that's Poseidon's summoning limit? Too bad that I'm not even close to mine.

Although I opened only fifty vortexes I could fire infinite water-made tridents.

"What? How can this be happening? I won't accept it." He shouted and charged towards me with his trident.

We both canceled our previous attack and charged to each other.

I tried devouring Poseidon's trident but I failed and got pushed back.

I guess I can't devour the godly weapons. That's sad but I also have mine.

With the help of the vortex I summoned my katana and took Poseidon head on.

But it seems that Hades didn't mention another aspect of my ability. Somehow I could predict Poseidon's next move.

I guess those eyes are truly one of the most powerful powers that exist.

As Poseidon couldn't land a hit on me he got angry and his attacks became even more sharp, but I could still dodge them.

I guess without that power I would be defenseless against Poseidon in a head on fight.

As soon as he made a mistake and I saw an opening in his defense I strucked there with my katana, cutting him on his wrist.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to cut off his whole hand because he immediately jumped some metres away from me.

"Girl, you have some abilities. I'll give you that. But your luck ends now."

Poseidon raised his trident in the air and suddenly countless water vortexes appeared behind him.

Aah, but he already saw that he can't do anything against me when it comes to summoning.

[Be careful, this move is called Poseidon's wrath. With this he can open multiple portals with swords, and if any of those touch you your body rots.] I heard Hades' voice in my head.

I guess he was using his telepathic ability.

[So I just need to avoid them?]

[Yes, make sure none of those swords touch your body.]

As soon as Hades finished his phrase a sword landed between my feet. And it corrupted the floor to the point that it turned into dust.

"This will be your end." Poseidon said and countless swords began coming towards me with an extremely high speed.

I don't need to mention that I would be dead if it weren't for my ability.

I made all kinds of maneuvers in order to avoid those swords.

One of them touched the end of my hair and they started to rot immediately.

I cut them off with my katana but because for a moment I didn't pay any attention to the incoming swords, one of them slightly cut me on my arm and it started to rot.

Without having any other choice, I cut it off and tried to stop the bleeding with my hand.

But I forgot that I also had the wounds from earlier and had already lost too much blood and the fact that I just cut off my arm accelerated the blood loss to the point that I didn't even last for a minute and collapsed to the ground.

As soon as Poseidon saw that he stopped his move and walked closer to me.

My eyesight had started becoming blurred and I felt too sleepy.

"What a sad death. You will die like the whore Lounimus."

"What did you just say?" I asked with a low voice because I felt my powers leaving me.

"I'm sure that she told you that some people tried to impregnate her in those tests right? Well, I was one of those. Her sweet pussy was like nothing I had felt before. I would surely go for another round with her. If, you know, she was still alive. And I'm sure that you also had your share of her, Mister Homare."

What? Does he know my name?

But I couldn't finish my thoughts as he stuck his trident in my stomach.

"Well, here's where your journey ends. Now you can go to the afterlife and reincarnate as a random person without any memories of your past life. Who knows? Maybe you will meet again your lovely Lounimus. Ah, I forgot. She already gave her life force to you so she is completely gone. What a shame. She gave her life to save you, but you still couldn't stay alive for more than fifteen minutes. Pathetic."

I had already stopped hearing pretty well what Poseidon said as my death was near the corner.

"Now, after your death I'll feast upon Lounimus' daughter. If she's anything like her mother I'll have a great time."

As the abyss was ready to take me upon hearing those words I felt so much hatred that my whole body started feeling hot, like it was burning.

The bonds of the abyss had already caught me and were pulling me deeper inside the unknown. But those weren't enough to hold me from my purpose. I had to kill Poseidon at all costs.

I managed to raise my hand again and create a vortex that big that swallowed the whole abyss that was around me, bringing me back to my senses and my body.

Those black lines that were only on my right hand had flooded my whole body.

The hatred I was feeling towards Poseidon couldn't be described with words. Only with actions.

I opened my eyes and caught Poseidon's trident which as soon as I touched it turned black.

I pulled it out of my body and got up.

Poseidon quickly took his distance from me as he felt that something was wrong.

I started levitating and behind me some strange symbol started appearing and took the shape of something that resembles wings.

I raised my hand and immediately we changed location. We weren't inside the palace anymore. We were somewhere in a galaxy which had two supermassive black holes colliding with each other.

That collision created a humongous amount of energy which even Poseidon wasn't able to handle as the flesh from his whole body started melting.

As soon as his whole flesh had melted and only his muscles had remained along with his bones I lowered my hand and we found ourselves inside the palace once again.

I moved closer to him and stuck my hand into his chest taking out his heart which was still beating.

He tried to say something but as his vocal cords didn't exist anymore he couldn't utter a word.

"Don't worry, you won't die. I won't let you die. I'll torture you for all eternity. Let the souls of all who you killed accompany you forever." I said and kicked him inside a vortex I had opened behind him.

I locked his heart with chains inside another of my vortexes in order to be sure that he won't die by any means. As long as his heart is still beating he can regenerate himself endlessly. How convenient is that for me.

"So? Did you like my power?" I heard a voice echoing inside the room.

I turned behind me, but there was no one there.

As soon as I turned forward again a hand grabbed my throat.

When I looked at the one who was standing in front of me I couldn't believe my eyes.

He looked like me. He was me.

To be continued…