
Chapter 13

"Is everyone ready?" I asked, turning around to look at all fifty guild members. Right now, we were standing on the First Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and I had my back to the exit.

"Everyone is prepared, yes." Ulbert stepped up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "But not everyone is ready." He whispered, and I gave him a short nod.

To say some people were upset with my decision was an understatement. Most of the guild members had come to me in private and voiced their complaints. Of course, Touch Me was the most upset of all of them. He didn't want to participate, and because I didn't want to push him too far, I let him stay and defend Nazarick while we were out.

Everyone else would be coming, though. We had three guilds to attack, and I split us into two groups of sixteen and one group of seventeen. I led the largest group, Ulbert led one, and Buku led the final group.

We would be enough to take out their guilds, even though one of the guilds we were attacking had 50 members with several level 100s. I knew we would win. We had a fine distribution of World Champions, after all.

"Let's move out!"

The World Champions, Nishi, who was going with Ulbert, and Take who was going with Buku, both cut holes into the space in front of them, opening portals that would lead them closer to their target's Guild Halls."

"Let's go!" Buku shouted.

"RAAAAHHHH!" The clan members behind her roared, following her through the portal.

"Well, let's not disappoint!" Ulbert grinned, raising his staff and running in, with his own group or roaring members behind him.

I took a deep breath as I pulled out Gram and slashed the air.

"No one dies; let's show them the might of Hell's Paradise!"


I ran through the portal, appearing somewhere in Jotunheim, but I knew where our enemy's guild hall was.

JenkinsHub, led by Leroy Jenkins.

I never did like that smug fuck. He was one of the fuckers who bullied Momonga that day, and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't take at least a small amount of pleasure in doing this.

We charged across the icy mountains of Jotunheim until we saw a building within one of the valleys.

…Such a shitty spot for a guild, this shit would be too easy.

"Casters, stay here," I ordered. Momonga looked ready to argue, but I pointed down at the hall, then at the surrounding mountains, and she paused, giving me a firm nod.

Why waste precious energy when we could take them out with relative ease?

"Pero," I called; the birdman beside me looked my way, and I pointed down. He quickly nodded and jumped off the tall, icy mountain, spreading his wings to slow his descent.

"The rest of you, follow me."


I ran down one of the mountain paths downward with the close-range fighters behind me. The magic casters were moving around up on the mountains, spreading out for what I had planned.

We already knew what the landscape of their guild was before this attack, and I had already devised the perfect plan.

Momonga didn't like it much, though.

As we continued running to the bottom, I watched Pero, floating just above JenkinsHub's base, aim his bow and draw an arrow. The arrow sparked with power as he poured a great deal of MP into it before releasing it.


The attack knocked some HP off the fortress, but not enough for us to enter, but that was fine.

Getting in wasn't our intention, anyway.

Pero remained soaring in the air as the melee fighters finally reached the mountain's summit. I ran to the entrance and stopped, waiting for the next phase of my plan.


The door to the guild blasted open and out stepped a giant, ice-blue-skinned creature. A frost giant, a Jotunn.

This thing was what JenkinsHub received for clearing out this guild base; although it was a pretty small base, it offered a rather great reward in this son of a bitch.

Just looking at him, I could tell he was tanky.

But that didn't matter when we had the force of an army with us.

"Now!" I shouted, grabbing a hold of my necklace and soaring into the air. The rest of the fighters who were with me did this as well. The giant looked at us dumbly as a flurry of magic of all kinds rained down on its ass.


I watched as its HP ticked down and ticked down until, eventually the flurry of magic from the nine magic casters above, Pero included, had ended its life.

"Let's move!" I shouted, earning a roar from the seven fighters with me. I looked back to Pero, earning a nod as he stayed behind to ensure our Guildmates would descend safely.

Meanwhile, we would carve a path to their treasury!

Some NPCs pulled up on us along the way, but between myself, and Joni, we laid them to rest rather easily. Joni is a dragon, and a level 100 World Champion at that, so that basically makes him strong enough to take on several level 100s at once.

A few level 40 poorly created NPCs would not be enough to stop him, much less me. The other fighters/warriors in our guilds pushed up behind us, clearing out the icy guildhall of all their NPCs with minimal effort as we pushed in deeper and deeper.

Eventually, as we reached the second floor of the fortress, we ran into several level 100 players, and normally we'd be worried, but we had spent years grinding for this; we wouldn't fall here.

Joni ran in front of us and paused in front of what had to be at least 12 level 100 players. He pulled his blade back, and a powerful blue aura consumed him. I internally grinned and damn near cackled like a madman.

They never stood a chance.

"DIMENSIONAL SLASH!" Joni shouted; the blue aura left his body and coated his blade as he slashed horizontally, hitting all of the players who were lined up for him.

I watched as most of them were one-shotted with the exception of a few tanks who managed to survive the attack.

For it to do that much damage, Joni had to have used 30-40 Justice Stamps.

Honestly, I couldn't be more proud.

"Finish them off!" I ordered and the guild members ran forward, clashing with the surviving tanks and overwhelming them with their numbers. I looked away from the fight. Those players were a nonissue and would be dead in half a minute, tops, no, I needed to see where my people were. I smiled as I saw the magic casters moving through the first floor. They'd catch up.

"Let's keep moving!"


— Touch Me —

He sat in the throne room by himself. He had been the only one who wasn't participating in the raid, and even though such needless violence was something he never wished to take part of, he couldn't help but feel-

Left out.

He was Touch Me, the people's champion, the life of the guild; he was the person everyone went to when they needed help if Momonga wasn't busy at least.

So why…why had he not gone with them? He looked out at the open throne room before looking behind himself to see that World Item, Throne of Kings.

They had gotten it from completing the level 80+ dungeon that was Nazarick in one attempt. The Devs had given it to them as a reward, and it was the seat that only one was allowed to sit in: Kakuei, the guild leader.

Touch Me wasn't sitting in it; he wouldn't dare do such a thing, not only because it would be extremely disrespectful to his friend, but also…

Because he didn't feel worthy.

To be here, sitting down by himself, doing nothing. Hell, even if someone attacked, there was absolutely no way they would make it past all of the NPCs they had built over the years, especially the 8th Floor, more specifically, 'The Web'

The thought of that place sent shivers down Touch Me's spine as he thought about any player who would be unlucky enough to survive to the point where they reach that horrid place.

And he thought Ulbert was evil.

Kakuei…Kakuei was diabolical!

Touch Me sighed as he pushed himself off the steps leading up to the throne and walked down them.

He wouldn't remain here doing nothing. It might be a little late-

But he would join the fight for the sake of Hell's Paradise!

And his friends.

— Kakuei —

I grinned as I ran my blade through the chest of Leroy Jenkins. The smug fuck had talked his shit the entire time, and now he was dead!

Hell, I cut him off before he could scream his stupid fucking name.

Now, it was time to loot this place!

The guild spread out, starting with looting the players of their inventories, while Momonga and I skipped all the appetizers and made our way right to the banquet.

The Treasury.

It was time to get what we came here for.

The World Item, Longinus. The item is capable of complete deletion.

We walked up to the vault of the treasury, and obviously, it was locked, so I slashed at the door with Gram and World Savior. Its HP went down and down gradually before, eventually, the door was destroyed.

"Nice job." Momonga complimented with a bubbly voice.


We walked into the treasury, and I whistled at the amount they had. It wasn't anything compared to ours, but it was surprising that they had more than I thought.

We stepped forward, ignoring most of the treasure; we would pick it up later.

We had one thing we came for, and we would get it now.

It didn't take long to find what we were looking for. We came in front of a golden parchment with some scribbles. I walked forward and grabbed a hold of it.

[Longinus - (Rank: World Item): The spear of deletion is limited to no one but those immune to World Items; Longinus is capable of killing even the mightiest of Gods and removing them from existence without a trace. (Upon usage, the user's data will also be deleted)]

It was just like we suspected, and now the guild had it.

If the other raids had gone anything like this, then Nazarick was officially, 100% the strongest guild around.

Although, I like to think that we already were.

"Can I see it?" Momonga asked with unhidden excitement, and I traded it to her. Allowing her to hold onto it.

She held it like a child playing with a new shiny toy; it was honestly hilarious to see. Although, we likely had limited time here before some shit forced us out. Whether that be the resurrection of the players or another guild looking to catch us off guard while we're attacking.

I walked through the treasury, looking to find a mythical item or something hopefully-

My body froze as I caught sight of a box with an ethereal blackish-golden glow set alone on a pedestal.

I made my way over slowly before reaching out to inspect it-

[Pandora's Box - (Rank: World Item): Pandora's Box is one of mystery and power! Open this box and embrace your deepest, darkest carnal desires. (Upon usage, the user becomes a Lord of one of the Seven Deadly Sins.)

— Chapter End —