
Chapters four+five

Chapter four: I

"Hey, how does this thing run?" Sebastien asked, looking at the lights and the screens that were obviously on. "Well, the unnecessary electronics like the TV and the charging outlets are powered mainly by the solar panels. But the more necessary stuff like life support and artificial gravity are powered by.. a balmeran crystal." 

William answered, leading Sebastien over to the door to the patio, which was now blocked off with steel frames and no windows but still a door. William approached it. "Outside? Or is that the airlock? And what the heck is a balmeran crystal?" Sebastien asked, letting William do his thing. 

He put in a code and the door opened like a split sliding door to the patio, now a large steel plated and glass walled room, which in the middle was a large pedestal on both the floor and the ceiling surrounded by glass was a large blue-ish-white diamond shaped crystal about a yard tall and two feet wide at its widest point. It was hooked up with eight black tubes, four on the top and four on the bottom, the crystal floating in the middle, glowing white.

"Woah." Sebastien said, touching the glass. "Balmeras are large extraterrestrial bodies about the size of a large moon or a dwarf planet. They are petrified but still alive and create power giving crystals. Alteans use their crystals as a power source, but taking them is like removing a vital part of the body, so they perform a healing ritual." William explained, staring at the crystal. "Alteans?" Sebastien asked. "Alteans are an advanced race with magic-like abilities. My dad is an Altean." William explained. "Well that's very cool, but I'm bored." Sebastien pointed out, sitting on the floor. "Well, wanna play uno?" William asked, then Sebastien's face lit up.

Chapter five: S

Back down on earth, the dogs have covered all of the pacific northwest and have started spreading into California! 

Meanwhile, some guy by the name of John was watching his baseball game when it was suddenly interrupted by a dog falling from the sky. "What?" John said, leaning towards the TV, and another dog fell down. 

The batter dropped his bat and kneeled down to check the dog, scratching the inside of his helmet, and a few people joined him. "Huh? It seems two dogs have fallen from the sky. Where are they coming from?" the sportscaster said. "What is going on? John said, stroking his beard and setting down his Bud Light. All of the sudden, two more dogs fell from the sky, and in the impact formed another dog next to it. 

"WHAT?" John said, flinching. On the TV, the sportscaster announced: "WHAT is going ON? It appears that one of the dogs that fell from the sky…. OH. MY. GOSH." The camera looked up out of the stadium as a wave of dogs came over the edge and started crashing down like a waterfall.. A dog hit the camera, the screen broke and turned to the colors glitch screen and went to an ad break. John was staring at the TV in confusion and slight panic. 

"That couldn't have been real." John clicked the remote and turned the tv off. He looked out of his window just in time to see a wave of dogs raging and squirming towards his house! The wave of dogs crashed into the house and broke the windows, allowing the dogs to get in. John rushed up the stairs and closed the door to the only room without windows. 

As he was catching his breath, he locked the doors and sat down on the floor. He was thinking how this could have happened, so many dogs in one area. He heard a couple woofs and a dog's head broke through the door, and John got a small jumpscare. "WOOF!" the dog barked, struggling. "Hello, doggy. Are you nice?" he reached towards the dog. It sniffed his hand then licked it. "Awww, you are nice! He reached over and scratched the dog behind his ears, but as soon as he touched the dog, he was warped into a dog. "WOOOFFF?????...." "woof! woof!" 

Meanwhile, Down outside the neighborhood was in panic. People were loading valuables and food into their cars and started driving away from the speeding wave of dogs. As it grew bigger, dogs started falling from the sky like rain. "IT'S RAINING DOGS" some kid yelled, squishing his face against the car window to look at it. 

"I know, Jimmy! That's why we need to get out of here!" his mom yelled, swiveling and swerving through the dog rain, avoiding as many dogs as possible until a dog hit their windshield and shattered it, flooding the front half of the car in dogs, and Jimmy could hear his parent's cries slowly turning into dog howls.

"Mom? Dad?" he whispered, clutching his stuffed animal. The car came to an abrupt stop and jerked him forward. He was stuck back there, he could feel it. Dogs were surrounding every window and the roof was making creaking noises. He reached into the trunk to see what he had- a gun, too big for him to use, a couple stacks of beans, corn, peas, a burner, and tons of water. In the back seat section was a bag of books and newspapers and his favorite toys. And next to it was a stack of pringles and Cheez Itz.

"What am I going to do?..."