

Watch your back!!!!! Snitches are out there.

Okoye_Chinaza · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter Seven (The Grand Final)

Two months down the line,everything returned to normal as it should be.Benita and Clement grew into loving each other the more.Chisoma on the other hand,just started schooling and was really doing well.Benita was now left alone at home. Somehow she missed the presence of her friend Irene Gone are the days where they will sit,talk and make fun out of everything.Notwithstanding this,she still remembers what Fafa had done to her and her family.How she almost came between her husband and herself.The marriage almost collapsed if she didn't take matters into her own hands.She then decided to make a quick phone call to her.

"Hello, look who is calling" Irene said when she answered the call.

"How are you doing" Benita asked.

"Well,like you know, I will always be fine" She said.

"Irene,hmm there is something I want us to discuss." Benita said.

"What we talked about the other time,I think I want to reconsider it" Benita continued.

"You don't mean it.I can see Clement has really gotten over you right?Anyway, you should come over so we talk more about it,this is not something we should be discussing on phone." Irene said.

"Yeah you are right,Can I come over now?" Benita asked.

"Yeah baby girl,I'm home" Irene answered.

Benita immediately dressed up and in no time was already at Irene's apartment.

"Wow, that was fast, tell me, what's really going on" Fafa asked.

"Look,I just want to do it,i'm no longer happy with Clement anymore" She said.

"Are you sure of what you are saying,maybe you should think this through" Irene asked.

"Are you helping me out or what? Benita asked looking very desperate.

"Well,before I do,there is something you should know,I wanted to tell you but because of your attitude,I wasn't so sure about it." Irene said.

"What is it?" Benita asked.

"Do you know your husband actually proposed to me" Irene said.

That was more than enough for Benita to bear,she wasn't ready to listen to any more surprising news from Irene.

"It's okay,don't go any futher.Just help me out" Benita said.

Irene reached into her purse and took out a complementary card of a wealthy business man from the States who relocated to Ghana.

"Take this card,and call him before sunset.I would have arranged everything by then.And guess what" Irene asked.

"What is it" Benita asked.

"He is really good in bed.I bet Clement will be no match for him" Irene said.

"Why are you talking as if you have already slept with him" Benita curiously asked.

She ignored Benita's question and gave her the complementary card.They sat together for a while and talked about the old times until Benita decided to leave.

Just about an hour she left,Irene immediately left for Clement's office.Clement actually called her to come by his office the preceding night.All along she was impatiently waiting for Benita to leave so that she could go and see what Clement had to say to her.

She went to meet him at the office and as usual he was busy working on his computer.

"You are late" Clement said as soon as Irene sat down.

"I'm really sorry my dear.Your wife came by this morning" She said.

"My wife?? for what reason" Clement asked

"I really don't know why people find it difficult to believe me.I told you your wife was cheating on you and you doubted me.She came to my place in that regard you know" She said.

"I'm really sorry Irene,that is why I called you here in the first place.But you have said enough.I have already heard what I want to hear already" Clement said.

"Excuse me, I don't understand you" Irene said.

"I don't understand you,how can you be so wicked to your own friend,how could you, acting like a snitch and all that" Clement said.

"What do you mean,I'm the one trying to help you here" She said.

"Help me? he asked.

"Honey, you can come out now" he called out to his wife who was already at the washroom listening to every bit of their conversation. She came out with a recorder in her hands and almost immediately started playing the conversation she had with Irene when she went to her place earlier.

Fafa began to shake and sweat as she noticed that she had been caught.It was all a planned thing.A plan to expose who really Fafa is; a snitch for that matter.Her game was up at last!!

"I hope you have a better explanation for this" Benita asked.

"Please I can explain,I ….i… don't even know what came over me,it's all the work of the devil,I wanted to be happy like you,to have a husband I can also call my Clement is a good person and I felt I can make him mine.Please it's not my doing.Please" She begged.

Clement just stood there watching her,before they knew,Irene ran out of the office leaving her phone and her handbag.That was the last time they ever set their eyes on her.Rumor has it that she relocated to Togo and was trying to start a new life there.

"Baby, I'm really sorry I had to make you go through all this,I didn't think she would be such a wicked person." Benita said.

"It's okay my love.Do you remember what the pastor said during our wedding? He said, marriage is like a linked chain.The more we love and respect each other,the more we make the chain strong enough to bind us,but when we allow ourselves and our marriage to be controlled by other people,our chain weakens and eventually breaks.I really love you my wife and I thank God for choosing you for me." Clement said.

"I love you too baby.Talking about our wedding day,I have something to tell you" She said.

"What is it, I'm all ears" He asked.

"Okay,how do I even start.I think you should get ready to be yelling more often because very soon,you are going to be a father" She said.

"What,oh my God,tell me this is a joke." Clement asked,he couldn't believe his ears.

"Sweetie,I'm two months pregnant" She confirmed.

It was a joyful moment when he got the news that his wife was pregnant.Finally God has blessed them with a child of their own. Chisoma continued to remain in their care.They treated her just like their own.Seven months down the line,Benita delivered successfully a bouncing baby boy who really looked much like his father, Clement.