
Who am I? Who are you...

This story is about a boy who has lost his memory, his family, and his clansmen. And all that he remembers is that he was doing something important, something very important. When he grows wings belonging to a dead race, questions appear in his mind. He remembers a town's name, but it cannot be found in history. It's mentioned nowhere as if it's never existed... A mysterious boy plagues his dreams keeping his nightmares away, is this for the better or does this mean something worse is on it's way?

Shmall_potato · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


"Brother... BROTHER!"

Waves of sounds float by as words began to form.

"Broootherr! The wind is too strong, I don't think our bodies can withstand this power! Why, why have you done this?! WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR DOING THIS?!!"

The echoes of screams were loud, clouding every space in his head.

The words spoken in response were broken and quiet, the rapid winds making the words unable to be heard properly.

"Winds....No no no.... this.... Punish..men...Their crimes.... Must....STORM AND...blood....."

The one proper sentence he could hear was simple, but filled with coldness and bloodlust aimed at another.

"Do you understand? Aeolus?"

There was a pause before a light push was felt and then pain, pain from falling and what felt like thousands of small tears across his body.

The feeling was too great and too real.

0 0 0

The nightmare ended with me screaming.

       I woke up with my back drenched in a cold sweat and slight stinging pain, gasping for air as my dad came in through the door.

    "Aeolus, are you alright, are you okay? What happened? I heard you screaming!" My dad asked worriedly as he pulled me into a hug.

  I said nothing. 

  Only continuing to hug my dad as I felt an inexplicable sadness.

   Seeing as how I didn't want to respond; my dad didn't press any further and only rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

It took a while, but eventually the drowsiness and back rubs lulled me to sleep once again.