
Who Am I really?

Have you ever dreamt of having a chance to regress back into the past to fix your pasts self mistakes? Fortunately, it is true and a number of people have regressed already. You have given a chance to regress back to your past. But, there is a catch. Will you take it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional tags. -No romance -Regression ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author here. So this is my first time writing a novel, it is fine to criticize my work as it will help me know what to improve on my writing. Please do let me know if I had missed some typographical errors or grammar mistakes. And the updates will be irregular as I still have to find inspiration to write the next chapters and so on. Ps. I only have myself to write and proofread this novel that is why I have to apologize in advance.

Riko_Yuuka · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs



- Date: March 10, 2027. Time of day: 12 noon. Weather: Mostly Sunny.

 In a rowdy streets of the town, there stood a young man wearing headphones blasting it with music while doing his daily walks around the busy street. His lowered head and eyes is looking at the concrete floor. Suddenly he stopped, he arrived at his destination a convenience store. After entering he searched for something to satiate his peckish stomach.

While arriving at the drinks section, he came across someone. Hurriedly, he lowered his head once more and distanced himself from that person. Unfortunately he was noticed by them, they squinted their eyes and disregard his existence after that. After they left, he took a drink of his choice, paid and left.

 While walking back to his home, he can't help but heave a deep breath to stabilize his fast beating heart. Suddenly he felt a sudden sense of nausea after and the urge to throw up kept increasing. He rushes to an empty and secluded place and then as if the last strand of the tie has been broken, he threw up. Over. And over. And over. He shivered as his paled skin was brushed with the cold wind of the season. 

 "Why?" He asked.

"Have I not suffered enough to gain forgiveness!?!?" He screamed, while sobbing miserably. As it happens, a sudden jolt of pain coursing through his chest made him yelp.

"!!?!??!! UWAACK!?! *sob sob* It hurts." 'Day by day, the pain kept increasing, the doctor said that there is nothing wrong. So why am I in pain?' He thought.

 After a few minutes of agonizing pain, he managed to stand up with tremors. He picked up his drink and used it to cleaned himself. 

 'What a waste.' He thought. If anyone have seen him at that state before and his current, many will think that he only did it for attention but the truth is he masked his pain with, a mask literally.  A face mask rather.

"I wanna go home." He whines. He walked through the alley way while staggering, until he cannot be seen anymore.

As he continued walking, he unkowingly arrived at a park, where people mostly students hang out. He sat on the bench close to him. "Why did I came here? For what purpose do I even came here?" He pondered.

"Ah" a gasps escaped from his mouth as he saw stones near the end of the park where the sea meets. "Was it supposed be there? Right, I remember that it wasn't supposed to be that as it was written in a broken cement".

He shook his head as he stands up. "I should've just go straight home. Why did I even go here?". A sigh escaped from his mouth.

As he is walking home, suddenly he felt someone or something following him. Something is telling in the back of his head that there is someone tailing at him. He pretended to not notice but his body gave way.

"Fuck this!" He bolted away from the stalker. He turned to a corner on a street and suddenly he hit something hard.

"Who the fuck parks their car right at the corner of a turn!" He said as he stumbled. As he was scrambling to stand up something hit from the back of his head.

"!?!?" A gasph escaped from his mouth. At the sudden urge of pain coursing through his head. He fell face first to the trunk of the car then to the cemented road. As he was gasping for air he heard a barely audible voice from behind.

"And that's what you get for limiting our boss by hiding their weapon!!" The stalker said.

While the stalked kept rambling on to the crime he did to the stalkers boss. His body is continuously bleeding out. Gasping for air while trying to keep his consciousness awake. A thought suddenly crossed his mind. 'So they're real huh? To think that by the time that I convinced myself that they are just a part of a childish dreams a young teen would have, and the boss is just childish, I didn't even think they are real. I suppose another one on would be put on my list if I can'.

As bood kept pooling under his body and the difficulty in breathing rises. Struggling to keep his consciousness longer, he finally let go with the kast thought of his as.

'With this, I can finally rest. Far away from this physical torment'

Hi. Your author here, I am sorry if there is any grammar mistakes or typos but please do tell me so I can use it to improve my writing skills. That is all thank you for reading.

Riko_Yuukacreators' thoughts