
who's my dad???

Jivi_0825 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Forced to meet

venessa's POV

i look at him h-he look handsome but he is a complete idiot 😳

Mr idiot help me to stand then he saw my face his eyes wide open in a shock 😲

Mr idiot: wh- Venn this is you " 😳he was shocked to see me like this ' he still remember me but why???' i thought

"yes i-"😒 he look up and down

Mr idiot: why this dress is too small!??!!"😠 he ask angrily and point out to my thighs

"what do-" 😐before i can speak kayden came into us

kayden : coel you are here come let's talk about the matter" 😅he said to the Mr idiot

Mr idiot : fine "😒 kayden grab him by his arm and make his way to the office table but Mr idiot is just looking at me all the time 'like he wants to scold me !!'

kayden : Venn cancel the cof- " 😌

Mr idiot: no bring us two hot coffee please"😏 i sigh but nodded my head and get out of the office 'what is he doing here ??' 😯i thought

Ben : hey dear why are you looking confused??"🙂 then i noticed Ben

"aah-nothing by the way where i can get coffee here??" 😄i ask him

Ben : aah-coffee come with me I'll show you !!"😃 i nodded and follow him

Ben : so tell me about yourself a little dear ??" he ask

"umm...there is nothing special about me....i am a orphan who is surviving for my life that's it"😄 i tell him the truth he turn to look at me with some emotions in his eyes

Ben : aah-i am sorry it's hard for you right !!"🥺 ooh no there you go with the sympathy look

"no no i am happy with my life uncle " 😃i said with smile on my face he patted my head

Ben: i am proud of you dear " ☺️i smile and think he must be a good father we get in to the canteen which is on the second floor we are in the 50th Floor i guess after some time a boy came towards us

???: hey Mr Ben how are you???" 😄

Ben : hey boy i am fine !!" 😃he said and laugh with him then the boy look at me

Ben : aah this is vennesa the new secretary and dear this is mark he is employee of this company"😄 the boy extended a hand towards me to handshake i accept

mark : hey...you look gorgeous "☺️ he whispered the last part but we heard that

Ben: yeah she is beautiful " 🙂Ben said i smile at them

"thanks "😳 i said mark smile and leave my hand

Ben: vennesa let's go we should get the coffee for the boss " 😄ooh i forgot about that i nodded

mark : okay you two go i have some work Mr Ben...and vennesa....see you around bye" ☺️ we said bye to him and turn our way for coffee he show me the coffee machine. then i grab a tray and put two cups coffee Ben sees that and got confused

Ben: two cups why??"😯 he ask

"well someone came to meet the boss " 😒

Ben : he must be his friend right coel "😄 i nodded

Ben: he is actor do you know ??? aaah- that kid is so annoying!!! "😅 unfortunately i know that and i agree with part of annoying

" yes i know uncle " 😌i smile and walk to the elevator

Ben: aah- i have some work to do vennesa are you- " 😅

"yes yes uncle please go....i am fine " 😄said he nodded and walk to the othe direction i try my best to balance the tray in my hand and walk when i reach the floor i sigh

"finally" 😒when i am about to knock the door i here some voices in the office i want to ignore that but i hear they are arguing for some reason so stoped😰 my curiosity gets higher than my pride 😅

Mr idiot: i chosen her for that !!!" what is he talking... chosen her?? who???? i try to listen carefully

kayden : and why are you going to do that??" kayden was so annoyed

Mr idiot: i have my reason kayden and please trust me if you know the reason behind this you will hate her too"

kayden: do you think i am going to believe you coel ??"

Mr idiot: hmm well yes you should believe your friend i guess"

kayden: she is not going to say yes!!"

coel: and why is that???"

kayden: because- "

Mr idiot: hmm okay kayden look like our coffee is here "

kayden: what??" 'ooh no how did he noticed ' 😱

kayden: hmm...Venn come in" i sigh and get in i walk towards the table and see coel was sitting on the boss seat and kayden was on the couch i put the tray on the table

kayden : Venn did you heard anything??"🙄 he ask i shook my head in no 😰

Mr idiot: ooh look there.....i was watching you when you listening our conversation miss" 🤨

he said in annoying tone i look at the door and yes we can watch the other side from here i was shocked😱 Mr idiot chuckle

Mr idiot : so if you heard that then it's good for you babe " 😏 'for my good my foot'😡

"YO- " 😡i want to shout at him but i am not in the position for that so i turn to look at the kayden 😐

"sir do you need anything else"🙂 i ask politely

kayden: hmm no you can go Venn" 🙄i turn to the door and walk out i hear that Mr idiot is calling me i did not look back

Mr idiot: hey babe i need to talk to you???"😰 he was going to run towards me but kayden grab him by arm and said something in his ear i run into my office and seat on my office chair

"aah- what are they talking about...why did he say that it's good for me???" 🤔i have a lot of questions in my head 😖after sometime i hear some one knocked on the door