
The Boss

Lin Shi,"he calls again, "the boss wants to see you."

I feel the words burning into my brain. The. Boss. Wants. To. See. Me? I feel a laugh threatening to erupt, this must be some kind of prank. Why would the boss want see me!

"This all really funny, hardy har har. See I laughed, good prank." I drawl out a smile flutters across my lips, until I see the deadpan expression on the mans face. He's not joking is he? My smile falls as the seriousness of his words weighs down on me. I take a shaky breath and force my eyes to meet his.

He starts walking in the opposite direction not waiting for my response. My feet are rooted to the ground I stare at his back as he walks away. The boss that rescued from the orphanage, took me in, the boss who I've never seen in person wants to see me. I gulp, before running up to the man.

I catch up to him my face a little pink from the running, and my breaths heavy. I slow down to match his pace, there seems to be this barrier of silence dividing us. The more the barrier rests there the more awkward it gets.

"Whats your name," I ask wanting to ease the awkwardness.

He gives me a harsh stare and I immediately regret asking that.

"Yu Long." His voice is sharp and final.

I'm taken by surprise, but that feeling quickly fades as the tall doors that lead back into the house near. I feel like someone splashed cold water all over me. My breathing quickens as I walk up the steps leading to the front doors. Yu Long throws them open not waiting a second his boots trailing mud over the pristine in marble floor. I resist the urge to tell him to take off his boots and follow behind irritated by the mud.

It was hard to keep track of where we were going in the house we took so many twists and turns it wasn't long till even I was confused of where we were. Like it was appearing out of nowhere we enter and unassuming bland gray hallway. It was in great contrast to the grandeur that filled up the rest of the house. The hallway seemed to be dead as negative vibes oozed off of it. I could hear my steps making little clicking noises as I stepped on the marble floors lightly my heart racing for some reason.

My gut was telling me to run, run, run! But my head told me to keep walking. I didn't notice it before but a painted gray door that seemed to disappear into the gray walls lied at the end of the hallway. Before I knew it Yu Long reached the door and was opening it. My feet moved on their own accord carrying me into the room behind the door.

The room was large with floor to ceiling windows in the back, a desk in the middle, and book shelves on the sides. The thing that really caught my attention though was the man behind the desk. Middle aged, salt and pepper hair, and piercing gray eyes. His face was all sharp edges and his eyes looked like they could look right through me. I feel myself automatically straighten my back square my shoulders.

His thin gray lips turned upwards in a unnatural smile.

"Lin Shi, you don't know how happy I'am to finally meet you."