
1 first chapter

It was late at night where a team of cave explorers were exiting a cave and beside the exit the explorers found a white fire but not just one but a trail of white fire the explorers were dumbfounded at the site of the strange white fire.

The explorers talked amongst themselves and they came to the conclusion that they will be following the white fire. As they followed the white fire they noticed cries of some sorts and as the came to the end they found a baby.

5 Years Later


As Ranin ran to an old house he was being chased by a dog that was bigger than him and he was clueless why the dog was so big but he was caught by the dog and bitten to the leg but suddenly a man came to the rescue and killed the dog with his knife but Ranin realized that the knife was already bloody before he stabbed the dog and he was scared because of that

Ranin ran away from the man and as he ran he realized that the man was chasing him but Ranin was not so fast because his leg was bitten by a dog Ranin felt a knife thrown trough his back and he realized that he was dying as he died as a white flame engulfed him.

Ranin saw light again but in the same place but he was 1 year older? Ranin thought about killing himself because he wanted to see if he would become older again but he decided not to.