
White Dragon Lord

Staff: anshi (Translator) , LordCeraz (Editor) Sypnosis “Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the troubadour sings of the legend of the dragon and his eternal will”. One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die. Reincarnated as a white dragon —considered to be the weakest and dullest kind among the evil dragon race. He embarks on his journey in a fantasy world resided by countless races, where danger lurks at every corner along with his brother and sisters to dominate the world. Come along to join him in his adventures and witness the Saga of the White Dragon Lord.

GodOFGames12 · แฟนตาซี
110 Chs


Herbert looked at the Sea Giant "evolving" into a Thunder Titan and felt a toothache.

Originally, he thought he was here to bully the child and punched him one at a time. As a result, the child evolved into a Titan and was still capable of discharging electricity.

However, the Golden Dragon was not at all afraid. The Thunder Titans and Golden Dragon are both bearers of their tribe, so who was afraid of whom!

Golden Dragon cast the spell quickly.

Anti-Electric barrier!

Instant Death protection!

Legendary Mindspeed technique!


The Golden Dragon's magic powers flashed constantly, and after holding all kinds of augmentation magic, he rushed up with his teeth and claws and fought with the Thunder Titan.

The hand-to-hand combat between the Dragon and the Titan, as the clash between the Dragon Magic and the Power of Thunder, caused severe damage to the surrounding battlefield.

The fierce fight between the two behemoths stirred the sea frantically, the silt deposited on the seabed stirred up, violent energy raged, and the aftermath of the attack hit the surrounding cliffs, exploding the rubble rolled down.

The thunder blot coming from the sea made the fishes numb. The seawater which was affected by magic was chilled to the bone in one moment, and the next moment heated to the core, making the battle mounts experience what was called the double-edged sword of ice and fire.

Amos felt the trembling cliff on the soles of his feet and exclaimed, "Sublime! Keep a safe distance!"

In the battle between the legends, these lower-level professionals had already lost the qualification to watch the battle at close range.

Soon, the ordinary Murlocs and battle pets retreated, leaving only the higher-level and above suspended in the sea, covered with different kinds of energy to isolate the aftermath of the legendary battle, keeping a safe distance, and watching the fierce conflict in the trench.

Unlike the White Scale City's side, which could move freely, the Sea Giants at the bottom of the trench were greatly restricted. Not only they couldn't leave, but they had to tackle the falling rocks and magical aftermath that fell on the altar and block the attack for the Prophet.

But the aftermath of a legendary battle was so close. Soon, almost all the Sea Giants were wounded, and even a few rubbles fell on the prophet's feet.

The leader had to take care of the tribe, noticing the enemy's distracted state, the Golden Dragon took advantage of the enemy's concern and deliberately moved the battle line to the bottom of the trench.

The leader was so anxious that he gave up his defence and fought with his life to hold the Golden Dragon at bay.

The Golden Dragon felt the pressure multiply. Although the enemy was not a real Thunder Titan, he could not use his full strength. The Dragon could not breathe under the sea, just like a martial arts master that had his hands tied up. Under the declining strength, the strength gap was not so obvious.

Moreover, the leader had a deadly ambition, he gave up his defence and attacked the Golden Dragon's vital points.

Faced with this brutal style of fighting for life, Golden Dragon felt constrained and could not find a way to take the Sea Giant's Chief for a moment. Instead, the Sea Giant took the initiative and was forced to ascend away from the trench.

"Quickly get out of the way!"

As the two legendary levels of combat progressively moved up, the White Dragon Lord quickly lead the army to clear the passageway so as not to endanger the fish.

The Golden Dragon and the Chief rushed out of the trench, hitting farther and farther.

Amos looked up at the Golden Dragon and the Sea Giants in the distance, then looked down at the tangled Sea Giant tribe below the trench and Felicia next to him. The two brothers and sisters saw each other's burning eyes and knew that both sides had thought of the same thing.

Felicia and the Murlocs were waiting for the White Dragon Lord to issue an order, but he ignored their expectations.

Amos carefully took out a large box from the dimensional belt. Opening the box, he took out two pieces of ice and used magical power to isolate the seawater. Even so, the seawater around the ice still slowly condensed.

Felicia felt the extreme chill emanating from the ice and was horrified in her heart. What is this? It made the orthodox white dragon feel cold!

Felicia couldn't help being curious: "Brother, what is this? "

Amos: "This is the energy core of the Snow Demon!"

Felicia was relieved because the Snow Demon was a real elemental creature, while the white dragons were after all still beings of flesh and blood. The energy core in their body made the white dragon feel cold, which was normal.

Amos looked distressedly at the Snow Demon Core in his hand. This thing was the best material for summoning the Ice Elemental, and without the help of a Summoner, it could provide the Ice Elementals with the magic power they needed to exist. These little things cost the White Dragon Lord quite a few gold coins.

Snow Demons were real high-level creatures that lived in extremely cold areas. They could walk freely through the ice, and they are also social creatures. They were hard to hunt, and the price for their core …

Although Amos felt distressed, he still had to use it, and his mouth quickly cast out the spell.

Frozen Bloodline-Powerful!


Winter Crown!


With a series of augmentation spells on him, Amos connected to the skull of Caucasus and absorbed the magic power, and then uttered the long-lost mantra: "The Messenger of Winter! The Nobleman of Ice! The King of Ice! Please listen to my call and follow the ancient contract and come to my side and help me destroy the enemy!" (In Ancient Draconi Tongue)

The ancient spell with a vague accent just ended, two icy blue portals appeared out of thin air, and the familiar ice element stepped out of the portal.

"Servant of Winter! Answers your call!" X2

Amos unexpectedly summoned two master-ranked Winter Servants at once!

Upon seeing his sudden and powerful facelift! Felicia was speechless and once again experienced the truth that passed through thousands of realms -

Never mess with a mage who's come prepared!!!


Amos commanded two Winter Servants to charge forward and led the Murlocs towards the altar at the bottom of the trench.

Although he didn't know what the Sea Giant's magic ritual was, what the enemy wants to do is destroy, that's true!

When two Sea Giants masters saw the leading two Winter Servants, they almost wanted to jump and swear! Last time in White scale City, their leader had a hard time enough dealing with one Ice Elemental, now there were two at once!

Don't you want people to live?

Ummm …

The White Dragons seem to have always wanted them to die!

The leading master-level Sea Giant grabbed a high-level companion and roared: "Quick! Bring that Murloc out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The high-ranking Sea Giant hurriedly crawled into a cave. After a while, he walked out with an iron chain, on the other end of the chain was a pair of shackles that firmly locked a Murloc. The Murloc was very reluctant to be led by the Sea Giants.

Amos was surprised to see the Murloc led by the Sea Giants!


The mermaids were the darlings of the sea, the royal family in the water. They were not born with an outstanding biological level, only a little over eight points, still, they were gifted with extremely high magic powers. Almost every adult mermaid had an Archmage level of water specialization.

Mermaids were better known for their more perverted racial skills than their magical gifts —the Song of the Mermaid, a kind of spiritual magic that could have a psychedelic effect on minds. As long as the strength was lower than that of mermaids, they would be caught and then let be slaughtered.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the master level Sea Giant's mouth, and he activated the bracelet in his hand, and it flashed with a faint light.

A gleam of light flashed on the surface of the mermaid's blue eyes, her eyes were blank, and she slowly raised her head and opened her attractive red lips.