
White Dragon Hidden in The Leaves

In a world beyond her own, a 19-year-old mute weeb girl named Aiko has been given a second chance at life. She is standing in a stream within a forest, surrounded by snakes and other creatures with the shape of humans' upper bodies but snake bodies from their hips down. A mountain looms ahead of her, its peak hidden by clouds. The music of someone playing a Biwa emanates from the mountain, drawing her closer. As she climbs the mountain, she sees holes with various types of snakes watching her every move. Fear grips her as an eastern Dragon with golden scales dives into the clouds, telling her to go back down where it's safe and familiar. But Aiko remembers moments from her life where she remained silent when she could have helped others or turned a blind eye to someone else's suffering. With newfound strength and determination, she pushes forward and climbs higher. Finally passing through the clouds, she reaches the top of the mountain and finds a woman playing the Biwa. The woman introduces herself as Benzaiten, the goddess of water, music, arts, wisdom, wealth, fortunes, snakes, and dragons. She offers Aiko three wishes. Aiko chooses to be reborn with the body of the Kure clan from the Kengan universe for her first wish. For her second wish, Aiko asks to have both the bloodlines of the Uchiha and Senju and spins a wheel to determine the additional natures she will receive. She lands on wind and yang. Finally, for her third wish, Aiko asks to be born with a new Bijuu inside her named Moonhidorah. The goddess grants her wish but explains that the Bijuu's chakra level will be marked by the number of horns it has, and it will only gain more horns over time. Aiko is excited to start her new life and embark on her journey. She expresses her gratitude to Benzaiten and prepares for her rebirth in her favorite village, where Naruto was. As Aiko's rebirth approaches, she wonders what new adventures await her in this world beyond her own and how she will use her newfound powers to make a difference.

Iros · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

The Hidden Letter and an Unsettling Name (chapter 17)

The first rays of morning light seeped through the gaps in the curtains, casting a warm glow over my face. I stirred, eyelids fluttering open, and for a moment, the events of the previous night seemed like nothing more than a terrible dream.

But as the fog of sleep lifted from my mind, I remembered. The Uchiha massacre, the blood, the screams, the fire. A shudder rippled through me, my muscles tense beneath the sheets. And then came the strangest realization of all. I recalled my past life as a mute girl on Earth. The sensation of living without a voice, the frustration, the helplessness... it all flooded back to me. The memories were vivid and raw, mixing with the current emotions of confusion and anxiety. My breathing hitched as I sat up, a mixture of relief and anxiety swirling within me. I was no longer bound to that silence. The weight of my past life rested heavily upon my shoulders.

"I really am stupid for asking to be reborn in a dangerous world," I whispered, testing my newfound voice. It came out as a hoarse croak, but it was still my voice. I could speak. "Izumi?"

A sudden pang of worry shot through me, and I threw off the covers with haste. Izumi had been there during the massacre, trying to protect me. In the original story, she was meant to die. She was still forced into the genjutsu, but Grandfather had knocked her out.

Ignoring the lingering disorientation, I scrambled to my feet, determined to find Izumi and ensure her safety. My foot slammed against the wooden floor as I raced out of my room and into the quiet hallways of our home. The house seemed larger than before, its walls echoing the emptiness I felt inside. My heart hammered in my chest, every thud urging me onward. With each step, memories of my past life intertwined with the urgency of the present.

As I navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, my thoughts wandered back to my past life. I should have been able to pick up on the hints my best friend was giving me, but for some reason, I couldn't. Regret and frustration washed over me as I recalled missed opportunities, a twinge of self-blame lacing my thoughts.

I rounded a corner, my heart pounding in my ears when I almost collided with one of the household servants. Her eyes widened in surprise as she stepped back to avoid crashing into me.

"Miss Ayumi!" Yuno exclaimed, her voice filled with concern. "Is everything all right?"

My anxiety for Izumi took over, and without thinking, I reverted to the sign language I had used in my past life. My hands moved rapidly, the gestures fluid and urgent. The servant's eyes grew even wider, clearly confused by my actions.

"Please," I signed, desperate for her to understand. "Where is Izumi?"

The servant tilted her head, her brow furrowed in confusion. It seemed that she couldn't comprehend my silent pleas. A wave of frustration washed over me, but then I remembered, I could speak again.

"Where is Izumi?" I asked aloud, my voice cracking with emotion. The words felt foreign on my tongue, yet they brought a slight sense of comfort alongside the strangeness.

"Miss Izumi?" the servant repeated, now understanding my question. "She is being taken care of in the hospital, her injuries are treated, but she will still need time to recover."

"Thank you," I murmured, relief flooding through me. At least Izumi was safe, my actions or presence had already changed the plot of the story a bit... As I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a nearby mirror. Yuno had already walked away, and since I was alone, I decided to check something, activating my Sharingan as I stared back at me, its three tomoe swirling around my pupil. If I remembered correctly from yesterday, I only had one in each eye. Pain was supposed to be the way to unlock more tomoe. I guess the pain from my past life had awakened it further to the max, I mean I wouldn't complain even if it was a little cheap. Still, the color was off, and I could feel my chakra, which was normally ramped, calming down.

"I would have to be careful to make sure Danzo never learned about me," I muttered, my eyes narrowing as I deactivated my Sharingan. Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, I focused on the task at hand. I needed a plan to protect Izumi. Perhaps I could ask Grandfather to watch over her.

But how could I convince him? Sharing suspicions about an elder of the village putting its people in danger would be a challenge to make him believe. A plan started to form in my mind, a plan that would require careful maneuvering and gathering of information. It was clear that I needed to become stronger, to be prepared for the dangers that lay ahead.

As I hurried towards my grandfather's study, the weight of my past life and the uncertainty of this new world pressed down on me. The knowledge I possessed could become useless sooner or later. But there was no time to dwell on those feelings now. Izumi needed me, even if she didn't know it.

My footsteps echoed through the corridors until I reached the door of my grandfather's study. The room was bathed in the golden glow of the fading sunlight streaming through the large bay window. Dust motes danced in the air, disturbed by my entrance. The familiar scent of leather and parchment filled my nostrils as I scanned the room, searching for something that could help me. My eyes lingered on the bookshelves, lined with ancient tomes and scrolls, maybe one of these could help me.

As I sifted through the piles of scrolls and documents scattered across the heavy oak desk, I noticed a letter addressed to my grandfather. Curiosity piqued, I moved closer and unfolded the crisp paper, my eyes scanning the words hastily penned on its surface.

"Lord Kure, I am aware of your concerns about the events that occurred in the Uchiha compound, however, I must remind you that those events were a surprise to us as well. Thanks to your efforts, the village has two remaining Uchiha members that might one day be able to revive their clan. I will be keeping a close eye on them."

My heart sank as I read the name at the end of the letter, Danzo. Was he already going to make his move? This confirmed my suspicions that Izumi might still be in danger. I couldn't let her fall into Danzo's clutches. As for Sasuke, he would be fine as the third wouldn't let him fall into Donzo's hands.

Opening the window, I tore the letter into small pieces and threw them into the passing breeze. I turned back to the room, the bookshelf catching my eye. I just needed to find the book my grandfather had before.

I walked up to the tall bookshelf before me. Normally every mc would head to the library but thanks to being born in a clan I wouldn't have to worry about doing that. with scrolls and books mixed together, offering a treasure trove of wisdom and secrets. I ran my fingers over the spines and covers.

With careful consideration, I selected a book from the shelf and held it gently in my hands. The pages were yellowed and worn, carrying the unmistakable scent of age. As I turned the pages, I delved into its contents, searching for something that had teachings I could learn on my own.

Hours passed as I immersed myself in the ancient wisdom of the bookshelf. I discovered techniques, strategies, and tales of legendary shinobi. Each word I absorbed fueled me, with this I would grow stronger and be able to fight and protect myself.

As I closed the book, it wasn't the one grandfather had in his hands before but it would help, it described many techniques focused around taijutsu.

The path ahead was treacherous, and the challenges that waited ahead like, Itachi, pain, and if I somehow managed to survive that long the ghost of the Uchiha. But I was no longer the silent girl of my past life and I wasn't the hot-headed kid that could be overwhelmed by the beast within. I would use it to protect those I cared for. Izumi's safety was important to me, and ever the others as well, and with the knowledge I would gain from the bookshelf, I would do everything in my power to ensure they would remain out of harm's way.

As I stepped into the hallway, determination ignited in my eyes, and the whispers of my past and present urged me forward. The journey had only just begun.