
White Dragon Hidden in The Leaves

In a world beyond her own, a 19-year-old mute weeb girl named Aiko has been given a second chance at life. She is standing in a stream within a forest, surrounded by snakes and other creatures with the shape of humans' upper bodies but snake bodies from their hips down. A mountain looms ahead of her, its peak hidden by clouds. The music of someone playing a Biwa emanates from the mountain, drawing her closer. As she climbs the mountain, she sees holes with various types of snakes watching her every move. Fear grips her as an eastern Dragon with golden scales dives into the clouds, telling her to go back down where it's safe and familiar. But Aiko remembers moments from her life where she remained silent when she could have helped others or turned a blind eye to someone else's suffering. With newfound strength and determination, she pushes forward and climbs higher. Finally passing through the clouds, she reaches the top of the mountain and finds a woman playing the Biwa. The woman introduces herself as Benzaiten, the goddess of water, music, arts, wisdom, wealth, fortunes, snakes, and dragons. She offers Aiko three wishes. Aiko chooses to be reborn with the body of the Kure clan from the Kengan universe for her first wish. For her second wish, Aiko asks to have both the bloodlines of the Uchiha and Senju and spins a wheel to determine the additional natures she will receive. She lands on wind and yang. Finally, for her third wish, Aiko asks to be born with a new Bijuu inside her named Moonhidorah. The goddess grants her wish but explains that the Bijuu's chakra level will be marked by the number of horns it has, and it will only gain more horns over time. Aiko is excited to start her new life and embark on her journey. She expresses her gratitude to Benzaiten and prepares for her rebirth in her favorite village, where Naruto was. As Aiko's rebirth approaches, she wonders what new adventures await her in this world beyond her own and how she will use her newfound powers to make a difference.

Iros · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Punishment (Chapter 13)

I stood before the imposing gates of my family's compound, my heart pounding in my chest like a taiko drum. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the ground, accentuating every crease and imperfection etched into the gate. I hesitated, feeling anxious while I clenched my fists tightly by my sides. my fear of punishment made me dread going inside.

"Get it together, Ayumi," I muttered under my breath, trying my best to steel my resolve. "You are a Kure, after all."

I knew the source of my anxiety went far beyond the punishment itself. More than anything, I was afraid of disappointing my grandfather, Lord Hayai, who was not only the head of their family but also one of the pillars of the village. I had always wanted to become someone he could be proud of, and the thought of letting him down weighed heavily on me.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the gates and stepped onto the stone path leading to the entrance of the Minka. As I walked, I couldn't help but recall the countless hours I had spent training with my grandfather, listening intently as he taught me my first family technique. He had always been an affectionate man but when training he would be far sterner and strict with me, I could feel his passion for the ninja way in every word he spoke and every lesson he taught me.

My eyes fixed on the entrance to my home and the two figures standing guard. The sun was setting behind her, casting long shadows across the courtyard.

"Maybe I should jus... not go home today," I muttered under my breath, my fingers curling around the strap of my scrollbag as I considered the option. I could run off somewhere and spend the night practicing my skills until exhaustion claimed me, anything to avoid facing my grandfather, and the disappointment I feared awaited me inside.

"Lady Kure-sama," a gruff voice called out from behind me, shattering my train of thought. As I turned around to see one of my family's servants approaching. The woman was tall and muscular, her face covered in scars that hinted at countless battles she had survived. Her dark hair was tied back into a tight ponytail, only a few strands escaping to frame her steely gaze.

"Kiku-san," I greeted her, trying not to let my apprehension show. "Is my grandfather...?"

"Lord Hayai is waiting for you in his study," Kiku replied curtly, her expression unreadable. "He wishes to speak with you."

"Thank you, "I murmured, my throat tightening. As I glanced past Kiku to catch sight of the other servant, Yuno, who stood near the doorway. Like Kiku, Yuno bore the marks of a seasoned Ninja. Numerous scars crisscrossed her face and arms, and a jagged line slashed across her forehead. Funnily enough, even though Yuno looked a bit scarier, she was by far the nicer one of the two.

"Make sure you don't keep him waiting too long, Lady Kure-sama," Yumi said, her tone soft yet firm. The unspoken warning lingered in the air, urging me to make a decision.

"Right," I responded, swallowing hard. I clenched my fists, feeling the familiar callouses on my palms. "I understand."

With a nod, the Kiku stepped aside, clearing the path for me to enter my home.

I stepped into the dimly lit hallway, every inch of my body tensing up as the door closed behind me. Yuno followed behind me.

"Is he angry?" I couldn't help but ask, fear gripping my heart.

"Lord Hayai is... concerned," Yuno offered sympathetically, her eyes shifting away uncomfortably. "He wishes to speak with you about today's events."

i swallowed hard, recalling the incident at school that had landed me in trouble. I knew my grandfather would not be pleased. Despite the stern exterior, I could tell Yuno was empathetic and genuinely cared for my well-being.

As we walked through the house, my thoughts drifted back to when I first learned what both Kiku and Yuno looked like. It had been a year ago when I had accidentally stumbled upon them in the bathhouse. The revelation surprised me. I had managed to convince them I didn't mind what they looked like, that I found it cool.

"Yuno," i began, my voice barely above a whisper. "Do you ever wish things were different? That you didn't have to serve my family?"

"No, Lord Kure-sama has given me a role when I thought I no longer had any use. For that, I am grateful, " Yuno replied softly. "I am proud to serve the Kure family."

I nodded, feeling a strange sense of comfort from Yuno's words. As much as I wished to escape my own fears and insecurities, I knew that even those who seemed unbreakable had their own struggles.

Taking a deep breath, I continued walking through the familiar halls of my home, each step echoing.

The Kure head home was a traditional Japanese home filled with polished wooden floors and sliding paper doors. Like many of the homes in the compound, however, what set it apart was the intricate paintings adorned the walls, depicting scenes from their family's long and storied history as great ninjas

The faint scent of incense lingered in the air, mingling with the subtle aroma of aged wood.

As i made my way down the hallway, I couldn't help but run her fingers along the smooth surface of the wooden panels, finding solace in their familiarity. my thoughts swirled like leaves caught in a whirlwind, fear, determination, and uncertainty battling for dominance within her mind.

"Focus, Ayumi," I whispered to myself, steeling her nerves. "You can do this."

As i reached the end of the hallway and slid open the door to my grandfather's study, revealing the dimly lit room within. Rows of bookshelves lined the walls, filled to bursting with scrolls and tomes on ninjutsu and some other things i haven't been able to read yet.

A large calligraphy scroll hung above a low writing desk, bearing the words - patience and endurance.

Lord Hayai sat in a high-backed chair, his stern gaze fixed on the flickering candlelight that cast eerie shadows across his lined face. He looked up at me as I entered, his expression unreadable.

"Grandfather," i said, bowing deeply in respect.

"Sit, Ayumi," he commanded, gesturing to the cushion across from him.

I obeyed, aa my legs trembling slightly as i lowered myself to the floor. The silence between us was heavy and suffocating, a tangible presence threatening to crush my spirit.

"Grandfather," I began, my voice cracking with nerves. "I… I didn't do anything wrong....." My voice growing silent towards the end.

Lord Hayai studied me for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. Still, he remained silent.

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. "But… It wasn't my fault those bullies..... i got angry, and i..... im sorry for disappointing you."

my fingers clenched into fists in in lap.

"Your actions today remind me of your mother when she was your age," he began, his voice steady but tinged with disapproval. "She too had a habit of making… rash decisions."

My cheeks flushed at the comparison, and I lowered my gaze. My mother's rebellious nature was legendary from the stories grandfather told me, and the idea that I might be following in her footsteps sent a mixed feeling inside me.

"However," continued my grandfather, "your mother eventually learned to channel her energy into honing her skills as a ninja. I trust that you will do the same."

"Of course, grandfather," I responded, taking a deep breath and meeting his eyes.

"See that you do," he warned, his tone stern. "And there is one more thing, Ayumi." He paused for a moment, his gaze sharpening. "You are forbidden from using our family's kekkei genkai while at school."

My eyes widened in shock, and I couldn't help the small gasp that escaped my lips. The kekkei genkai was a source of great pride for my family, and I had spent countless hours practicing its techniques under her grandfather's watchful eye. To even have access to what he called 4 percent was already amazing for my age, he had commented.

To be forbidden from utilizing it felt like a blow to my very identity.

"Grandfather, why?" I asked hesitantly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Because," he replied, leaning forward in his chair, "the power we wield should not be taken lightly. It is not a toy to be brandished recklessly. It is a weapon and must be treated with the respect it deserves."

"Grandfather, I understand your concerns," I said, struggling to keep the tremor from my voice. "But how can I become a great ninja without using our family's kekkei genkai? It's what sets us apart."

Lord Hayai leaned back in his chair, his dark eyes studying me intently. "It is true that our kekkei genkai grants us power, but it is not the source of our greatness. Our strength comes from the 1300-year process of selective breeding," He said as he pulled out a book of what appeared to be about our clan.

"Our strengths lie in our bodies. we, the Kure, have become a clan specialized for battle. That is what you must cultivate within yourself, Ayumi, and that is how you will prove your worth."

i clenched my jaw, holding back tears of frustration. "I swear, grandfather, I will work harder than ever before. I will make you proud."

"Then let that be your focus," he replied, his gaze softening ever so slightly. "Do not rely solely on your kekkei genkai. Develop your other skills, learn from your teacher and fellow classmates, and always remember that there's more to being a ninja than just a family kekkei genka."

"Thank you, grandfather," I whispered, bowing my head once more. As much as I wanted to argue further, I knew there was no changing his mind.

As I turned to leave the room, my heart was heavy with the burden of my new restrictions. Kiku was waiting for me beyond the door, her expression unreadable.

"Your grandfather only wants the best for you, young mistress," Kiku said quietly, her voice tinged with sympathy. "He speaks harshly, but his heart is in the right place."

i nodded, acknowledging the woman's words even as her own doubts continued to gnaw at her. "I know," I murmured, forcing a weak smile.