
White Dragon Hidden in The Leaves

In a world beyond her own, a 19-year-old mute weeb girl named Aiko has been given a second chance at life. She is standing in a stream within a forest, surrounded by snakes and other creatures with the shape of humans' upper bodies but snake bodies from their hips down. A mountain looms ahead of her, its peak hidden by clouds. The music of someone playing a Biwa emanates from the mountain, drawing her closer. As she climbs the mountain, she sees holes with various types of snakes watching her every move. Fear grips her as an eastern Dragon with golden scales dives into the clouds, telling her to go back down where it's safe and familiar. But Aiko remembers moments from her life where she remained silent when she could have helped others or turned a blind eye to someone else's suffering. With newfound strength and determination, she pushes forward and climbs higher. Finally passing through the clouds, she reaches the top of the mountain and finds a woman playing the Biwa. The woman introduces herself as Benzaiten, the goddess of water, music, arts, wisdom, wealth, fortunes, snakes, and dragons. She offers Aiko three wishes. Aiko chooses to be reborn with the body of the Kure clan from the Kengan universe for her first wish. For her second wish, Aiko asks to have both the bloodlines of the Uchiha and Senju and spins a wheel to determine the additional natures she will receive. She lands on wind and yang. Finally, for her third wish, Aiko asks to be born with a new Bijuu inside her named Moonhidorah. The goddess grants her wish but explains that the Bijuu's chakra level will be marked by the number of horns it has, and it will only gain more horns over time. Aiko is excited to start her new life and embark on her journey. She expresses her gratitude to Benzaiten and prepares for her rebirth in her favorite village, where Naruto was. As Aiko's rebirth approaches, she wonders what new adventures await her in this world beyond her own and how she will use her newfound powers to make a difference.

Iros · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Confrontation in the Veil of Fog

"I'll deal with Zabuza, Izumi I leave you to deal with those two" Kakashi's voice rang out from behind us as I kept looking at the two Ninjas that seemed to be working with Zabuza. I placed my hands behind me and signed for Naruto in sign language to prepare. Training my eyes on both enemy ninjas ahead of me.

One is a tall and lean ninja with short, silver hair. His misty blue eyes give off an intimidating vibe of annoyance. He wears the standard Jonin flak jacket of Kirigakure with a slashed protective forehead protector and carries a ninja sword on his back. The second was a girl, her long flowing obsidian hair hung loosely, partially concealing a porcelain-like face adorned with pale blue markings reminiscent of mist swirling across her skin. The intensity of her aquamarine eyes glows like twin sapphires in the darkness of her sclera, as her eyes locked on mine. She was dressed in a tailored black and indigo Jonin flak jacket adorned with the symbol of Kirigakure. 

The man's voice cut through the tense silence as he spoke, his eyes fixed on Hikari. "Oh, someone has similar eyes to you, Hikari," he said, before drawing out his katana with a fluid motion. Panic rose in my chest as I realized that we were now facing a serious threat. Zabuza was one thing but these two, I had no idea who they were. Izumi, who was standing next to me, had already taken out a kunai and was holding it tightly in one hand. I could see the determination etched on her face as she turned to me. "Ayumi, you and the others need to keep the bridge builder safe," she said, her voice low and serious. Her words sent a chill down my spine as I realized just how dire our situation had become. Her Three Tomo Sharingan spun rapidly as she kept focused on the man.

Carefully I moved back as I watched the girl who didn't move while the man dashed towards Izumi, slashing his sword down and clashing with her Kunai, he was fast. I hadn't seen him move, I, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had moved to protect the builder from each angle.

Zabuza's voice boomed through the air, commanding attention as he summoned his Ninpou Hidden Mist no Jutsu. Within seconds, the mist began to thicken and swirl around us, obscuring everything from view. The fog was so dense that it made it difficult to see past my outstretched hand, let alone locate Zabuza. I could feel the moisture in the air clinging to my skin, causing my clothes to dampen and my hair to stick to my forehead. 

My heart pounded in my chest as I activated my Sharigan, trying to adjust to the sudden loss of visibility. Attempting to focus my senses and keep my breathing steady as I waited for any sign of movement. The sound of my own heartbeat was nearly deafening in the silence, if not for the sounds of steel clashing against steel.

I felt the mud squelch beneath my feet as I shifted my weight, slowly turning in a circle to scan my surroundings. My eyes strained to pierce through the mist, searching for any sign of Zabuza or his comrades. The dampness in the air made it difficult to breathe, and I could feel sweat pouring down my face, mingling with the moisture in the air.

I remained on high alert, relying on my senses of sight, touch, and hearing to stay vigilant and ready to react. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig made me jump. 

"8 choices, livers, lungs, Spine, Clavical vein, neck vein, brain, kidneys, heart.... which sound I go after first?" Zabuza's voice seemed to be coming from everywhere in this mist. just as those words were said I could feel something approaching me. 

I pulled my arm back, gathering chakra in my fist. "Wind style Gale Fist!" I yelled as I thrust my arm forward, releasing the chakra in a burst that exploded in front of my fist, creating a powerful wind bomb that cleared a path through the mist. Through the dissipating fog, I could see Hikari, a twisted grin on her face, a few steps away from me. She disappeared back into the mist as it closed back in on the gap I had made.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp impact on my back, and I was sent hurtling forward into the mud. As I struggled to get up, I saw Zabuza standing in the middle of our circle, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He had kicked all of us with incredible force, and we were all reeling from the impact. My face slid into the mud as I tried to regain my composure. As I raised my head I saw Kakashi stab him in the chest as a second Zabuza appeared behind him. Just as I gathered air to shout another hit stuck me and sent me crashing further away.

"Gyaa" I grunted as my side and back hurt as I landed on many tiny sharp things. My warm blood dripped down my back while I got up to stand.

As I stood in the mist, a sudden sound of giggling caught my attention. I turned around to see if anyone was there, but all I could see was a blurry figure. Then, a feminine voice spoke, "A Kuri, perhaps a member of the main family?" I tried to look closer, but the mist was too thick to make out any details.

Just then, I heard someone shouting my name. It was Naruto's voice, and I felt relieved to hear it. But before I could even react, I saw a figure coming towards me. At first, I thought it was Naruto, but as it got closer, I realized it wasn't him. Suddenly, the figure pulled out a Kunai and stabbed me with it in the leg. I was in shock and couldn't believe what had just happened.

"tisk tisk" The woman mocked me as she pulled the kunai out and disappeared back into the mist. As I gritted my teeth and looked into where she had stepped gathered my Chakra in my eyes and tried using genjutsu.

As the mist cleared around I had somehow managed to get her in a genjutsu but it was draining me. and if I broke it off I knew she would be set free. Just behind her, I could see Kakashi was being held in a large water ball. While Izumi was cut up badly and the man she had been fighting was lying down in a pool of blood, somehow still breathing.

I was too far away to really hear what was going on and Izumi seemed too tired and bloody to move. But I did manage to see Sasuke getting stomped into the ground. And suddenly a bunch of Naruto's appeared. One of them rushed towards me. 

"Don't you come any closer" I shouted as he came to a stop a few feet away. Lifting my shaking hands I went through some hands Signs that only the real Naruto would know just to make sure. He started to sign back before I nodded and allowed him to get closer. "Naruto go help Izumi.." I said windily as I was beginning to feel sluggish. As I moved closer, step by step to the woman until I reached her. Opening my mouth as i used my purple Viens and launched myself at her throat and bit into hit just before the genjutsu broke. 

Shrieking the woman slammed her fist into my side as I was draining her of her chakra. Until I felt a sharp pain in my side. Where a Kunai was pushed deep into. Causing me to bite down harder and rip a chunk of her throat out. The warm feeling of blood covered my face as I spat out the chunk, Moving to bite her again and drain any Chakra she had left before she died. 

"Y..you really are a K-Kuri" her voice was gargled as blood dripped from her mouth as she looked me in the eye. The feeling of my skin being on fire was a strange sensation, It was painfully hot around the stab wound. After making sure she had died I pulled out the Kunai and toasted it to the side. Just as Izumi got to me.

"What are you doing idiot!" She shouted as she moved to check on the wound only to find a thick yellow slimy liquid covering it. As I touched It, it somehow broke and all that remained was light pale undamaged skin.

Suddenly the sound of an explosion grabbed both of our attention and we turned to see a vortex of water crashing into someone. " we will discuss this later" Izumi stated before rushing over to Kakashi. breathing I turned to see the dying man and I felt a hunger like nothing I had ever had. Moving closer to him and Biting him as well. I drained his Chakra. 

As I looked at my hands That were holding his body I could notice scale-like patterns on my skin. I could swear I could feel Something in my stomach stirring. Getting up as I was honestly tired I made my way over to the ground to see two large needles sticking in Zabuza's neck. 

"Hehe.... You're right he's dead <3 " A famine voice said from above.< p>

"A hunter nin " I lied, I knew who this was but for some reason, it sounded more like a girl than I had expected. Kakashi was Currently crouched Down next to the body and had his fingers on Zabuza's neck as he checked for a pulse was what I had to guess. 

And so, they went on with their lie about being a member of the mist hunter-nin team. While I observed them and noticed that they were a bit slimmer than what the story had shown.

"WHAT THE HELL?!! WHO ARE YOU!" Naruto's voice shouted. 

"Don't worry Naruto, they are not an enemy," Kakashi commented as he got up from his crouching spot.

"A guy that strong was killed by a kid..! by a kid not much different from me!! we look stupid!" he shouted which I couldn't blame him for. Imagine someone kills stealing a boss you had been fighting all day, that would suck so badly.

"I know how you feel... but" Kakashi looked at me before looking at Naruto and placing his hand on his head." In this world. there exist kids younger than you and at your age... that are much stronger than you or me,"

"Itachi..." I couldn't help but mumble which gained the attain of Sasuke, Izumi, and Kakashi. While he simply nodded. Once Haku moved and vanished with Zabuza's body, Kakashi and Izumi both fell down. 

"Come let's head to my house where you all can rest!" the builder said with a smile.