
White Cube-HSR

I really don't have many wishes, even though I felt my death coming, even though I caused my own death, even though it's all over. Dying is not something I am afraid of. When I woke up, I discovered that I am now in an empty white room and behind me a black button standing out on the white wall. And with that button I can ask for multiple wishes and having the ability to have anything for the first time I felt the longing to ask for all those wishes that I have ignored. --- Honkai Star Rail- Fanfic

Biscuit_8 · วิดีโอเกม
22 Chs

Sparkle's delusion (Part 3)

The illusion did not end, they made jokes to all the people. Maybe they are fake people, but it's funny. 

They played pranks, Some pranks were cruel others were innocent. Some people were die by their accions, and someones had more luck and didn't happen anything. 

For they, all this jokes were funny. 

At the start, Y/N was resisitng for that jokes, but later to did some joke who made him really happy and funny.

At the start, Y/N was resisitng for that jokes, but later to did some joke who made him really happy and funny. The fun of somethings propably never surge before you tried. 

The cruel jokes are not for everyone, for that reason for some are ofensive jokes. Bur that is not their problem, because they are not real people. They are only a ilusion, it's not matter their cry or screams, their paracardiac. 

All this joke are from some part of him

Their laugthers were heard in all Penacony, a bad augury for all citizens.

"Funny?" asking Sparkle

"A lot, your beautiful and crazy jaja"


"Let's go, i want to do one joke more before the lunch" 

They going to a restaurant's kitchen, and preparing the joke.

"What you want to do it?"

"Hmmm..." Y/N looks around the kitchen, and find some interesting things. 

"Hmm?" The Sparkle's eyes shine to emocion when looks the things in his hands.

"Ok, i will do the distraction, you have 30 minutes to finish" Sparkle get out ok the kitchen and preparate a distraction with the truck of ingredients.


A group of three cooks enter to the kitchen.

The group discussed various trivial things, things they did in the evening and so on. No one is looking forward to what is to come.

"Tch, this delivery guy threw all the tomatoes, some of them are really hurt..."

"Please, stop complaining, it won't solve anything."

"He's right, you should file a complaint."

"Ahhh" Sigh

As the complaining and their loud voices finally stop, they hear the squealing of a pot. The three of them frowned, today the three of them arrived at the same time, not like other days when one arrives earlier and starts to prepare some things.

Then immediately, the exits are closed in a totally secure and ermetic way, similar to when they close the store to avoid robberies when they are not there.

As everything is more closed, the squealing of the pressure cooker sounds much louder.

A pair of dolls stood out at the end of the kitchen path.

A masculine voice followed by a feminine voice sounded in unison, dissonant in voice but not in message.

"Let's have fun together"

"Of the three one has a tool to get out."

"Which of the three has the tool inside?"

"Ha..." the master chef saw this as an unpleasant broam but went straight to turn off the fire to prevent it from heating up any further and cool the pot. But when he arrived there was no way to pay the fire. The system was screwed up, plus the system that controls the electricity is not inside the kitchen.

In short, the fire was more serious than he expected. He tried to move the pressure cookers, but unexpectedly the pots were welded to the stove itself. 

"Quickly get a tool."

 The other two were trying to open the doors but were unsuccessful so upon hearing the words of their superior they acted quickly and searched the kitchen.

But to no avail, every drawer was empty, there were no knives, no spatulas, nothing.

 The only thing left were the dolls.

Without time they opened the dolls, and inside was a set of chisel and hammer both made of plastic.

Their faces paled, and that was the last thing they remembered.

"Tch... this was more of a murder than a joke" complained Sparkle.

"The doors were always open, I just changed the type of door, none of them would open forward as they usually did, their desperation to get out made them forget to pull back."

"Hehe~" this time Sparkle laughed "You didn't tell me everything... bad boy."

"See, it's funny" Y/N moved his face a little closer to Sparkle's Face.

"Yeah, it is" 

This is the longest chapter I've done so far and I hope it continues like this, sadly I had to use the translator and I couldn't write everything myself but it wasn't the same as the previous chapter where I had to write almost half of the chapter with that.

Luckily this time it was more of a support tool than the one who wrote the chapter.

Anyway I hope you liked it, now follow a little more the main story and that a new persoanje joins us after the main story event happens.

Who would you like to be the next character to join us?

One more thing, the SparklexY/N relationship still needs to advance a little bit and among some I think it will be the relationship that will advance at a slower official step.

Biscuit_8creators' thoughts