
White Clover

A world full of magic that is used in many ways, to help out people, on survival and many more but sometimes magic can become a mystery.

edwinprz19 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

Steps come into the echoing cave, suddenly the yound man stops. "Hm? Am I here already?"he takes out a thick book from his bag and opens it up.

Inside the book are ancient marks that only a few people can read. "So, I'm here but I don't see anything" he starts looking everywhere to find whatever he needs to find.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a shinning pearl and he starts walking to it. "I'm pretty sure this is just a dumb pearl" he puts the pearl into his bag.

"Man, I guess I'll try next it's already getting late"

He starts leaving the cave with disappointed and suddenly cracking noises started to hear from the cave.

The young man starts going to a village that is up ahead and starts running. "Oh look! he's back" a young girl started running toward the young man.

"OH! if it isn't aviary" he looks at the girl and he takes out the pearl that he found from the cave. "What's this?" She said. "it's a pearl that I found while exploring a cave" she smiles and hugged him. "Thank you, Shuguken!" she starts walking away with excitement.

"If only I found the missing piece" he starts walking to a old house and sits down into a chair. A old man starts walking to Shuguken. "Ah, is it isn't shuguken" the old man started talking to Shuguken.

"Old Man Shiki! it's been a while" Shiki got annoyed of the name. "I told you to stop calling me that" as he said with a furious voice. "Sorry sorry" Shuguken starts talking with Shiki about how he was doing.

"I see, very interesting that you haven't found the final piece" Shuguken starts thinking about why he couldn't be able to find the piece. "What if someone already got the piece before you?" the old man said.

Shuguken looked at Shiki. "That is a possible chance but who would be after the pieces tho?" Shuguken drank his water that he ordered. "Oh well I'll probably go back there tomorrow and see if I can find it" The old man smiled and grabbed shuguken's hand "I hope you find that missing piece shuguken" Shuguken smiled a the old man and left the house. "Bye old man shiki, I'll come back tomorrow" Shiki sights "That man needs to stop calling me that.

The next day comes up with a bright day and good weather. Shuguken starts making his way again to the cave that he explored. "Hm? is it me or does this place look weird" Shuguken takes out a lantern and turns it on. "Thanks to the man that was offering me a lantern yesterday, and even his fire magic is amazing!"

From the entrance someone comes in and gets closer to shuguken and he suddenly hides. A tall person with a white coat is standing there and starts looking around. They start walking to one of the tunnels that were there. "Man who the hell was that? I've never seen a person like that, I should go follow him" Shuguken starts following him and after a while he end up in a dead end.

"What the? A dead end?"

"Who are you?" Shuguken turns back and the person was there. "You shouldn't be here" shuguken starts trembling. "People like you shouldn't even be here" They start walking closer to Shuguken. "Why aren't you saying anything?" Shuguken finally starts talking.

"I am Shuguken Tanaka, and I am here to find a missing piece that I need!!" Shuguken starts thinking about making a escape plan. "Missing piece? Oh do you mean this?" They pulled the missing piece that he needed. "Yeah, that's the piece that I need!" The man with the white coat starts walking away "Hey! Wait I need that piece!"

Shuguken runs the the man and launches a punch. The man dodged and grabbed shuguken's hand and threw him to the wall.

"Sorry but I'm gonna need the rest of the pieces that you have, I need it for something important"

"Plus I left you a little present on your home" They picked up the pieces that shuguken had and start walking away from the tunnel.

1 hour has passed and shuguken finally got out of the cave and up ahead there is smoke coming out of the village that he lived on. He starts running as quick as he can and he sees everything burn into ashes. "NO! AVIARY, EVERYONE! OLD MAN SHIKIIIIIII!"