

This is a story about a man whose family died and he did make revenge.And made himself the bait and dying together with the Elites of his enemies. Staying in a void like place for an unknown time. Being transfered to another world and started his journey to become stronger and made a vow to protect his new family. But could he truly protect his family to this new life when all things he new in this world is limited? Does this new world located in other dimension or is just another planet in same dimension as his past life? And what is this thing he found in his mindscape that is connected to his soul? So many questions, that the answers are still far away from his reach. He decided to fight and become stronger to find his way to this new life. NOTE: I HOPE YOU WILL READ THIS GUYS. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

Cielo08 · แอคชั่น
6 Chs


In the darkness of the night, screams could be heard.

Ten humans are fighting a one man who had overwhelmed them all.

The ten human figures are wearing black robes with a lotus embedded to it. This people are part of a mysterious organization who had countless numbers of kills, numbering for a hundred thousands.

The other man is wearing a white robe , his long black hair is flattering to the wind. blood can be seen on his clothes, whether his bloods or the ones he defeated and killed earlier.

???: Rey Ashton, you have destroyed our plans for so many times and we cant ignore you no more.

Rey: You have killed my family, i didnt thought of fighting your organization but you destroyed my family because a single word from that bastard Clint?

???: You are just an ant, and young master Clint that you killed is the only son of the Leader, this will be your burial.

While the black robe leader is releasing deep killing intent. Rey laugh so loud with a mocking tone and face it . The leader of those assasins knitted his brow.

???: What are you laughing at?

Rey: Do you think that you can kill me and leave alive here? hahahaha,

Then the leader realize, this man ifront of him is crazy, the place they are in is in the center of the death forest and because of chasing Rey they didnt saw that they are in an array, this array is set up by the President of the United Federation of Northern Yura.

This kind of array is set to lock those high level beast and kill them and extract there core and for Rey and this ten people , even if they have a high realm that can even deatroy a mountain, when place to this killing array, they could never leave unless the one who made this array is here and helped them and that is impossible to happen.

Rey knew this and the array had been activated since they stepped into the array, an invible force slowly crept into there body and screams could be heard.

Even if they want to run, they couldnt even exert there qi. No exceptions, even the leader of the group lose hope.

and rey just smiled even if the pain is too much. His goal is reach, the one who ordered the annihilation of his family is dead and even if the father is alive, somehere in the future, he will also die and lose everything as there will be someone who is stronger than him will come and detroy this organization.

Rey look unto the sky and smiled and murmurred something. Time past and all of them died and only two golden core is left. the other nine core are all silver and bronze.

From a thousand kilometer away from the array, a young 12 years old boy is looking to the sky and murmurred like answering something,

" Master, i will surely destroy the organization and avenge your death"

With a determined will, the boy left where he stand and soon the place turned to a deadly silent.

*In a faraway place, in another dimension, at the center of a void, a soul with golden light is staying there, time passed by and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years had past.

The soul, even having a golden luster is vibrating like being sucked by something, this force is so strong that the soul vanished in that void.

(author's note: This is my very first original work. I hope you all read it and please support me. Thank you.