
Whispers of Zephyrs

In the magical city of Eldrin, young Kael discovers an ancient Resonance Stone that awakens powerful magical abilities within him. Under the guidance of the mysterious Morven, Kael learns to harness these powers, navigating a world where magic is as dangerous as it is enchanting. Alongside Lila, a skilled thief with secrets of her own, Kael delves into Eldrin’s shadowy underbelly, unearthing artifacts that challenge everything he knows about magic and morality.

xelvet_ · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The First Two Days

Kael's eyes fluttered open to the cold, damp air of the stone cell. His head throbbed, and the last remnants of the brutal battle at the Iron Flask played in his mind. He tried to sit up but found his limbs heavy and unresponsive. The realization of his captivity hit him like a hammer—he was a prisoner, and he had no idea what had happened to Lila or the others.

The door to his cell creaked open, and a figure stepped inside. It was the Blink Mage, her eyes cold and calculating. She regarded him with a mixture of disdain and amusement.

"Awake at last," she said, her voice a chilling echo in the small space. "You fought well, but not well enough."

Kael glared at her, trying to muster the strength to speak. His mouth was dry, and his throat ached. "Where... where is Lila?"

The Blink Mage's smile widened, a predatory gleam in her eyes. "Lila? Your precious friend? She's not here, if that's what you're wondering. As for where she is, well, that's not your concern anymore."

Kael's heart sank, a mixture of relief and dread washing over him. If Lila wasn't here, she might have escaped. But what if she hadn't? What if the council had her? His thoughts were interrupted as the Blink Mage stepped closer.

"You have potential, Kael," she said, her voice silky and dangerous. "But you're unrefined, undisciplined. That's going to change. You will learn, and you will become powerful. I will see to that personally."

Kael's anger flared, but he was too weak to act on it. "I'll never be your pawn."

The Blink Mage laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "We'll see about that. For now, you need to understand the reality of your situation. You are mine, Kael. And I will mold you into something truly formidable."

She turned to leave, her cloak billowing behind her. "Rest. Your training begins tomorrow."


The next day, Kael was dragged from his cell by two guards and taken to a training hall deep within the council's stronghold. The hall was a stark contrast to the dank cell—a large, well-lit space equipped with various training tools and weapons.

The Blink Mage stood at the center, her presence commanding and unyielding. "Today, we begin with the basics," she said, her tone brooking no argument. "Your current understanding of magic and body refinement is... inadequate."

Kael's limbs were still heavy, but he forced himself to stand straight, meeting her gaze with as much defiance as he could muster. "I've learned a lot already. I don't need your help."

Her eyes flashed with irritation. "Your arrogance is astounding. You will listen, or you will suffer."

She began with a brutal regimen of physical exercises designed to push Kael's body to its limits. He was forced to run, jump, and lift weights far beyond his usual capacity. The guards stood by, ready to intervene if he showed any sign of resistance.

Kael's muscles screamed in protest, but he pushed through the pain, determined not to give the Blink Mage the satisfaction of seeing him break. He could feel his body straining under the relentless pressure, but he refused to give up.

After hours of grueling physical training, the Blink Mage shifted her focus to magic. She forced Kael to channel different types of mana through his body, pushing him to the brink of his magical abilities. The exercises were designed to teach him control and precision, but they felt more like torture.

"Focus, Kael," she hissed, her eyes never leaving him. "Feel the mana flowing through you. Control it. Bend it to your will."

Kael gritted his teeth, sweat pouring down his face. He could feel the mana within him, a turbulent force that he struggled to control. The Blink Mage's relentless drills left no room for error, and each failure was met with harsh reprimands.

By the end of the day, Kael was barely able to stand. His body was a mass of bruises and aches, and his magical reserves were nearly depleted. The Blink Mage watched him with a critical eye, her expression unreadable.

"You're weak," she said finally. "But there's potential. Rest now. Tomorrow, we continue."


The second day began much like the first, with Kael dragged from his cell and thrust into the harsh regimen of physical and magical training. The Blink Mage was merciless, pushing him beyond his limits and forcing him to confront his weaknesses.

"Your body is strong, but your mind is weak," she said, her voice a constant presence in his mind. "You cling to your past, to your old ways. Let go of them, and you will find true power."

Kael tried to shut out her words, focusing instead on the exercises. He channeled mana through his body, feeling the strain and the burn of the intense training. Each session left him more exhausted than the last, but he refused to give up.

As the day wore on, the Blink Mage introduced him to the basics of weapon training. She handed him a spear, its weight unfamiliar in his hands. "Your magic is a tool, but so is this. Learn to use it, and you will become a more effective fighter."

She demonstrated a series of moves, her movements fluid and deadly. Kael watched, then tried to replicate her actions. The spear felt awkward, his strikes clumsy compared to her graceful precision.

"Pathetic," she muttered, her eyes cold. "Again."

Kael swung the spear, trying to mirror her movements. Each mistake was met with harsh criticism, but he persisted, determined to improve.

The day ended with Kael collapsed on the floor of the training hall, his body trembling with exhaustion. The Blink Mage stood over him, her expression a mixture of satisfaction and disdain.

"You have a long way to go," she said, her voice cutting through the haze of fatigue. "But you are learning. Slowly."

She turned to leave, her cloak swishing behind her. "Rest. Tomorrow, we push harder."

As Kael lay on the cold stone floor, his thoughts turned to Lila. He had no idea where she was or if she had escaped. The uncertainty gnawed at him, fueling his determination to survive and grow stronger. He had to endure this training, no matter how brutal, if he ever hoped to break free.

The first two days of captivity had been a relentless ordeal, but Kael knew he had to persevere. The Blink Mage's teachings were harsh, but they were making him stronger. He would endure, he would grow, and one day, he would find a way to escape.

For now, he would rest and gather his strength.