
Whispers of the Summer Wind

[COMPLETED] A Culinary Rivalry Heats Up in Sunny Italy Scarlett and Nonna Sophia, guardians of a generations-old family cheese recipe, face a threat to their legacy. A distant relative, Isabella, emerges claiming her own branch of the Rossi family has a rightful stake in the recipe. Tensions rise as the truth about the recipe's history unfolds. A bitter family feud, long forgotten, resurfaces. Determined to protect their heritage, Scarlett and Nonna Sophia propose a daring challenge – a culinary duel. Each Rossi branch will recreate their version of the cheese, with the winner claiming the true legacy. As the competition heats up, secrets are revealed, and a hidden family tradition adds a surprising twist. Will the duel reconcile the family or tear it further apart?

_silver_moonlight_ · สมัยใหม่
51 Chs

A Taste of Something more

The aroma of simmering tomato sauce mingled with the fragrant notes of fresh basil as Scarlett surveyed the aftermath of their culinary creation.

The "Unity Pasta," a fusion of Scarlett's classic Arrabbiata sauce with Asher's innovative use of sun-dried tomatoes and pancetta, had been a resounding success. Empty plates and glowing reviews from satisfied customers filled the kitchen with a sense of accomplishment.

Exhausted but exhilarated, Scarlett leaned against the counter, wiping a stray bead of sweat from her brow.

Across the room, Asher mirrored her stance, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Who knew collaboration wouldn't result in culinary catastrophe?" he teased, his voice warm and low.

Scarlett couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe Nonna Sophia's onto something with this 'unity' business."

A comfortable silence settled between them, a stark contrast to their usual bickering. This newfound sense of camaraderie felt…strange. Almost pleasant.

Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open, shattering the peaceful moment. A tall, impeccably dressed woman, her sharp eyes narrowed behind oversized sunglasses, swept through the entrance.

"Mr. Khan?" she inquired, her voice clipped and professional.

Asher straightened, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. "Yes, that's me. Can I help you?"

"Nadia Sharma," the woman introduced herself, extending a business card. "Investigative journalist for The Florence Gazette."

Scarlett's curiosity was piqued. A journalist in sleepy Montecatini Alto? Something about the woman's steely gaze made her feel uneasy.

"I'm writing an exposé on the recent food supplier scandal," Nadia continued, her gaze now fixed on Scarlett. "Rumor has it, Nonno Rossi's prized pecorino cheese recipe may be at the heart of it all."

The air in the kitchen grew thick with tension. Scarlett's blood ran cold. The secret recipe. Nonna Sophia's proposition. Could they all be connected?

"Recipe?" Asher scoffed, stepping forward. "That's ridiculous. Scarlett's cheese is a family tradition, not some corporate conspiracy."

But Scarlett wasn't so sure. A nagging suspicion gnawed at her. Could Asher's arrival in Montecatini Alto, his sudden obsession with local ingredients… was it all part of a bigger scheme?

Nadia, sensing Scarlett's internal conflict, pressed on.

"Then perhaps you could tell me, Ms. Rossi," she said, her voice laced with a hint of accusation, "how a small, family-owned restaurant like yours can afford such high-quality ingredients, especially during a supplier shortage?"

Scarlett opened her mouth to answer, but before she could speak, Nonna Sophia emerged from the back kitchen, her face etched with a mixture of anger and defiance.

"Enough of these accusations!" she boomed, her voice surprisingly strong for her small stature. "The Rossi family recipe is a secret passed down through generations, and it will remain that way!"

Nadia didn't back down easily. "Then perhaps you can explain…"

But Nonna Sophia cut her off with a wave of her hand. "That's enough, Ms. Sharma. If you're looking for a story, look elsewhere. Montecatini Alto is known for its hospitality, not its scandals."

Nadia threw Scarlett and Asher a skeptical glance before turning to leave. At the doorway, she paused, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"Perhaps you'll change your mind, Ms. Rossi," she said, her eyes lingering on Scarlett. "The truth has a way of coming out, even from the most guarded kitchens."

With that, Nadia disappeared into the bustling night, leaving Scarlett and Asher alone in the aftermath of her unsettling visit.

The playful atmosphere from earlier had vanished, replaced by a heavy blanket of suspicion.

"What was that all about?" Asher asked, his voice laced with concern.

Scarlett hesitated. Could she trust him with her family secret? Or was he, as Nadia implied, part of something more sinister?

The tension crackled between them, a different kind of heat than the one generated by their culinary rivalry. A decision loomed before Scarlett, one that could alter the course of their relationship and the future of "Nonna Sophia's."