
Lost in you

Do you actually like me, or just my body?

Am I another to add to your tally?

Or do I hold a special place,

In your heart, do I leave a trace?

I question myself if I'm enough,

If I'm pretty, smart, funny, tough.

I'd change myself, from head to toe,

Just for you to see and know.

Scratch that—no walls stand tall,

You broke them down with a single call.

It was easy to be your friend,

Having fun without an end.

But feelings grew, so I withdrew,

Yet when I see you, they break through.

One look from you, and I'm lost,

In your eyes, my heart is tossed.

I love getting lost in your eyes,

Your touch, your kisses, your sweet lies.

All my worries fade away,

With you, I feel okay.

For hours of bliss and happiness,

I'm lost, caught in this mess.

Can't get you out of my mind,

As if a spell, so intertwined.

You don't see me the way I see you,

And that's fine, though it feels untrue.

You're on my mind, night and day,

Wanting to know you, come what may.

Even the parts you find boring,

To me, they're worth exploring.

Maybe it's the right person, wrong time,

Or maybe it's just a climb.

Who knows the truth, the way it goes,

But with you, my heart forever flows.