
Whisper Of A Shadowy Dawn

The_blank_writer · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

A Dark Beginning

A long time ago there were four kings and the kings ruled over the four kingdoms of the north, south, east, and west. In these kingdoms, all four kings controlled one of four elements

The north king controlled the power of fire with the help of a magic scythe, The king of the south controlled the power of water with the help of a magic trident, The king to the east controlled the power of the earth with the help of a magic war hammer, and the king of the west controlled the power of the wind with a magic bow + arrow but, the kings of the north, south, east, and west's reign surrounded a secret tomb that held a dark unknown force that controlled the element of darkness with the help of magic Claws but one day that force broke out of its tomb after a group of travelers from each kingdom told of what they heard from the tomb they say at the break of dawn they would hear a whisper of a weak but powerful force that soon broke out of its cage and attacked the four kingdoms the war lasted 2 centuries tell the four kings decided to end the war by fighting the unknown dark force together by using the power of all four elements but when the four kingdoms won the battle they decided that it was too dangerous to keep the power of the four elements so they decided to rule the kingdoms without the help of the four elements so they hide the weapons away in there tombs under the ruins of the north, south, east, and west castles

The powers of the four kings were lost for over 2 million years till they were needed again to protect the four kingdoms from the forces of the shadow king the end"

"That was a great story mommy, but why didn't they mention the shadow king?" a young girl said as she looked up at her mother, the mother then looks at her daughter with a sad look " umm he wasn't mentioned because no one has ever seen or talked to him, but what they did now scared them so after the war was over people started making legends and myths of what the man looked like and what he did and could do… but anyway it's time for bed sweetie" the mother says well getting up from the side of the little girls bed but before the mother left the room the little girl asked " tomorrow can you tell me one of the myths of the shadow king please" the little girl asks laying in bed half asleep " we'll see" was all the mother said before leaving the little girls room to let her fall into a peaceful slumber. After the mother shut the little girls bedroom door she quickly walked down the hall to her bedroom, when she walked in she shut and locked the door before going to a large bookshelf she looked at the shelf for a few seconds before saying " the sun sets on a darkened sky but rises to the whispers of a shadowy dawn" when she finished the book shelf suddenly slides open to a spiral staircase leading down she softly sights before walking down the dimly lit staircase, when she makes it the the bottom she is met with a brightly lit room with black, light gray, and red banners lining the walls with a black and gray kitsune mask that has a black onyx crown lined with dark amethyst and ruby gems with one black and purple scythe and one black and red obsidian katana that lay in an x behind the mask, the woman walks down the dimly lit hall quickly and calmly when she reaches the end of the hall there that lays in front of her on a purple and black obsidian and onyx pedestal is the black and gray kitsune mask, crown, the black and purple scythe and the katana as the banners that line the walls, the women looks at each of the artifacts with love and sadness before gently running her right hand over them well saying " the sun with soon rise on the shadowy dawn once again my...love".