
Whiskey Poison

The hottest man I’ve ever seen is now my new boss— and I’m stuck in a house with him… Until one of us cracks. I’ve got debt—yeah, I know, so does everyone else on Planet Earth. But the bills I’m paying keep my dad and my grandma alive. So it’s pretty messed-up for Timofey Viktorov to use them as a threat to keep me under control. Not that he cares. As a billionaire CEO, he takes no prisoners in the boardroom. And as the don of the Viktorov Bratva, he takes no prisoners in real life, either. Which is why he has no qualms about extorting me into taking his deal. Live in my mansion… Care for my baby… Or suffer the consequences. But he’s not the only one with an agenda. Timofey has skeletons in his closet—and I’m determined to dig them out. He’s just as determined to keep me far away from the secrets of his past. The longer I’m in his house, the tenser things get. Every time we brush past each other in the hallway, something sparks. Every time we cross paths in the night, the ice grows thinner. Sooner or later, it’s going to crack.

Fredrick_Udele · แฟนตาซี
125 Chs



The last time I was in Noelle's apartment, I had a clay mask on my face and 90s rap music was blasting through the speaker on her kitchen counter.

"Is my skin supposed to be burning?" Ashley had asked, poking at the hardened layer of green clay on her face.

I examined myself in the mirror hanging above Noelle's couch. "Why is it drying all wrinkly? I look like a swamp monster."

"Would you two stop complaining? Beauty is pain." Noelle carried out a tray of fresh cut fruit and cheese with two wine bottles fitted precariously between her fingers. "Time for the monthly session of Whine and Wine to commence."

Ashley lunged for the wine. "Be careful with these! This is the only reason I'm here. If you drop them, I'm leaving."