

If that was the case perhaps Liza might come back to the place after she was done with the old man. But if her old-man client paid her generously, Liza might not be too inclined to do it. She had no more reason to tire and waste her body after she had sufficiently earned her purse for the night. I decided to stay to wait what the night might bring, and hoped that my patience would be rewarded one way or the other.

As I came to further contemplate the present challenges facing me, Anita entered my mind. She was full of mirth and her gaiety could be easily exploited to help me in my goal. I had to plan my futures actions before talking to her.

“Why are you still here?” said the voice of a woman that came from behind. I was slightly jolted by the sudden break of someone talking that I jumpily turned around. The woman laughed with hearty delight to my reaction. She was the woman that I had wrongly declared to be a mute but later turned out to be a mouthy blabber.